
16 KiB

autoscale: true build-lists: true theme: next, 9

[fit] Deploying Drupal
with Fabric

Oliver Davies

[.build-lists: false]

  • What is Fabric and what do I use it for?
  • How to write and organise Fabric scripts
  • Task examples

[.build-lists: false]


  • Senior Developer at Microserve
  • Part-time freelance Developer & System Administrator
  • Drupal Bristol, PHPSW, DrupalCamp Bristol organiser
  • Sticker collector, herder of elePHPants
  • @opdavies

^ Drupal, Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Sculpin Not a Python Developer

[fit] What is

What is Fabric?

Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.

What is Fabric?

It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.

I use Fabric to...

  • Simplify my build process
  • Deploy code directly to different environments
  • Act as an intermediate step


[.build-lists: false]

Why Fabric?

  • Powerful
  • Flexible
  • Easier to read and write than bash

^ - Can be used for different languages, frameworks

  • Can be used for small, simple deployments or large, complicated ones
  • Not very opinioned

Installing Fabric

$ pip install fabric

# macOS
$ brew install fabric

# Debian, Ubuntu
$ apt-get install fabric
$ apt-get install python-fabric

[fit] Writing your
first fabfile


from fabric.api import env, run, cd, local

env.hosts = ['']

# Do stuff...

^ Callables


from fabric.api import *

env.hosts = ['']

# Do stuff...


  • cd, lcd - change directory
  • run, sudo, local - run a command
  • get - download files
  • put - upload files



  • warn: print warning message
  • abort: abort execution, exit with error status
  • error: call func with given error message
  • puts: alias for print whose output is managed by Fabric's output controls


File management

from fabric.contrib.files import *
  • exists - check if path exists
  • contains - check if file contains text/matches regex
  • sed - run search and replace on a file
  • upload_template - render and upload a template to remote host


^ Allows for jinja2 templates


def main():
  with cd('/var/www/html'):
    run('git pull')
    run('composer install')

Task arguments

def main(run_composer=True):
  with cd('/var/www/html'):
    run('git pull')

    if run_composer:
      run('composer install')

Task arguments

def main(run_composer=True, env='prod', build_type):
  with cd('/var/www/html'):
    run('git pull')

    if run_composer:
      if env == 'prod':
        run('composer install --no-dev')
        run('composer install')

      if build_type == 'drupal':
      elif build_type == 'symfony':
      elif build_type == 'sculpin':

Calling other tasks

def main():
  with cd('/var/www/html'):

def build():
  run('git pull')
  run('composer install')

def post_install():
  with prefix('drush'):
    run('updatedb -y')
    run('entity-updates -y')

^ Better organised code Not everything in one long Easier to read and comprehend Single responsibilty principle

Running Tasks

fab --list

fab <task>

fab <task>:build_number=$BUILD_ID,build_type=drupal

^ in the current directory is found automatically.

[production] Executing task 'main'
[production] run: git pull
[production] out: Already up-to-date.
[production] out:

[production] run: composer install
[production] out: Generating autoload files
[production] out:

Disconnecting from production... done.


  • Running build tasks on production

[.build-lists: false]

Not Building on Prod

  1. Build locally and deploy.

Local tasks

# Runs remotely.

from fabric.api import run

run('git pull')
run('composer install')

# Runs locally.

from fabric.api import local

local('git pull')
local('composer install')

Local tasks

# Remote.

from fabric.api import cd

with cd('themes/custom/drupalbristol'):

# Runs locally.

from fabric.api import lcd

with lcd('themes/custom/drupalbristol'):


from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project


def deploy():
    exclude=('.git', 'node_modules/', '.sass-cache/')

[production] Executing task 'main'
[localhost] local: git pull
Current branch master is up to date.
[localhost] local: composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files


^ - The risky steps have been run separate to the live code.

  • Any issues will not affect the live site.

[.build-lists: false]

Not Building on Prod

  1. Build locally and deploy.
  2. Build in a separate directory and switch after build.

^ Capistrano

Deploying into a different directory

from fabric.api import *
from time import time

project_dir = '/var/www/html'
next_release = "%(time).0f" % { 'time': time() } # Current timestamp

def init():
  if not exists(project_dir):
    run('mkdir -p %s/backups' % project_dir)
    run('mkdir -p %s/shared' % project_dir)
    run('mkdir -p %s/releases' % project_dir)

Deploying into a different directory

current_release = '%s/%s' % (releases_dir, next_release)

run('git clone %s %s' % (git_repo, current_release))

def build():
  with cd(current_release):

^ - Clone the repository into a different directory

  • Run any "risky" tasks away from the production code

Deploying into a different directory

def pre_build(build_number):
  with cd('current'):
    print '==> Dumping the DB (just in case)...'

def backup_database():
  cd('drush sql-dump --gzip > ../backups/%s.sql.gz' % build_number)

Deploying into a different directory

def update_symlinks():
  run('ln -nfs %s/releases/%s %s/current'
    % (project_dir, next_release, project_dir))

# /var/www/html/current

[production] Executing task 'main'
[production] run: git clone
Installing Composer dependencies...
[production] run: composer install --no-dev
Update the symlink to the new release...
[production] run: ln -nfs /var/www/html/releases/1505865600


# /var/www/html

shared # settings.local.php, sites.php, files etc.
current -> releases/1505865600 # symlink

[.build-lists: false]


  • Errors happen away from production


  • Lots of release directories

^ If the build fails, then your live site is not affected.

Removing old builds

def main(builds_to_keep=3):
  with cd('%s/releases' % project_dir):
    run("ls -1tr | head -n -%d | xargs -d '\\n' rm -fr"
      % builds_to_keep)

^ - Find directory names

  • 1tr not ltr
  • Remove the directories
  • Additional tasks, removing DB etc

[fit] Is the site
still running?

Checking for failures

run(command).return_code == 0:
  # Pass

run(command).return_code == 1:
  # Fail

  # Fail

^ Works for local and remote.

print 'Checking the site is alive...'
if run('drush status | egrep "Connected|Successful"').failed:
  # Revert back to previous build.

^ egrep is an acronym for "Extended Global Regular Expressions Print". It is a program which scans a specified file line by line, returning lines that contain a pattern matching a given regular expression.

$ drush status

Drupal version                  :  8.3.7
Site URI                        :  http://default
Database driver                 :  mysql
Database hostname               :  db
Database username               :  user
Database name                   :  default
Database                        :  Connected
Drupal bootstrap                :  Successful
Drupal user                     :
Default theme                   :  bartik
Administration theme            :  seven
PHP configuration               :  /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

^ Successful

$ drush status

Drupal version                  :  8.3.7
Site URI                        :  http://default
Database driver                 :  mysql
Database hostname               :  db
Database username               :  user
Database name                   :  default
PHP configuration               :  /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

^ Failed. "Database" to "PHP configuration" missing if cannot connect or DB is empty.

[fit] Does the code still
merge cleanly?

^ Pre-task

def check_for_merge_conflicts(target_branch):
  with settings(warn_only=True):
    print('Ensuring that this can be merged into the main branch.')

    if local('git fetch && git merge --no-ff origin/%s'
      % target_branch).failed:
      abort('Cannot merge into target branch.')

^ Define target branch in Jenkins/when Fabric is run.

[fit] Do our tests
still pass?


with settings(warn_only=True):
  with lcd('%s/docroot/core' % project_dir):
    if local('../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom').failed:
      abort('Tests failed!')

[localhost] run: ../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom
[localhost] out: PHPUnit 4.8.35 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: .......
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: Time: 1.59 minutes, Memory: 6.00MB
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: OK (7 tests, 42 assertions)
[localhost] out:


[localhost] run: ../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom
[localhost] out: PHPUnit 4.8.35 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: E
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: Time: 18.67 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: There was 1 error:
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: 1) Drupal\Tests\broadbean\Functional\AddJobTest::testNodesAreCreated
[localhost] out: Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 200, but 201 expected.
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: /var/www/html/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:770
[localhost] out: /var/www/html/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130
[localhost] out: /var/www/html/docroot/modules/custom/broadbean/tests/src/Functional/AddJobTest.php:66
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: FAILURES!
[localhost] out: Tests: 1, Assertions: 6, Errors: 1.
[localhost] out:

Warning: run() received nonzero return code 2 while executing '../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom/broadbean'!

Fatal error: Tests failed!


[fit] Making Fabric

Conditional variables

drupal_version = None

if exists('composer.json') and exists('core'):
  drupal_version = 8
  drupal_version = 7

Conditional tasks

if exists('composer.json'):
  run('composer install')

with cd('themes/custom/example'):
  if exists('package.json') and not exists('node_modules'):
    run('yarn --pure-lockfile')

  if exists('gulpfile.js'):
    run('node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')
  elif exists('gruntfile.js'):
    run('node_modules/.bin/grunt build')

Project settings file

# app.yml

  version: 8
  root: web
    import: yes
    name: sync
    cmi_tools: no
    simpletest: false
    phpunit: true
    path: 'themes/custom/drupalbristol'
      type: gulp
      npm: no
      yarn: yes

  install: true

Project settings file


from fabric.api import *
import yaml

config = []

if exists('app.yml'):
  with open('app.yml', 'r') as file:
    config = yaml.load(

Project settings file


if config['composer']['install'] == True:
  local('composer install')

Project settings file


if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

Project settings file


if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

  with cd(drupal['root']):
    if drupal['version'] == 8:

    if drupal['version'] == 7:

Project settings file


if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

  with cd(drupal['root']):
    if drupal['version'] == 8:
      if drupal['config']['import'] == True:
        # Import the staged configuration.
        run('drush cim -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])

Project settings file


if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

  with cd(drupal['root']):
    if drupal['version'] == 8:
      if drupal['config']['import'] == True:
        if drupal['config']['cmi_tools'] == True:
          # Use Drush CMI Tools.
          run('drush cimy -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])
          # Use core.
          run('drush cim -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])

^ - Less hard-coded values

  • More flexible
  • No need to use different files for different versions or frameworks
  • No forked fabfiles per project or lots of conditionals based on the project

Project settings file


theme = config['theme']

with cd(theme['path']):
  if theme['build']['gulp'] == True:
    if env == 'prod':
      run('node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')

Project settings file v2

# app.yml

  build: |
    cd web/themes/custom/drupalbristol
    yarn --pure-lockfile
    npm run prod    

  deploy: |
    cd web
    drush updatedb -y
    drush cache-rebuild -y    

^ How do we know when to run Composer or npm? How do we know what commands to run? Can't tell this just by the presence of files.

Project settings file v2


# Run build commands locally.
for hook in config['commands'].get('build', '').split("\n"):


# Run deploy commands remotely.
for hook in config['commands'].get('deploy', '').split("\n"):

^ "run" won't work locally

Other things

  • Run Drush commands
  • Run automated tests
  • Verify file permissions
  • Restart services
  • Anything you can do on the command line...

[.build-lists: false]

Fabric has...

  • Simplified my build process
  • Made my build process more flexible
  • Made my build process more robust

[.build-lists: false]


