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Create a Zen Sub-theme Using Drush 2013-09-06 How to quickly create a Zen sub-theme using Drush.

How to use Drush to quickly build a new sub-theme of Zen.

First, download the Zen theme if you haven't already done so.

$ drush dl zen

This will now enable you to use the "drush zen" command.

$ drush zen "Oliver Davies" oliverdavies --description="A Zen sub-theme for oliverdavies.co.uk" --without-rtl

The parameters that I'm passing it are:

  1. The human-readable name of the theme.
  2. The machine-readable name of the theme.
  3. The description of the theme (optional).
  4. A flag telling Drush not to include any right-to-left elements within my sub-theme as these aren't needed (optional).

This will create a new theme in sites/all/themes/oliverdavies.

For further help, type $ drush help zen to see the Drush help page for the zen command.