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36 lines
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title: The Beyond Blocks podcast
description: A weekly podcast about Drupal, PHP open-source and software development.
- podcast_episodes
{% block content_bottom %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
A weekly podcast about Drupal, PHP, open-source, and related software development topics.
Guests include people like [Matt Glaman](/podcast/1-retrofit), [Eirik Morland](/podcast/8-eirik-morland-violinist), [Tim Lehnen](/podcast/9-tim-lehnen), [Ryan Szrama](/podcast/13-ryan-szrama-centarro) and [Sam Mortenson](/podcast/19-sam-mortenson).
## Episodes {.sr-only}
{% for episode in data.podcast_episodes|reverse %}
{% set episodeNumber = episode.url|trim('/')|split('/')|last|split('-')|first %}
Episode {{ episodeNumber }}:
{{ episode.topic }}
with {{ episode.guests.0 }}
<time datetime="{{ episode.date|date('Y-m-d') }}">{{ episode.date|date('F jS, Y') }}</time>
{{ episode.blocks.content|markdown }}
<a href="{{ episode.url|trim('/', 'right') }}" aria-label="Listen to episode {{ episodeNumber }}">
Listen now
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}