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Useful Git configuration 2022-09-19 archive/2022/09/19/useful-git-configuration

Here are some snippets from my Git configuration file.

These days, I use a much simpler workflow and configuration since doing more trunk-based development, but in general, I rebase instead of merging by default, and prefer to use fast-forward merges that doesn't create a merge commit.

branch.autosetuprebase = always and pull.rebase = true configure Git to always rebase instead of pull. It does this for all branches, though I might override this for main branches.

pull.ff = only and merge.ff = only prevents creating a merge commit and will prevent the merge if it would create one. If I needed to override this, I could by using the --no-ff option on the command line.

I use checkout.defaultRemote = origin to ensure that the origin remote is used if I have multiple remotes configured, and push.default = upstream to set the default remote to push to.

merge.autoStash allows for running merges on a dirty worktree by automatically creating and re-applying a stash of the changes, and fetch.prune will automatically prune branches on fetch - keeping things tidy.

I also have and use a number of aliases.

Some like pl = pull and ps = push are shorter versions of existing commands, and some like aa = add --all, fixup = commit --fixup and some additional arguments to commands.

I also have some like current-branch = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD and worktrees = worktree list which add simple additional commands, and some like repush = !git pull --rebase && git push which use execute shell commands to execute more complex commands or combine multiple commands.

This is a snapshot of my Git configuration. The full version is on GitHub.