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autoscale: true build-lists: true footer: @opdavies | oliverdavies.uk theme: next, 8
Deploying PHP applications
(and anything else)
with Fabric
[.build-lists: false] [.autoscale: false]
- Web Developer and System Administrator
- Drupal, Symfony, Laravel, Silex, Sculpin
- Senior Developer at Microserve
- Part-time freelancer
- Open source maintainer and contributor
What and Why?
- Python library, CLI tool
- Runs commands and local and remote hosts
- Flexible
- Combine pre-deploy and post-deploy scripts
Installing Fabric
$ pip install fabric
# macOS
$ brew install fabric
# Debian, Ubuntu
$ apt-get install fabric
$ apt-get install python-fabric
Basic fabfile
from fabric.api import *
env.hosts = ['example.com']
env.use_ssh_config = True
def build():
with cd('/var/www/html'):
run('git pull')
run('composer install')
Running Tasks
$ fab <task>
# Specify a path and filename to the fabfile.
$ fab <task> --fabfile=/path/to/fabfile
# Pass arguments into the task.
$ fab <task>:build_type=drupal,foo=bar
^ fabfile.py in the current directory is found automatically.
Running Tasks Locally
from fabric.api import *
def build():
local('git pull')
local('composer install')
Building Front-End Assets
def build_assets(env):
with lcd('themes/custom/example'):
local('yarn --pure-lockfile')
local('./node_modules/.bin/bower install')
if env == 'prod':
local('./node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')
^ lcd = change directory locally
Pushing the Code
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
def deploy():
exclude=('.git', 'node_modules/'),
- Run Drush/Console/Artisan commands
- Ensure correct file ownership and permissions
- Update symlinks
- Restart Nginx/Apache
- Anything you can do from the command line...