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Live Blogging From SymfonyLive London 2019

Inspired by Matt Stauffer's live blogging of the keynote at Laracon US, Im going to do the same for the sessions that Im attending at SymfonyLive London 2019...

Keynote (Back to the basics)

Embrace the Linux philosophy

  • How we grow the Symfony ecosystem. Built abstracts.
  • HttpFoundation, HttpKernel
  • Moved to infrastructure
  • A few abstractions on top of PHP. Improved versions of PHP functions (dump)
  • Started a add higher level abstractions (e.g. Mailer), built on the lower ones.
  • Recently worked on PHPUnit assertions. Mailer in Symony 4.4. Can test if an email is sent or queued

Building flexible high-level abstractions on top of low-level ones

What's next?

  • Mailer announced in London last year. New component.
  • System emails? e.g. new customer, new invoice.
  • Symfony Mailer = Built-in responsive, flexible, and generic system emails
    • Twig with TwigExtraBundle
    • Twig inky-extra package (Twig 1.12+)
    • Zurb Foundation for Emails CSS stylesheet
    • Twig cssinliner-extra package (Twig 1.12+)
    • Optimised Twig layouts
  • SystemEmail class extends templated email
  • Can set importance,
  • Customisable
  • Always trying to keep flexible, so things can be overidden and customised

Sending SMS messages

  • new Texter and SmsMessage class for sending SMS messages
  • Same abstraction as emails, but for SMS messages
  • Based on HttpClient + Symfony Messenger and third-party providers (Twilio and Nexmo) twilio:// and nemxo://
  • Can set via transport $sms->setTransport('nexmo')