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layout: default
description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Drupal Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.'
title: 'Oliver Davies - Drupal Developer'
description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Drupal Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.'
type: website
url: /assets/images/oliver.jpg
width: 327
height: 327
type: image/jpg
# About Me
<img src="{{ site.gravatar.url }}?s=100" alt="Picture of Oliver" class="img-circle">
My name is Oliver Davies, I’m a Web Developer and Drupal specialist based in Wales, UK.
Here is some information about me:
* I’m a full-stack PHP Developer and System Administrator, specialising in [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org), [Symfony](http://symfony.com), [Git](http://git-scm.com), [Linux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux) and [Ansible](http://www.ansible.com).
* I’m a {{ site.author.company.role }} at <a href="{{ site.author.company.website }}">{{ site.author.company.name }}</a>, and previously worked for the [Drupal Association](https://assoc.drupal.org) as well as agencies such as [Microserve](https://www.microserve.io), [Precedent](http://precedent.com) and [Nomensa](http://www.nomensa.com).
* I provide part-time freelance development and consultancy services.
* I’m a Drupal 7 & 8 [core contributor](https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies/issue-credits/3060), [contrib maintainer](https://www.drupal.org/project/user/381388) and [mentor](https://www.drupal.org/user/381388/people-mentored).
* I’m a provisional member of the [Drupal Security Team](https://www.drupal.org/security-team) and the Git documentation maintainer for Drupal.org.
* I’m the organiser of [Drupal Bristol](http://www.drupalbristol.org.uk) and [SWDUG](https://groups.drupal.org/wales-uk), and co-organiser of [PHPSW](https://phpsw.uk) and [DrupalCamp Bristol](http://www.drupalcampbristol.co.uk).
* I [regularly speak](/talks/) at various user groups and conferences about topics including Drupal, PHP and Git.
## Elsewhere
* [Twitter](https://twitter.com/opdavies) - @opdavies
* [Drupal.org](https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies)
* [GitHub](https://www.github.com/opdavies)
* [Ansible Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/users/14560)
* [SpeakerDeck](https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies)
* [LinkedIn](http://uk.linkedin.com/in/opdavies)
* IRC - opdavies (freenode and OFTC)