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Oliver Davies - Lead Software Developer, PHP and Drupal specialist | / | true | true |
{% set thisYear = 'today'|date('Y') %} {% set yearsOfExperience = thisYear - site.experience.start_year %}

I work with organisations, agencies, and freelance Developers to deliver high-quality websites and web applications, utilising tools and workflows such as continuous integration and deployment, automated testing, and static analysis.
I have {{ yearsOfExperience }} years of software development experience and am an Acquia certified Drupal Grand Master, and work mostly, but not exclusively, with the Drupal content management system.
I have also built projects with Symfony, Laravel, Sculpin, Vue.js, Angular, and TypeScript. I use Docker for local development and Ansible for server provisioning and application deployments.
I regularly present talks and workshops at user groups and conferences and am the organiser of the PHP South Wales user group.
Contact me if you’d like any more information or to discuss a project.