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Useful Vagrant Commands | Here are the basic commands that you need to adminster a virtual machine using <a href="http://vagrantup.com" title="The Vagrant Home page">Vagrant</a>. |
Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines within VirtualBox from the command line. Here are some useful commands to know when using Vagrant:
Command | Description |
vagrant init {box} | Initialise a new VM in the current working directory. Specify a box name, or "base" will be used by default. |
vagrant status | Shows the status of the Vagrant box(es) within the current working directory tree. |
vagrant up (--provision) | Boots the Vagrant box. Including "–provision" also runs the "vagrant provision" command. |
vagrant reload (--provision) | Reloads the Vagrant box. Including "--provision" also runs the "vagrant provision" command. |
vagrant provision | Provision the Vagrant box using Puppet. |
vagrant suspend | Suspend the Vagrant box. Use "vagrant up" to start the box again. |
vagrant halt (-f) | Halt the Vagrant box. Use -f to forcefully shut down the box without prompting for confirmation. |
vagrant destroy (-f) | Destroys a Vagrant box. Use -f to forcefully shut down the box without prompting for confirmation. |
The full Vagrant documentation can be found at http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/.