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title drupal_version prices is_early_bird next_date
Introduction to Automated Testing and Test-Driven Development with Drupal 10
early full
299 499
true 2024-02-23

Are you a Drupal Developer who wants to learn about automated testing and test-driven development, or do you manage a development team that you'd like to train?

I've delivered large Drupal projects using automated tests and test-driven development for custom functionality, and maintain Drupal modules with thousands of installations whilst using their tests to ensure working code and prevent regressions.

I offer an interactive full-day workshop (previously presented at DrupalCamp London, and remotely for DrupalCamp NYC) that provides an introduction to automated testing in Drupal and how to utilise test-driven development - which I've updated specifically for Drupal {{ page.drupal_version }}.


  • What is automated testing, and why write tests?
  • What types of tests are available in Drupal?
  • Outside-in vs. inside-out testing.
  • Configuring Drupal and PHPUnit to run tests locally.
  • Exercise: writing tests for existing Drupal core functionality.
  • Exercise: adding tests to an existing custom module.
  • What is test-driven development?
  • Exercise: writing a new Drupal module from scratch with test-driven development.
  • Q&A

Dates and prices

The workshop is currently only available remotely, and the next available date is {{ page.next_date|date('F jS, Y') }}.

Seats are available at {{ page.is_early_bird ? 'an early bird price of £' ~ page.prices.early : 'a price of £' ~ page.prices.full }}, with a 10% discount for bulk orders of 5 or more seats.

{% include 'button.html.twig' with { text: 'Book your seat', url: 'https://buy.stripe.com/aEU9Bk2KmaPM3Be8wJ', withArrow: true, } %}

{% include 'testimonials' with { tag: 'testing' } %}