This evening, I'm presenting a lightning talk at the PHP South West meetup in Bristol.
The talk is 'Building "Build Configs"' - a Symfony command-line tool I wrote (based on TheAltF4Stream's Rust version with the same name) that generates project-specific build configuration files.
Since creating it, I've used it for personal projects, projects for clients, and example projects on GitHub - such as [my Docker Example Drupal project][example].
Having a set of standardised and configurable templates makes it much easier and quicker to start a new project, which I did when creating a [Drupal Commerce Kickstart example][commerce_example] at DrupalCon.
[The slides are already online][slides] and I've created [an example video][video] where I go from nothing to a ready-to-work-on Drupal website in less than a minute!
If you have any questions, hit reply and let me know!