Add daily emails and archive
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permalink: archive/2022/08/12/git-worktrees-docker-compose
title: Git Worktrees and Docker Compose
pubDate: 2022-08-12
I've recently started trialing Git worktrees again as part of my development workflow.
If you are unfamiliar with Git worktrees, they allow you to have muliple branches of a repository checked out at the same time in different directories.
For example, this is what I see within my local checkout of my website repository:
├── config
├── HEAD
├── main
│ ├── ansible
│ ├── nginx
│ ├──
│ └── website
├── new-post
│ ├── ansible
│ ├── nginx
│ ├──
│ └── website
├── objects
│ ├── info
│ └── pack
├── packed-refs
├── refs
│ ├── heads
│ └── tags
└── worktrees
├── main
└── new-post
The first thing that you'll notice is, because it's a bare clone, it looks a little different to a what you usually see in a Git repository.
Each worktree has it's own directory, so my "main" branch inside the `main` directory.
If I need to work on a different branch, such as `new-post`, then I can create a new worktree, move into that directory and start working. I don't need to commit or stash any in-progress work and switch branches.
## Complications with Docker Compose
I use Docker and Docker Compose for my projects, and this caused some issues for me the last time that I tried using worktrees.
By default, Docker Compose will use the name of the directory that the Compose file is in to name its containers. If the directory name is "oliverdavies-uk", then the containers will be `oliverdavies-uk-web_1`, `oliverdavies-uk-db_1` etc.
This doesn't work so well if the directory is a worktree called "main" or "master" as you'll have containers called `main_web_1` or `master_db_1`.
The way to solve this is to use the `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME` environment variable.
If you prefix Docker Compose commands with `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=your-project`, or add it to an `.env` file (Docker Compose will load this automatically), then this will override the prefix in the container names to be `your-project-{service}`.
## Container names per worktree
Whilst you could use the same Compose project name within all of your worktrees, I prefer to include the worktree name as a suffix - something like `my-project-main` or `my-project-staging` - and keep these stored in an `.env` file in each worktree's directory.
As each worktree now has unique container names, I can have multiple instances of a project running at the same time, and each worktree will have it's own separate data - meaning that I can make changes and test something in one worktree without affecting any others.
You can also use the `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME` variable inside Docker Compose files.
For example, if you use Traefik and needed to override the host URL for a service, the string will be interpolated and the project name would be injected as you'd expect.
- "traefik.http.routers.${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}.rule=Host(
This means that Traefik would continue to use a different URL for each worktree without you needing to make any changes to your Docker Compose file.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/13/i-wrote-a-neovim-plugin
pubDate: 2022-08-13
title: I wrote a Neovim plugin
- neovim
- open-source
I enjoy writing and working with open-source software, starting back to when I started working with PHP and Drupal in 2007.
Since then, I've written and maintained a number of Drupal modules and themes, PHP libraries, npm packages, Ansible roles and Docker images - all of which are available on my GitHub and pages.
Just over a year ago, [I switched to using Neovim full-time](/blog/going-full-vim) for my development and DevOps work, and last week, I wrote my first Neovim plugin, written in Lua.
I've used Lua to configure Neovim but this is the first time that I've written and open-sourced a standalone Neovim plugin.
It's called [toggle-checkbox.nvim]( and is used toggle checkboxes in Markdown files - something that I use frequently for to-do lists.
For example, this a simple list containing both checked and unchecked checkboxes:
- [x] A completed task
- [ ] An incomplete task
To toggle a checkbox, the `x` character needs to be either added or removed, depending on whether we're checking or unchecking it.
This is done by calling the `toggle()` function within the plugin.
In my Neovim configuration, I've added a keymap to do this:
This means that I can use the same keymap by running `<leader>tt` to check or uncheck a checkbox. I could use Vim's replace mode to do this, but I really wanted to have one keymap that I could use for both.
As it's my first Neovim plugin, I decided to keep it simple.
The main `toggle-checkbox.lua` file is currently only 41 lines of code, and whilst there is an existing Vim plugin that I could have used, I was excited to write my own plugin for Neovim, to start contributing to the Neovim ecosystem, and add a Neovim plugin to my portfolio of open-source projects.
You can view the plugin at <>, as well as my Neovim configuration (which is also written in Lua) as part of [my Dotfiles repository](
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permalink: archive/2022/08/14/why-i-write-tests
pubDate: 2022-08-14
title: "Why I write automated tests"
tags: [testing]
In February 2012, I saw a tweet from Tim Millwood asking if anyone wanted to maintain or co-maintain a Drupal module called [Override Node Options](
It had more than 9,200 active installations at that time, with versions for Drupal 5, 6 and 7.
I said yes and became the module’s maintainer.
The module now has versions for Drupal 7, 8 and 9, with (at the latest count, according to 32,292 active installations - which makes it currently the 197th most installed module.
There have been two main things that come to mind with this module, related to automated testing.
Before I become the maintainer, a feature request had been created, along with a large patch file, to add some new permissions to the module. There were some large merge conflicts that stopped me from just committing the changes but I was able to fix them manually and, because the tests still passed, ensure that the original functionality still worked. There weren’t tests for the new permissions but I committed the patch and added the tests later.
Without the tests to ensure that the original functionality still worked, I probably wouldn’t have committed the patch and would have just closed the issue.
More recently, a friend and ex-colleague and I decided to refactor some of the module's code.
We wanted to split the `override_node_options.module` file so that each override was in its own file and its own class. This would make them easier to edit and maintain, and if anyone wanted to add a new one, they’d just need to create a new file for it and add it to the list of overrides.
Without the tests ensuring that the module still worked after the refactor, we probably wouldn’t have done it as it was used on over 30,000 sites that I didn't want to break.
When I was learning about testing, I was working on projects where I was writing the code during the day and the tests in the evening on my own time.
I remember once when my manual testing had been fine, but when writing the test, I found that I’d used an incorrect permission name in the code that was causing the test to fail. This was a bug that, rather than waiting for a QA Engineer or the client to discover and report, I was able to fix it locally before I'd even committed the code.
I also worked on an event booking and management website, where we had code responsible for calculating the number of available spaces for an event based on orders, determining the correct price based on the customer's status and the time until the event, creating voucher codes for new members and event leaders, and bulk messaging event attendees. All of the custom functionality was covered by automated tests.
The great thing about testing is that it gives you confidence that everything still works how you expect - not only when you wrote the code, but also in the future.
I've talked about this, and how to get started with automated testing in Drupal, in a presentation called [TDD - Test-Driven Drupal]({{site.url}}/talks/tdd-test-driven-drupal). If you want to find out more, the slides and a video recording are embedded there.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/15/using-run-file-simplify-project-tasks
pubDate: 2022-08-15
title: Using a "run" file to simplify project tasks
tags: ["php"]
Every project has its own set of commands that need to be run regularly.
From starting a local server or the project's containers with Docker or Docker Compose, running tests or clearing a cache, or generating the CSS and JavaScript assets, these commands can get quite complicated and time-consuming and error-prone to type over and over again.
One common way to simplify these commands is using a `Makefile`.
A Makefile contains a number of named targets that you can reference, and each has one or more commands that it executes.
For example:
# Start the project.
docker-compose up -d
# Stop the project.
docker-compose down
# Run a Drush command.
docker-compose exec php-fpm drush $(ARGS)
With this Makefile, I can run `make start` to start the project, and `make stop` to stop it.
Makefiles work well, but I don't use the full functionality that they offer, such as dependencies for targets, and passing arguments to a command - like arguments for a Drush, Symfony Console, or Artisan command, doesn't work as I originally expected.
In the example, to pass arguments to the `drush` command, I'd have to type `ARGS="cache:rebuild" make drush` for them to get added and the command to work as expected.
An agency that I worked for created and open-sourced their own Makefile-like tool, written in PHP and built on Symfony Console. I gave a talk on it called [Working with Workspace]({{site.url}}/talks/working-with-workspace) and used it on some of my own personal and client projects.
## What I'm using now
The solution that I'm using now is a `run` file, which is something that I learned from Nick Janetakis' blog and YouTube channel.
It's a simple Bash file where you define your commands (or tasks) as functions, and then execute them by typing `./run test` or `./run composer require something`.
Here's the Makefile example, but as a `run` script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function help() {
# Display some default help text.
# See examples on GitHub of how to list the available tasks.
function start {
# Start the project.
docker-compose up -d
function stop {
# Stop the project.
docker-compose down
function drush {
# Run a Drush command with any additional arguments.
# e.g. "./run drush cache:rebuild"
docker-compose exec php-fpm drush "${@}"
# Execute the command, or run "help".
eval "${@:-help}"
As it's Bash, I can just use `$1`, `$2` etc to get specific arguments, or `$@` to get them all, so `./run drush cache:rebuild` works as expected and any additional arguments are included.
You can group tasks by having functions like `test:unit` and `test:commit`, and tasks can run other tasks. I use this for running groups of commands within a CI pipeline, and to extract helper functions for tasks like running `docker-compose exec` within the PHP container that other commands like `drush`, `console` or `composer` could re-use.
As well as running ad-hoc commands during development, I also use the run file to create functions that run Git pre-commit or pre-push hooks, deploy code with Ansible, or build, push or pull the project's latest Docker images.
I also use one within my Talks repository to generate PDF files using rst2pdf, present them using phdpc, and generate thumbnail images.
For examples of `run` files that I use in my open-source code, [you can look in my public GitHub repositories](, and for more information, here is [Nick's blog post where I first found the idea](
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permalink: archive/2022/08/16/what-are-git-hooks-why-are-they-useful
pubDate: 2022-08-16
title: "What are Git hooks and why are they useful?"
tags: ["git"]
In yesterday's email, I mentioned Git hooks but didn't go into any detail. So, what are they?
Git hooks are Bash scripts that you add to your repository that are executed when certain events happen, such as before a commit is made or before a push to a remote.
By default, the script files need to be within the `.git/hooks` directory, have executable permissions, and be named to exactly match the name of the hook - e.g. `pre-push` - with no file extension.
If it returns an error exit code then the process is stopped and the action doesn't complete.
This is useful if, for example, you or your team use a specified format for commit messages and you want to prevent the commit if the message doesn't match the requirements.
But, the main benefit that I get from Git hooks if from the `pre-push` hook.
I use it to run a subset of the checks that are run within project's CI pipeline to limit failures in the CI tool and fix simple errors before I push the code.
Typically, these are the quicker tasks such as ensuring the Docker image builds, running linting and static analysis, validating lock files, and some of the automated tests if they don't take too long to run.
If a build is going to fail because of something simply like a linting error, then I'd rather find that out and fix it locally rather than waiting for a CI tool to fail.
Also, if you're utilising trunk-based development and continuous integration where team members are pushing changes regularly, then you want to keep the pipeline in a passing, deployable state as much as possible and prevent disruption.
But what have Git hooks got to do with the "run" file?
Firstly, I like to keep the scripts as minimal as possible and move the majority of the code into functions within the `run` file. This means that the scripts are only responsible for running functions like `./run test:commit` and returning the appropriate exit code, but also means that it's easy to iterate and test them locally without making fake commits or trying to push them to your actual remote repository (and hoping that they don't get pushed).
Secondly, I like to simplify the setup of Git hooks with their own functions.
For security reasons, the `.git/hooks` directory cannot be committed and pushed to your remote so they need to be enabled per user within their own clone of the repository.
A common workaround is to put the scripts in a directory like `.githooks` and either symlink them to where Git expects them to be, or to use the `core.hooksPath` configuration option and change where Git is going to look.
I like to lower the barrier for any team members by creating `git-hooks:on` and `git-hooks:off` functions which either set or unset the `core.hooksPath`. If someone wants to enable the Git hooks then they only need to run one of those commands rather than having to remember the name of the configuration option or manually creating or removing symlinks.
There are other Git hooks that can be used but just using `pre-commit` and `pre-push` has saved me and teams that I've worked on both Developer time and build minutes, provides quicker feedback and fewer disruptions in our build pipelines, and I like how simple it can be by creating custom functions in a `run` file.
Lastly, I've created <> as an example with a minimal `run` file and some example hooks.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/17/one-more-run-command-git-worktrees
pubDate: 2022-08-17
title: One more "run" command, for Git worktrees
tags: ["drupal", "git"]
Here's another `run` file example, this time relating to Git worktrees...
One project that I work on is a multilingual Drupal application that needs to work in both English and Welsh. As I'm cloning a fresh version today, I'm doing it as a bare repository so I can use worktrees.
To work on it locally, just like in production, I need to use a different URL for each language so that Drupal can identify it and load the correct content and configuration.
For fixed environments like production or staging, the URLs are set in configuration files, but for ad-hoc environments such as local worktrees, I thought that the best approach was to override them as needed per worktree using Drush (a Drupal CLI tool).
I could do this manually each time or I could automate it in a `run` command. :)
Here's the function that I came up with:
function drupal:set-urls-for-worktree {
# Set the site URLs based on the current Git worktree name.
local worktree_name="$(basename $PWD)"
local cy_url="cy-projectname-${worktree_name}.docker.localhost"
local en_url="projectname-${worktree_name}.docker.localhost"
# Update the URLs.
drush config:set language.negotiation -y $cy_url
drush config:set language.negotiation -y $en_url
# Display the domains configuration to ensure that they were set correctly.
drush config:get language.negotiation
It builds the worktree URL for each language based on the directory name, executes the configuration change, and finally displays the updated configuration so I can confirm that it's been set correctly.
This is a good example of why I like using `run` files and how I use them to automate and simplify parts of my workflow.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/18/talking-drupal-tailwind-css
pubDate: 2022-08-18
title: "'Talking Drupal' and Tailwind CSS"
- css
- tailwind-css
- twig
In March, I was a guest again on the Talking Drupal podcast. This time I was talking about utility CSS and, in particular, the Tailwind CSS framework.
I've become a big fan of this approach to styling websites and was an early adopter of Tailwind, and have released [a starter-kit theme]( for building custom Drupal themes with Tailwind CSS based on what I was using for my own client projects.
## Rebuilding Talking Drupal with Tailwind
Usually when I give a Tailwind CSS talk at a conference or user group, I rebuild something familiar - maybe a page of their website - as an example and to explain some of the concepts and anything that was particularly interesting during the build. (I have [a blog post]({{site.url}}/blog/uis-ive-rebuilt-tailwind-css) that lists the ones that I've done before).
After this podcast episode, I built a [Tailwind version of the Talking Drupal homepage](
But, given that Drupal uses Twig and that we'd talked about best practices around using a templating engine to use loops and extract components to organise code and reduce duplication, I definitely wanted to build this example using Twig templates.
Drupal seemed like too much for a single page example, and Symfony or Sculpin could distract from the main focus of the demo, so I decided to start from scratch with an empty PHP file and add Twig and any other dependencies myself.
[The code repository]( is publicly viewable on my GitHub profile so people can look at the code and see some of the things that I talked about during the episode in practice and not just the resulting HTML a browser.
You can [listen to the episode](, and if you want any more information, the slides and video from my [Taking Flight with Tailwind CSS talk]({{site.url}}/talks/taking-flight-with-tailwind-css) are on my website.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/19/pair-programming-or-code-reviews
pubDate: 2022-08-19
title: Pair programming or code reviews?
It's been almost a year and a half since I last pushed a feature branch, created a pull request, and waited for it to be reviewed and (hopefully) merged and deployed.
On the majority of teams and projects that I've worked on, this was how things were done.
Tasks would be worked on in separate branches which would need to be reviewed by one or more other Developers before being merged.
I'm an advocate for continuous integration and trunk-based development (both I plan on writing about in more depth) in which there is no formal code review step, but instead, I encourage people to pair program as much as possible.
Pair or mob (group) programming, for me, is like a real-time code review where you can discuss and make changes instantly, rather than waiting until the work is complete and someone reviewing it after the fact. If a bug is spotted as you're typing it or something could be named better, you can update it there and then.
But there are other benefits too.
Instead of one person writing some code, and others reviewing it after the fact, multiple people have written it together and the knowledge is shared amongst those people.
As you've worked together, you don't need to ask or wait for someone to set time aside to review your changes, so it's quicker for them to be merged and deployed. It's already been reviewed, so as long as any automated checks pass, the code can be merged.
I've worked in pairs where I've taught someone how to write automated tests and do test-driven development, which I suspect wouldn't have been quite the same if they'd just read the finished code afterwards.
Of course, some Developers and teams will prefer the typical code review process - it's worked well for me and projects that I've worked on in the past - but personally, I like the speed, agility, mentoring and learning, and social benefits that I can get more easily from pair programming.
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pubDate: 2022-08-20
title: "A return to offline meetups and conferences"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/20/return-to-offline-meetups-conferences"
tags: ["community"]
Yesterday, I dusted off our Meetup page and posted our next [PHP South Wales meetup]( event.
We've had online meetups and code practice sessions throughout the pandemic and during lockdowns, but this will be our first offline/in person/IRL meetup since February 2020.
As well as organising our online meetups during COVID, I attended a lot of other online events, [usually giving various talks or workshops]({{site.url}}/blog/speaking-remotely-during-covid-19), and whilst they were good for a while, I eventually started to get burned out by them.
I've been an organiser of various meetups and conferences for a long time, and attending events has been a very large part of my career so far - providing opportunities to learn, to network and socialise with other attendees, and pass knowledge on through talks, workshops and mentoring.
It's been great to see some offline events returning, from local user groups to conferences such as DevOpsDays, DrupalCon and SymfonyLive.
I've given one talk this year - a lot less than this time last year - but it was in front of an audience instead of a screen, and whilst it seemed strange, I'm sure that it's something that will feel normal again in time.
I'm thinking of attending a conference next month, I've submitted some talk suggestions to some other conferences which I'm waiting to hear from, and am considering travelling to some of the other UK user groups as they restart - some of which I joined or spoke at online but it would be great to meet them in person.
For next week, I'll be glad to have PHP South Wales events running again and to see our community back together in person, and then do it again and start getting ready for next month's event.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/21/2022-08-21
pubDate: 2022-08-21
title: "Why I use Docker and Docker Compose for my projects"
- docker
For the last few years, I've used Docker and Docker Compose exclusively on all of my projects. When I start a new project or onboard a new client, usually one of the first things that I need to do is get an application running in Docker so that I can work on it.
<!-- Since I started programming, I've used a number of different local environments. Starting with WAMP and XAMPP on Windows, MAMP on macOS, Laravel Valet, the Symfony local server, and various open-source Docker-based solutions. -->
I've inherited projects with no environment configuration or documentation at all and I need to start from scratch to get it running. Ideally, each project would have it's local environment configuration in the same Git repository as the application code.
For my own projects, these days I prefer to use Docker and Docker Compose - creating my own Dockerfiles for each project so that the correct dependencies are present and the required build steps are executed, as well as acting as documentation.
It's lean as the environment is built specifically for each project, and easy to configure using Docker and Docker Compose directly using native patterns such as override files, environment variables and interpolation, and multi-stage builds.
The configuration can be as simple or complicated as it needs to be for each project rather than using "a one size fits all" approach. If I'm working with Drupal, Fractal, Vue.js, a PHP library, a Go command line tool, or something else entirely, I can use the most appropriate starting point.
As well as local developments, it's easy to use Docker and Docker Compose in CI environments with tools like GitHub Actions and Bitbucket Pipelines. They will either be present by default or will be easy to install, and it's simple to run a `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose run` command within a pipeline to check that the project builds correctly and to execute tasks such as automated tests or static analysis.
As well as using it for projects, Docker has been useful for me in other situations where I need to run small tools such as rst2pdf for generating presentation slides, and ADR Tools for working with architectural decision records.
For some situations like an open-source contribution day, using an off-the-shelf solution would probably be a better option, and some teams will have their own preferences, but I prefer to use Docker and Docker Compose when I can.
Personally, I like to invest time into learning tools that provide reusable knowledge, such as Docker and Docker Compose. I'd prefer to spend time learning something, even if it may take longer compared to other tools, if it's going to give me a return on that investment in the medium- to long-term.
For some examples of how I work with Docker and Docker Compose, you can [see my public GitHub repositories]( and how things are put together there.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/22/2022-08-22
pubDate: 2022-08-22
title: "Being a T-shaped Developer"
A blog post appeared on my feed this morning, titled [How to be T-Shaped](
"T-shaped Developers" is a term that I've also used before. Being T-shaped means that you have a deep knowledge in one particular area and a breadth of knowledge in other areas.
I would say that I'm T-shaped.
My main area of knowledge is PHP and Drupal software development - they're the programming language and content management system that I've used throughout most of my career so far, since I started in 2007.
As I worked on my own personal and client projects, I needed to learn more complementary skills.
I needed to learn how to style websites and build themes so I started to learn front-end development with CSS and frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma and Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like Angular, Vue.js and Alpine, as well as TypeScript.
I also needed to host these projects somewhere, which introduced me to Linux servers, virtual hosts, (S)FTP and SSL, web servers like Apache, Nginx and Caddy, MySQL and MariaDB databases, and as projects got more complicated, I started using tools like Vagrant and Puppet, Ansible, and Docker for configuring environments to work in.
I don't use Drupal for every project. I've used static site generators and frameworks like Symfony based on the project's requirements, and have projects that use several different technologies at the same time.
The main benefits are that I can either deliver entire projects or projects with more complicated architectures, or work across different teams - mentoring a team of Front-End Developers in Drupal theming, or working with System Administrators to start hosting PHP applications. Having these additional skills is definitely valuable to employers and clients.
I've said that one of the best and worst things about software development is that there's always something new to learn!
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pubDate: 2022-08-23
title: "Git: GUI or command-line?"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/23/git-gui-command-line"
- "git"
I’ve been using Git for a long time. My first full-time Developer role in 2010 was working on an in-house team and that project used Git as it’s version control system.
I remember typing commands into an Ubuntu terminal and trying to wrap my head around the process of adding and staging files, (sometimes) pulling, and then pushing to a remote. I think the remote was a simple bare repository on a server, so there was no UI like there is in GitHub and similar tools today.
In fact, GitHub only started two years earlier in 2008, and GitLab wasn’t around until 2014.
Looking back, my introduction to Git as a Junior Developer wasn't easy and I remember starting to get frustrated until it eventually "clicked" and made sense.
I don't remember if there were GUIs at that time (I remember using gitk but I can't think when), but having a tool like GitHub where I could see the code, branches and commits, would probably have been helpful with my initial learning.
Whilst working locally, I've tried some of the desktop GUI tools like Sourcetree, gitkraken and Tower, but I always come back to using Git on the command line.
While a Git GUI tool may make it easier to learn Git initially as a Junior Developer, I'd recommend trying to learn the command line too.
In my opinion, understanding what’s happening "under the hood" when is important working with a GUI - just in case you find yourself unexpectedly having to use the command line. I’ve seen an error in a Git GUI that suggests running commands in the terminal to debug or fix the issue. If you aren't familiar with the terminal commands or what they do, then I'd expect this to be intimidating and confusing.
If you're working as part of a team or contributing to an open-source project then the consistency that the command line provides will make it easier when working with colleagues or getting help from project maintainers. You're also learning Git itself rather than a tool that may add it's own terminology or change how Git itself works, also causing confusion.
There's a lot of Git functionality and concepts that I wouldn't have explored if I wasn't using the command line and relying on a GUI, such as adding and removing code in chunks using patch mode, using bisect to find when a bug was introduced, worktrees for local code organisation, and understanding merging vs rebasing, interactive and non-interactive rebases, and merge commits and fast-forward merges.
Of course, if you prefer to use a GUI and it works for you, then that's fine. Personally, I like to dig deep when learning tools, to know them inside-out and understand how to use them well, and I think that the time that I've spent learning Git and optimising my workflow paid for itself a long time ago.
How do you like to use Git? Do you prefer to use the command line or a GUI tool? Reply to this email and let me know.
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permalink: archive/2022/08/24/2022-08-24
pubDate: 2022-08-24
title: "How I've configured Git"
- "git"
After yesterday's post on why I prefer using Git on the command line rather than using a GUI tool, today I thought that I'd post about how I've configured Git.
First, I rarely ever run the `git` command - I usually run a `g` function that I've created within my zsh configuration.
Rather than being an simple alias, it's a shell function that will run `git status -sb` to show the current status of the repository if there are no additional arguments. If there are, such as when running `g add`, then this is executed as a normal Git command. (This is something that I first saw from Thoughtbot, if I remember correctly).
## Using .gitconfig
The main part of my configuration is within Git's `~/.gitconfig` file, where I can configure Git to work how I want.
For example, I like to avoid merge conflicts, so I always want to use fast-forward merges whilst pulling and also to rebase by default. I can do this by adding `ff = only` and `rebase = true` to the `[pull]` section of my `~/.gitconfig` file.
I can do this manually, or running `git config --global pull.rebase true` will set the option but also update the file automatically.
Some of the tweaks that I've made are to only allow fast-forward merges by adding `merge.ff = only`, automatically squash commits when rebasing by setting `rebase.autosquash = true`, and automatically pruning branches by adding `fetch.prune = true`.
### Simple aliases
Another way that I configure Git is using aliases, which are also within the `~/.gitconfig` file.
For example, if I ran `git config --global alias.b "branch"`, then running `git b` would just run `git branch` which shortens the command and saves some time and keystrokes.
I have similar one- or two letter "short" aliases for pushing and pulling code, and some that also set some additional arguments such as `aa` for `add --all` and `worktrees` for `worktree list`.
### More complicated aliases
Aliases can be more complex if needed by prefixing it with a `!`, meaning that it executes it as a shell command.
This means that I can have `repush = !git pull --rebase && git push` to chain two separate Git commands and combine them into one, and `ureset = !git reset --hard $(git upstream)` which executes the full command, including another alias as part of it.
I also have `issues = !gh issue list --web` and `pulls = !gh pr list --web` to open the current repository's GitHub issues or pull requests respectively, which can be done as it's not limited to just running `git` commands.
### Custom functions
Finally, if an alias is getting too long or complex, then it can extracted to it's own file.
Any executable file within your `$PATH` that starts with `git-` will automatically become a Git command.
One example that I have is [git-cm]( which, similar to the `g` function`, is a bash script that checks for any arguments passed to it and runs a slightly different command. It achieves the same thing as if it were an alias, but it does make it easier to write and maintain as it's in a separate file.
These are just some examples. If you want to see my entire configuration, then check out [my dotfiles repository on GitHub](
How have you configured Git for your workflow? Reply to this email and let me know.
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pubDate: 2022-08-25
title: "Why I work in Neovim"
tags: ["vim", "neovim"]
permalink: "archive/2022/08/25/why-i-work-in-neovim"
Over a year ago, I posted that I was [switching to using Neovim full-time]({{site.url}}/blog/going-full-vim) for my development work.
I'd used Vim one file at a time on remote servers, and added Vim plugins in other IDEs and editors, so I was already familiar with a lot of the key bindings and motions before I decided to use it full-time.
Still, it was tough to begin with, but once I'd learned how to configure Neovim, I also learned that being able to customise and extend it as much as you need to is one of its main advantages compared to other IDEs and code editors.
TJ DeVries - a Neovim core team member - has recently coined the term "PDE" (a personalised development environment) which, for me, describes Neovim perfectly.
Currently, I have a fuzzy-finder to quickly open files (as well as many other things), an LSP client to add code intelesense, auto-completion, refactoring tools, custom snippets, and very recently, a database client and a HTTP client.
Just as important to me, I've found a growing community of other Neovim users who stream on Twitch, post YouTube videos, write blog posts, or publish their dotfiles for others to see and reference.
I've learned Lua. Not just for my own Neovim configuration, but I recently wrote and open-sourced my own simple plugin.
Like Git, I enjoy and prefer using tools that I can configure and adapt to my workflow.
Given Neovim's flexibility and configurability, its expanding feature set both in core and community plugins, and the growing community, I think that Neovim is going to be something that I continue to use and adapt for a long time.
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pubDate: 2022-08-26
title: "Always be learning"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/26/always-be-learning"
I've been a Developer for 15 years and one thing that I've always focussed on is to always keep learning.
From starting as a self-taught Developer, initially learning HTML and CSS, to later learning PHP and Drupal as well as other languages, frameworks and tools.
For the last couple of days, I've been experimenting with Next.js - a React-based web framework. I hadn't used React before and have typically reached for Vue.js or sometimes Alpine.js based on what I needed to do. However, I'm always looking for opportunities to learn and implement new things, and see how I can use them in any of my projects.
This afternoon, I started a new Next.js and TypeScript project, and refactored a small codebase that used a static site generator to create a small number of landing pages from Markdown files.
It took me a short time to set up a Docker environment for it based on some of my Vue.js projects, ported across the application to recreate the pages, and finally, updated the CI pipeline that generated the static pages and uploaded them to an S3 bucket.
The end result is the same - the same HTML pages are generated and uploaded - but, for me, trying and experimenting with new things keeps my work interesting and my knowledge fresh, which benefits me as well as my colleagues and clients.
As I said in a previous email, one of the great things about software development is that there's always something new to learn.
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pubDate: 2022-08-27
title: "Giving back"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/27/giving-back"
Today, I've been at an event run by a local animal rescue charity. It's one that we attend often as my children like to enter the dog show, but this year, I've also sponsored one of the categories.
As well as organising the PHP South Wales user group, I'm also now a sponsor - donating books and elePHPant plushies for raffle prizes and paying the group's subscription costs.
Giving back and supporting open-source maintainers and content creators is a big priority of mine. If I use some open-source software or find that someone's Twitch or YouTube channel is useful, if that person or organisation is on GitHub or Patron, then I'll sponsor them, or I'll subscribe to their channel.
If I find a useful blog post or video, I'll add a comment or link to it on Twitter, thanking them and letting them know that it helped me.
Especially if it's something that I've used within my projects, it makes sense to support it and it's maintainers, so that they keep working on and improving the software, continue streaming, and keep writing blog posts and recording videos for me to learn from.
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pubDate: 2022-08-28
title: "How I started programming"
permalink: "archive/2022-08-28/how-started-programming"
In 2007, I was working in the IT sector in a Desktop Support role but hadn't done any coding professionally.
In my spare time, I was a black belt in Tae Kwon-Do and enjoyed training at a few different schools. Because of my IT experience, I was asked if I could create a website for one of the schools - somewhere that we could post information and class times for new starters, as well as news articles and competition results.
This would be my introduction to programming.
I started learning what I needed to know, starting with HTML and CSS - experimenting with a template that I found online and was able to tweak to match the school's colours.
I was able to complete the first version of the website with static HTML pages and CSS but had to manually create a new HTML page for every new news article and edit existing pages manually.
I wanted to make it more dynamic, and started to learn about PHP and MySQL from video courses and online forums.
After posting a question about some PHP code that I'd written, someone suggested that I look at content management systems - namely Drupal, which was used for that forum (I have [a screenshot of the reply]( This was a new concept to me as until that point, I'd written everything so far myself whilst learning it.
I remember evaluating Drupal alongside some others - rebuilding the same website a few different times, but stuck with Drupal and relaunched it on Drupal 6 and a custom theme that I'd created from the original templates.
I signed up for a account, started to do some freelance work for a local web design agency, and built a new website for a local cattery.
I started blogging, attending meetups, and when an opportunity to switch careers to software development came along, I applied for and got the job.
That job was also using Drupal and, in another email, I'll write more about why I still like and use Drupal years later.
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pubDate: 2022-08-29
title: "Why I like Drupal"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/29/why-like-drupal"
tags: ["drupal"]
As I said in yesterday's email, I developed my first website project on Drupal. It allowed me to take a static HTML and CSS website and convert it into something that was much easier and quicker for me to update, and allowed me to create more users with permissions to do those tasks too.
I worked on various Drupal projects, and my first full-time job was on an in-house team where we maintained and enhanced a Drupal 6 website.
I've since used Drupal for projects of all shapes and sizes with different levels of complexity. Everything from a simple brochure website to large and complex, multilingual, API-driven projects.
I've been able to build eCommerce websites with Drupal using Ubercart and Drupal Commerce. I've built traditional stores where customers purchase physical products, a photography competition website with custom judging functionality, a site for purchasing commercial and residential property and land searches, and a fully-fledged events booking and management platform.
Whatever the size and complexity of the project, Drupal is flexible enough to fit it.
I've loved some of the ecosystem improvements within the last few years. Moving to object-orientated code by default, integrating code from other projects like Symfony, shipping new features every six months as part of the new release cycle, and embracing tools like Composer, PHPStan and Rector.
I also love being part of the Drupal community. Collaborating on tasks, speaking on Slack, and attending events like DrupalCon where I've been lucky enough to attend, speak and mentor.
Although Drupal is my specialty and the tool that I've used the most, I don't use it exclusively. I'll talk more about this in tomorrow's email.
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pubDate: 2022-08-30
title: "Why I don't only use Drupal"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/30/why-dont-only-use-drupal"
tags: ["drupal"]
Yesterday, [I shared some of the reasons]({{site.url}}/archive/2022/08/29/why-like-drupal) why I like Drupal and why I use it for the majority of my projects. But, as I said, I don't use it exclusively and for some projects I used various different tools.
Essentially, I always try to recommend and use the best tool for the job.
I previously interviewed for a job and was asked to complete a coding test. The role was mostly Drupal-focussed, but as the test asked for a command-line application, I completed it using Symfony and Symfony Console, and was able to discuss why I'd made that decision. In my opinion, it was the best choice based on the requirements.
This is the same approach that I use when making recommendations for a new project.
I've delivered projects using other tools like the Symfony framework or a static site generator, as long as it fitted the requirements.
If there's a SaaS solution that can be used instead, or an off-the-shelf tool that can be integrated instead of writing a custom solution, then that should be evaluated.
There may be other constraints like budgets or deadlines to consider - maybe something can be delivered faster or cheaper using a particular technology, even if it's not the final solution.
There are situations though where a tool may be the best choice even though it's not the ideal fit based purely on the technical requirements. Maybe the client is already familiar with publishing content in Drupal, or an in-house development team is used to working with a certain tool or language. In that case, those things should be considered too.
Also, for me, having a chance to evaluate other technologies and explore what's happening outside of the Drupal ecosystem is a good opportunity. A lot of what I've learned about automated testing, for example, is from the wider PHP and JavaScript communities, as well as tools like [Tailwind CSS]({{site.url}}/talks/taking-flight-with-tailwind-css) and [Illuminate Collections]({{site.url}}//talks/using-illuminate-collections-outside-laravel) that I've been able to bring back into my other Drupal projects.
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title: "To monorepo, or not to monorepo?"
permalink: "archive/2022/08/31/monorepo-or-not"
pubDate: 2022-08-31
tags: ["git"]
I listened to a podcast episode recently which talked about monorepos - i.e. code repositories that contain multiple project codebases rather than a single repository for each codebase - and this got me thinking about whether I should be using these more.
It's something that I've been trialling recently in my [Docker examples]( and [Docker images]( repositories, where one repository contains and builds multiple Docker images.
I'm not suggesting that I put all of my client projects into one repository, but at least combining the different parts of the same project into the same repository.
For example, I'm working for one client on their current Drupal 7 websites whilst developing the new Drupal 9 versions, which are currently in two separate repositories. I'm also developing an embeddable Vue.js application as part of the Drupal 9 website, and using Fractal as a component library. These are also in their own repositories.
Using a monorepo approach, all of these projects would be in the same repository.
I can see advantages to being able to see cross-project changes in the same place - such as an API change in Drupal that needs a update to be made in Vue.js, or vice-versa - rather than needing to look at separate repositories. This could also make versioning easier as everything will be stored and tagged inside the same repository.
Each project has it's own CI pipeline, so it would require some changes where I set a specific pipeline to run only when a directory is changed.
I see how deployments may be tricker if I need to push an update within a directory to another Git repository, which makes me wonder if I'll need to look into using subtree splits to create separate deployment repositories - similar to how the Symfony project has one main repository and then each component split into its own repository.
I'll keep trialling it in my open-source projects and maybe test it with some client projects, but if you have experience with monorepos that you'd like to share, then please reply to this email - I'd love to hear about it.
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pubDate: 2022-09-01
title: "Conventional commits and CHANGELOGs"
tags: []
permalink: "archive/2022/09/01/conventional-commits-changelogs"
One of the things that I've done since joining my current team is to implement a standard approach for our commit messages.
We're using the [Conventional Commits specification](, which gives some additional rules to follow when writing commit messages.
For example:
build(deps): update Drupal to 9.4.5
Updated Drupal's `drupal/core-*` packages to 9.4.5.
Refs: #123
We can see that this is a `build` task that relates to our project dependencies, in this example, we're updating Drupal core. We can also see this in the subject line.
In the commit body, I add as much information as possible to do with the change and include any relevant links, just in case I need to refer to them again, and the list the names of anyone else who worked with me. I also typically include any ticket numbers or links in the commit footer.
So far, I've mostly used the `build`, `chore`, `ci`, `docs` and `refactor` commit types, which are types that are recommended and used by [the Angular convention](
Following this standard means that it's very easy to look at the Git log and see what type of changes are going to be included within a release and, if you're using scopes, which part of the application are affected.
Conventional commits also works nicely with something else that we've introduced, which is a CHANGELOG file.
There are tools that can generate and update CHANGELOGs automatically from conventional commits, but so far, we've been following the [Keep a Changelog]( format.
It's easy to match the commits to the `Added`, `Changed` or `Fixed` types, and although it needs to be updated manually, it's easy to add to the `Unreleased` section of the file and re-organise everything within the appropriate headings as needed as part of a release.
What I like about this format is that it's more human-friendly and gives a higher level overview of the changes rather than a reformatted Git log.
As we do trunk-based development and continuous integration on our projects, there can be numerous commits related to the same change, so I'd rather only see a single line in the CHANGELOG for each change. This also makes it easier to share the CHANGELOG file with others, and we can still view and grep the Git log to see the individual commits if we need to.
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title: "Automating all the things with Ansible"
pubDate: 2022-09-02
permalink: "archive/2022/09/02/automating-all-the-things-with-ansible"
tags: ["ansible"]
Ansible is a tool for automating IT tasks. It's one of my preferred tools to use, and one that I've written about and [presented talks on]({{site.url}}/talks/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano) previously.
It's typically thought of as a tool for managing configuration on servers. For example. you have a new VPS that you want to use as a web server, so it needs Nginx, MySQL, PHP, etc to be installed - or whatever your application uses. You define the desired state and run Ansible, which will perform whatever tasks are needed to get to that state.
Ansible though does include modules for interacting with services like Amazon AWS and DigitalOcean to create the servers and resources, and not just configure them.
It also doesn't just work on servers. I use Ansible to configure my local development environment, to ensure that dependencies and tools are installed, and requirements like my SSH keys and configuration are present and correct.
Lastly, I use Ansible to deploy application code onto servers and automatically run any required steps, ensuring that deployments are simple, robust and repeatable.
In the next few emails, I'll explain how I've been able to utilise Ansible for each of these situations.
Want to learn more about how I use Ansible? [Register for my upcoming free email course]({{site.url}}/ansible-course).
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pubDate: 2022-09-03
title: Creating infrastructure with Ansible
permalink: archives/2022/09/03/creating-infrastructure-with-ansible
tags: ["ansible"]
Let's start at the beginning.
If we want to automate our infrastructure then we first need to create it. This could be done manually or we can automate it.
Popular tools for this include Terraform and Pulumi, but Ansible also includes modules to interface with hosting providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean, and Linode.
By using one of these tools, you can programatically provision a new, blank server that is ready for you to be configered.
For example, to [create a DigitalOcean droplet](
- community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_droplet:
image: ubuntu-20-04-x64
name: mydroplet
oauth_token: "..."
region: sfo3
size: s-1vcpu-1gb
ssh_keys: [ .... ]
state: present
wait_timeout: 500
register: my_droplet
Running this playbook will create a new Droplet with the specified name, size, and operating system, and within the specified region.
If you needed to create a separate database server or another server for a new environment, then the file can be updated and re-run.
[Creating an Amazon EC2 instance]( looks very similar:
image_id: ami-123456
instance_type: c5.large
key_name: "prod-ssh-key"
name: "public-compute-instance"
assign_public_ip: true
security_group: default
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5ca1ab1e
This doesn't apply just to servers - you can also use Ansible to create security groups and S3 buckets, manage SSH keys, firewalls, and load balancers.
Once we have our infrastructure in place, we can start using Ansible to set and manage its configuration, which we'll do in tomorrow's email.
Want to learn more about how I use Ansible? [Register for my upcoming free email course]({{site.url}}/ansible-course).
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title: "Using Ansible for server configuration"
pubDate: 2022-09-04
permalink: "archive/2022/09/04/using-ansible-for-server-configuration"
[In yesterday's email]({{site.url}}/archives/2022/09/03/creating-infrastructure-with-ansible), I described how to set up a blank server with Ansible.
Now that we've done that, it needs to be configured.
Once the server’s IP address or hostname has been added to a `hosts.ini` file, you can run ad-hoc commands against it - such as `ansible all -i hosts.ini -m ping` to run Ansible's `ping` module on all of the hosts in your inventory and check that you can connect to them.
Another useful one that you can use is the `shell` module, that runs ad-hoc run commands on each host. If you need to check the uptime of each of your servers, run `ansible all -i hosts.ini -m shell -a uptime`. You can replace the last argument with any other shell command that you need to run, like `df` or `free`.
Running commands in this way is great for getting started, for routine maintenance, or an emergency free disk space check, but for more complex tasks like configuration management, using playbooks is the better option. They are YAML files that contain lists of tasks that Ansible will run through and execute in order.
If you have a group of related tasks, such as for installing a piece of software, then you can combine them into roles. In fact, Ansible Galaxy has thousands of pre-built collections and roles that you can download, include in your playbooks, configure, and run.
Very quickly, you can get a full stack installed and configured - ready to serve your application.
Want to learn more about how I use Ansible? [Register for my upcoming free email course]({{site.url}}/ansible-course).
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title: "Using Ansible for local environment configuration"
pubDate: 2022-09-05
permalink: "archive/2022/09/05/using-ansible-for-local-configuration"
As well as [configuring servers]({{site.url}}/archive/2022/09/04/using-ansible-for-server-configuration), you can use Ansible to configure your own local machine and development environment.
The change that you need to make is within the `hosts.ini` file:
|||| ansible_connection=local
Instead of the server's IP address or hostname, use the localhost IP address and set `ansible_connection` to `local` to tell Ansible to run locally instead of using an SSH connection.
Another way to do this is to set `hosts:` and `connection: true` in your playbook.
Once this is done, you can run tasks, roles, and collections to automate tasks such as installing software, adding your SSH keys, configuring your project directories, and anything else that you need to do.
For an example of this, you can see [my dotfiles repository on GitHub](
Want to learn more about how I use Ansible? [Register for my upcoming free email course]({{site.url}}/ansible-course).
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title: "Deploying applications with Ansible"
pubDate: 2022-09-06
permalink: "archive/2022/09/06/deploying-applications-with-ansible"
The last few days' emails have been about using Ansible to create and configure infrastructure, but it can also be used to deploy application code.
The simplest way being that an artifact is built locally - e.g. a directory of static HTML pages from a static site generator - and uploaded onto the server, and for this you could use Ansible's `synchronize` module.
It's a wrapper around the `rsync` command and makes it as simple as specifying `src` and `dest` values for the local and remote paths.
For more complicated deployments, I like to use a tool called Ansistrano - an Ansible port of a deployment tool called Capistrano.
It creates a new directory for each release and updates a `current` symlink to identify and serve the current release, and can share files and directories between releases.
As well as being able to configure settings such as the deployment strategy, how many old releases to keep, and even the directory and symlink names, there are a number of hooks that you can listen for an add your own steps as playbooks so you can install dependencies, generate assets, run migrations, or rebuild a cache as part of each deployment.
If you're running your applications in Docker, you could use Ansible to pull the latest images and restart your applications.
For more information and examples, I've given a talk on Ansible at various PHP events, which covers some Ansible basics before moving on to [deploying applications with Ansistrano]({{site.url}}/talks/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano).
Want to learn more about how I use Ansible? [Register for my upcoming free email course]({{site.url}}/ansible-course).
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title: "My Tailwind CSS origin story"
pubDate: 2022-09-07
permalink: "archive/2022/09/07/my-tailwind-css-origin-story"
tags: ["tailwind-css"]
Tomorrow night, I'm attending one of Simon Vrachliotis (simonswiss)'s Pro Tailwind workshops, so I thought that it would be a good time, as Simon has done himself recently on the Navbar podcast, to describe how I started using Tailwind CSS.
I remember watching a lot of Adam Wathan's live streams on YouTube before Tailwind CSS, and I remember when he started a new project - a SaaS product called KiteTail.
It was a Laravel and Vue.js project, and although I'm not a Laravel Developer primarily, I got a lot of other information from Adam's streams about automated testing, test-driven development, and Vue.js as I was learning Vue at the time.
One of the episodes was about styling a card component using some styles that Adam was copying between projects - which would eventually be the starting point for Tailwind CSS.
In fact, I think I watched some of the episode and stopped as I was happy with the Sass and BEM or SMACSS approach that I was using at the time, and didn't initially see the value of the utility CSS approach that I was seeing for the first time (everyone has a similar reaction initially).
After a while, I did re-visit it but because Tailwind CSS wasn't released as it's own project yet, I (like Simon) started to experiment with Tachyons - another utility CSS library.
I rebuilt a particularly tricky component that I'd just finished working on and had caused me some issues, and managed to re-do it in only a few minutes.
I started to use Tachyons on some personal and client projects as a layer on other frameworks like Bootstrap and Bulma, and later moved on to Tailwind CSS once it has been released.
I was working in this way on a project when I released that I could use Tailwind for all of the styling instead of just adding small sprinklings of utilities here and there. I refactored everything and removed the other framework that I'd been using - leaving just Tailwind CSS.
With the exception of some legacy projects, now I use Tailwind CSS exclusively and have used it for a number of projects. I've given lunch and learn sessions to teams that I've worked on, [presented a Tailwind CSS talk]({{site.url}}/talks/taking-flight-tailwind-css) at a number of PHP, Drupal, WordPress, and JavaScript events, and maintain [a starter-kit theme]( for using Tailwind in custom Drupal themes.
I've also rebuilt a [number of existing sites]({{site.url}}/blog/uis-ive-rebuilt-tailwind-css) as examples and written some [Tailwind CSS related blog posts]({{site.url}}/blog/tags/tailwind-css).
I'm looking forward to attending Simon's workshop tomorrow and quickly putting that knowledge to use in the next phase of a project that I'm currently working on.
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title: "Keeping secrets with Ansible Vault"
pubDate: 2022-09-08
permalink: "archive/2022/09/08/keeping-secrets-with-ansible-vault"
tags: ["ansible"]
In the last few posts, I've talked about using Ansible for configuring servers and local environments, during both of which, you're likely to have some sensitive or secret values. These could be database credentials within your application and on your server, and your SSH private keys within your local environment.
Rather than committing these to a code repository in plain text, Ansible includes the `ansible-vault` command to encrypt values.
To see this working, run `ansible-vault encrypt_string my-secret-password`, enter a password, and then you should see something like this:
!vault |
This is the encrypted version of that password, and this could be committed and pushed to a code repository.
You can use it within a playbook, and you'll be prompted to re-enter the password so that Ansible can decrypt and use it.
Rather than a single string, you could have a file of variables that you want to encrypt. You can do this by running `ansible-vault encrypt vault.yml` and include it as before. Again, you'll be prompted by Ansible so that it can decrypt and use the values.
For an example of how I'm using Ansible Vault, see [the Dransible repository]( on GitHub or my [ Deploying PHP applications with Ansible, Ansible Vault and Ansistrano]({{site.url}}/talks/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano) talk.
Want to learn more about how I use Ansible? [Register for my upcoming free email course]({{site.url}}/ansible-course).
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title: "Refactoring a Tailwind CSS component"
pubDate: 2022-09-09
permalink: "archive/2022/09/09/refactoring-tailwind-component"
tags: ["tailwind-css"]
After last night's Pro Tailwind theming workshop, I decided to revisit and refactor some similar code that I'd worked on before.
It was a demo for a presentation on utility-first CSS and Tailwind whilst I was at Inviqa.
I'd taken one of the components from the website that we'd lauched and rebuilt it - in particular to show how Tailwind could be used for responsive and themeable components.
[The original version]( was written in Tailwind 1 and used custom CSS with `@apply` rules to include text or background colours to elements based on the theme being used on that page or component.
As well as moving it into a Next.js application, [the new version]( uses techniques covered in Simon's workshop - using CSS custom properties (aka variables) to override the colours, and writing custom plugins to generate the required styles. It doesn't include everything from the workshop, but enough for this refactor.
I also moved the `flex-basis` classes into their own standalone plugin and might release that as it's own open-source plugin.
I'm working on a client project at the moment which will need switchable themes so I'm looking forward to putting these techniques to use again in the near future.
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title: "Automating Ansible deployments in CI"
pubDate: 2022-09-10
permalink: "archive/2022/09/10/automating-ansible-deployments-ci"
tags: ["ansible"]
Once you have a deployment that's run using Ansible, rather than running it manually, it's easy to automate it as part of a continuous integration pipeline and have your changes pushed automatically by tools like GitHub Actions and GitLab CI.
You'll need to configure SSH by adding a known hosts file and a private key so the tool can connect to your server, but after that, it's just running the same Ansible commands.
If you're using Ansistrano or other roles, you can install dependencies by using `ansible-galaxy`, and `ansible-vault` to decrypt and use any encrypted variables - securely storing the Vault password and any other secrets as environment variables within your pipeline.
Here's an example using GitHub Actions:
- name: Download Ansible roles
run: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- name: Export the Ansible Vault password
run: echo $ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASS > .vault-pass.txt
- name: Deploy the code
run: >
ansible-playbook deploy.yml
-i inventories/$INVENTORY_FILE.ini
-e "project_git_branch=$GITHUB_SHA"
- name: Remove the Ansible Vault password file
run: rm .vault-pass.txt
Before these steps, I've added the SSH key and determined which inventory file to use by the updated branch. The Vault password is exported and then removed once it has been used.
Automated tests and other code quality checks can be run in prior job, ensuring that the deployment only happens if those checks pass, but assuming that all is good, the playbook will be run and the changes will be deployed automatically.
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title: "Custom styles in Tailwind CSS: `@apply`, `theme` or custom plugins"
pubDate: 2022-09-11
permalink: "archive/2022/09/11/custom-styles-tailwind-css-apply-theme-custom-plugins"
tags: ["tailwind-css"]
There are three ways to add custom styles to a Tailwind CSS project. As there have been [some recent tweets]( around one of them - the `@apply` directive - I'd like to look at and give examples for each.
## What is `@apply`?
`@apply` is a PostCSS directive, provided by Tailwind, to allow re-using it's classes - either when extracting components or overriding third-party styles.
The CSS file is the same as if you were writing traditional CSS, but rather than adding declarations to a ruleset, you use the `@apply` directive and specify the Tailwind CSS class names that you want to apply.
For example:
fieldset {
@apply bg-primary-dark;
This is a simple example but it's easy to see how this could be used in ways that weren't intended and how edge-cases can be found.
Adam said in a another tweet:
> I estimate that we spend at least $10,000/month trying to debug extremely edge-case issues people run into by using `@apply` in weird ways.
## Using the `theme` function
As well as `@apply`, Tailwind also provides a `theme` function that you can use in your CSS file. This removes the abstraction of using the class names and adds the ability to retrieve values from the `theme` section of your tailwind.config.js file.
fieldset {
backgroundColor: theme('colors.primary.dark');
This seems to be the preferred approach over using `@apply`.
## Creating a custom plugin
The `theme` function is also available if you write a custom Tailwind CSS plugin:
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
plugin(({ addBase, theme }) => {
fieldset: {
backgroundColor: theme('colors.primary.dark'),
This is an approach that I've used for [generic, open-source plugins]( but for project-specific styling, I've mostly used `@apply` or the `theme` function.
That said, I like the modular architecture of having different custom plugins - especially if they're separated into their own files - and being able to easily toggle plugins by simply adding to or removing from the `plugins` array.
I usually don't write many custom styles in a Tailwind project but I think that I'll focus on using the `theme` function going forward, either in a stylesheet or a custom plugin.
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title: "A month of daily emails"
pubDate: 2022-09-12
permalink: "archive/2022/09/12/month-daily-emails"
It’s already been a month since I started my email list and writing daily emails.
Since then, I’ve written emails on various development and workflow-based topics, including Drupal, Git, Docker, Neovim, Ansible and Tailwind CSS.
The first email was written on Thursday the 12th of August and after initially wondering whether I should start on the upcoming Monday, or how often to post, I decided to jump in with both feet and wrote the first daily post that day. The first few weren't actually emailed as I waited to see if I could sustain writing a daily post (I was just posting them to my website), but after a few days, I set up the email list and started sending the posts.
I can confirm what [Jonathan Stark]( and [Jonathan Hall]( have said - that it's easier to write daily and that you start to see topic ideas everywhere. I started with a list of between 20 and 25 ideas and still have most of them as I've pivoted on a day's topic based on an article or tweet that I saw, some code that I'd written, or some approach that I took.
If you're considering starting a daily email list, I'd recommend it.
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title: "The simplest Drupal test"
pubDate: 2022-09-14
permalink: "archive/2022/09/14/simpletest-drupal-test"
Most of my work uses the Drupal framework, and I've given talks and workshops on automated testing and building custom Drupal modules with test-driven development. Today, I wanted to see how quickly I could get a working test suite on a new Drupal project.
I cloned a fresh version of my [Docker Examples repository]( and started the Drupal example.
I ran `mkdir -p web/modules/custom/example/tests/src/Functional` to create the directory structure that I needed, and then `touch web/modules/custom/example/tests/src/Functional/ExampleTest.php` to create a new test file and populated it with some initial code:
namespace Drupal\Tests\example\Functional;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class ExampleTest extends BrowserTestBase {
protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
For the simplest test, I decided to test some existing Drupal core functionality - that an anonymous user can view the front page:
/** @test */
public function the_front_page_loads_for_anonymous_users() {
To execute the test, I ran `SIMPLETEST_DB=sqlite://localhost//dev/shm/test.sqlite SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL=http://web phpunit -c web/core web/modules/custom`. The environment variables could be added to a `phpunit.xml.dist` file but I decided to add them to the command and use Drupal core's PHPUnit configuration file.
As this is existing functionalty, the test passes. I can change either the path or the response code to ensure it also fails when expected.
With the first test working, it's easy to add more for other functionality, such as whether different users should be able to access administration pages:
/** @test */
public function the_admin_page_is_not_accessible_to_anonymous_users() {
/** @test */
public function the_admin_page_is_accessible_by_admin_users() {
$adminUser = $this->createUser([
'access administration pages',
Hopefully, this shows how quickly you can get tests running for a Drupal module. If you'd like to see more, the slides and video recording of my [Test-Driven Drupal talk]({{site.url}}/talks/tdd-test-driven-drupal) are online.
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title: "Why I mostly write functional and integration tests"
pubDate: 2022-09-16
permalink: "archive/2022/09/16/why-mostly-write-functional-and-integration-tests"
tags: ["drupal"]
In [Wednesday's email]({{site.url}}/archive/2022/09/14/simpletest-drupal-test), I showed how quick it is to get started writing automated tests for a new Drupal module, starting with a functional test.
I prefer the outside-in style (or London approach) of test-driven development, where I start with a the highest-level test that I can for a task. If the task needs me to make a HTTP request, then I’ll use a functional test. If not, I’ll use a kernel (or integration) test.
I find that these higher-level types of tests are easier and quicker to set up compared to starting with lower-level unit tests, cover more functionality, and make it easier to refactor.
## An example
For example, this `Device` class which is a data transfer object around Drupal's `NodeInterface`. It ensures that the correct type of node is provided, and includes a named constructor and a helper method to retrieve a device's asset ID from a field:
final class Device {
private NodeInterface $node;
public function __construct(NodeInterface $node) {
if ($node->bundle() != 'device') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
$this->node = $node;
public function getAssetId(): string {
return $this->node->get('field_asset_id')->getString();
public static function fromNode(NodeInterface $node): self {
return new self($node);
## Testing getting the asset ID using a unit test
As the `Node::create()` method (what I'd normally use to create a node) interacts with the database, I need to create a mock node to wrap with my DTO.
I need to specify what value is returned from the `bundle()` method as well as getting the asset ID field value.
I need to mock the `get()` method and specify the field name that I'm getting the value for, which also returns it's own mock for `FieldItemListInterface` with a value set for the `getString()` method.
/** @test */
public function should_return_an_asset_id(): void {
// Arrange.
$fieldItemList = $this->createMock(FieldItemListInterface::class);
$deviceNode = $this->createMock(NodeInterface::class);
// Act.
$device = Device::fromNode($deviceNode);
// Assert.
self::assertSame('ABC', $device->getAssetId());
This is quite a long 'arrange' section for this test, and just be confusing for those new to automated testing.
If I was to refactor from using the `get()` and `getString()` methods to a different implementation, it's likely that the test would fail.
## Refactoring to a kernel test
This is how I could write the same test using a kernel (integration) test:
/** @test */
public function should_return_an_asset_id(): void {
// Arrange.
$node = Node::create([
'field_asset_id' => 'ABC',
'type' => 'device'
// Assert.
self::assertSame('ABC', Device::fromNode($node)->getAssetId());
I can create a real `Node` object, pass that to the `Device` DTO, and call the `getAssetId()` method.
As I can interact with the database, there's no need to create mocks or define return values.
The 'arrange' step is much smaller, and I think that this is easier to read and understand.
### Trade-offs
Even though the test is cleaner, because there are no mocks there's other setup to do, including having the required configuration available, enabling modules, and installing schemas and configuration as part of the test - and having test-specific modules to store the needed configuration files.
Because of this, functional and kernel tests will take more time to run than unit tests, but an outside-in approach could be worth considering, depending on your project and team.
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title: "Thoughts on automated code formatting"
pubDate: 2022-09-17
permalink: "archive/2022/09/17/thoughts-automated-code-formatting"
For a long time, I've been focused on writing code that complies with defined coding standards, either to pass an automated check from a tool like PHP Code Sniffer (PHPCS) or eslint, or a code review from a team member.
Complying with the standards though is something that I've done manually.
As well as automated tools for linting the code, there are tools like PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer, and Prettier for formatting the code based on the same standards, which I've started to use more recently.
These tools can be run on the command line, VS Code has a "Format on save" option, and I can do the same in Neovim using an auto-command that runs after writing a file if an LSP is attached. I typically use a key mapping for this though so I can run it when I need, rather than it running automatically every time a file is saved.
One of my concerns with automated code formatting is what to do when working with existing code that doesn't already follow the standards. If I need to make a change to a file, with automated formatting, the rest of the file can change due to formatting being applied when I save my change.
I recently introduced a PHPCS step to a CI pipeline for an existing project. I knew that it was going to fail initially, but I was able to see the list of errors. I ran the code formatter on each of the files to fix the errors, committed and pushed the changes, and watched the pipeline run successfully.
This meant that I had a commit reformatting all of the affected files, but it was good to combine these together rather than having them separate, and not mixed with any other changes like a new feature or a bug fix.
Since doing this, it's been nice when working in this codebase to not have to worry about code style violations, and I can focus on writing the code that I need to, knowing that I can rely on the automated formatting to fix any issues before I commit them.
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title: "Useful Git configuration"
pubDate: 2022-09-19
permalink: "archive/2022/09/19/useful-git-configuration"
tags: ["git"]
Here are some snippets from my Git configuration file.
These days, I use a much simpler workflow and configuration since doing more trunk-based development, but in general, I rebase instead of merging by default, and prefer to use fast-forward merges that doesn't create a merge commit.
`branch.autosetuprebase = always` and `pull.rebase = true` configure Git to always rebase instead of pull. It does this for all branches, though I might override this for `main` branches.
`pull.ff = only` and `merge.ff = only` prevents creating a merge commit and will prevent the merge if it would create one. If I needed to override this, I could by using the `--no-ff` option on the command line.
I use `checkout.defaultRemote = origin` to ensure that the `origin` remote is used if I have multiple remotes configured, and `push.default = upstream` to set the default remote to push to.
`merge.autoStash` allows for running merges on a dirty worktree by automatically creating and re-applying a stash of the changes, and `fetch.prune` will automatically prune branches on fetch - keeping things tidy.
I also have and use a number of aliases.
Some like `pl = pull` and `ps = push` are shorter versions of existing commands, and some like `aa = add --all`, `fixup = commit --fixup` and some additional arguments to commands.
I also have some like `current-branch = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` and `worktrees = worktree list` which add simple additional commands, and some like `repush = !git pull --rebase && git push` which use execute shell commands to execute more complex commands or combine multiple commands.
This is a snapshot of my Git configuration. The [full version is on GitHub](
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title: "Why I like trunk-based development"
pubDate: 2022-09-20
permalink: "archive/2022/09/20/why-like-trunk-based-development"
tags: ["git"]
For the majority of my software development career, I've worked with version control in a very similar way.
There are one or two long-lived branches, usually a combination of `develop`, `master` or `main`, that contain the production version of the code. When starting work on a new feature or bug fix, a new branch is created where the changes are made in isolation, and is submitted for review once complete. This is typically referred to as "Git Flow" or "GitHub Flow".
Whilst those changes are awaiting review, a new task is started and the process is repeated.
## Trunk-based development
Something that I've been practicing and advocating for lately is trunk-based development, where there's only one branch that everyone works on, and commits and pushes to instead of creating separate per-task branches.
Even on a client project where I was the only Developer, I was used to creating per-task branches and I can recall when trying to demo two features to a client and the application broke when switching between branches.
The vast majority of the time, whether working individually or on a team, I've found that the per-task branches weren't needed and working on a single branch was easier and simpler.
There are still occassions when a temporary branch is needed, but in general, all changes are made to the single branch.
Trunk-based development ties in nicely with the continuous integration approach, where everyone commits and pushes their work at least once a day - ideally, multiple times a day. This eliminates long-running feature or bug fix branches that get out of sync with the main branch as well as conflicting with each other.
It seemed scary to begin with, having been used to per-task branches and asynchronous peer reviews via pull or merge requests, but trunk-based development has made things simpler and encourages other best practices such as pair and mob programming. having a good CI pipeline to identify regressions, using feature flags to separate code deployments from feature releases, and frequent code integration and deployment via continuous commits and pushes.
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title: "Being a Drupal contribution mentor"
pubDate: 2022-09-21
permalink: "archive/2022/09/21/being-drupal-contribution-mentor"
tags: ["drupal"]
This week is DrupalCon Prague, and although I'm not at this event, I'd like to write about some my experiences at DrupalCon - in particular about being a contribution mentor.
## My first DrupalCon
The first DrupalCon that I attended was in 2013, also in Prague.
I was enjoying the session days when I stopped at the mentoring table to find out more about the contribution sprints that were happening on the Friday.
I didn't have any commits in Drupal core but had already worked on and released some of my own contributed modules, so I was familiar with the tools and the contribution workflow. In short, I was signed up to be a mentor during the sprints.
I remember being involved in the preparation too, sitting in a hotel lobby, identifying potential issues for new contributors to work on, alongside people who I'd previously interacted with in the issue queues on
On the day, I helped new contributors get their local environments up and running, select issues to work on, and perform tasks like creating and re-rolling patch files and submitting them for review.
One of my highlights at the end of the day was the live commit, when a patch that a new contributor had worked on that day was committed to Drupal core live on stage!
Whenever I've attended DrupalCon events since, I've always volunteered to be a contribution mentor, as well as mentoring and organising sprints at other Drupal events.
## The Five Year Issue
One of the most memorable times mentoring was whilst working with a group of contributors at DrupalCon in May 2015.
Someone was working on a Drupal core issue that was very similar to [one that I'd looked at]( a few years before.
We focused on the original issue that I'd commented on, reviewed, tested, and re-rolled the patch, fixed a failing test, and marked it as "reviewed and tested by the community".
A few days after the conference, and just over five years after my original comment, the patch was committed - giving my contributors their first commits to Drupal 8 core, and also [one of mine](
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title: "Releasing a Drupal module template"
pubDate: 2022-09-22
permalink: "archive/2022/09/22/releasing-drupal-module-template"
tags: ["drupal"]
Today, I an the idea to create a reusable template for new Drupal modules, based on how I like to build modules and how I've shown others to do so in my Drupal testing workshop.
So I did, and released it for free [on my GitHub account](
Like my Tailwind CSS starter theme on, it's not intended to be added as a module directly, but something that can be cloned and used as a base for people's own modules.
It includes an example route and Controller that load a basic page, and has a test to ensure that the page exists and loads correctly.
The Controller is defined as a service and uses autowiring to automatically inject the its dependencies, the same as in my workshop example code.
It's the initial release so it's rough around the edges still. I'll use it tomorrow to create a new module and document the steps to add to the README as well as other pieces of documentation.
If you're creating a new Drupal module and try it out, start a discussion on the GitHub repository or [let me know on Twitter]( If you have questions, create a discussion or just reply to this email and I'll get back to you.
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title: "ADRs and Technical Design Documents"
pubDate: 2022-09-23
permalink: "archive/2022/09/23/adrs-technical-design-documents"
tags: []
## Architectural Decision Records
Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) are documents to record software design choices. They could be saved in your code repository as plain-text or Markdown files, or stored in Confluence or a wiki - wherever your team stores its documentation.
They usually consist of the sections:
* Status - is it proposed, accepted, rejected, deprecated, superseded, etc.?
* Context - what is the issue that is causing the decision or change?
* Decision - what is the change that's being done or proposed?
* Consequences - what becomes easier or more difficult to do?
Any change that is architecturally significant should require an ADR to be written, after which it can be reviewed and potentially actioned.
These will remain in place to form a decision log, with specific ADRs being marked as superseded if a newer ADR replaces it.
## Technical Design Documents
A similar type of document are Technical Design Documents (TDDs), that I first saw on TheAltF4Stream. I like to think of these as lightweight ADRs.
The first heading is always "What problem are we trying to solve?", or sometimes just "The problem".
Similar to the Context heading in an ADR, this should include a short paragraph describing the issue.
Unlike ADRs, there are no other set headings but these are some suggested ones:
- What is the current process?
- What are any requirements?
- How do we solve this problem?
- Alternative approaches
I like after describing the problem, being able to move straight into describing what's appropriate and relevant for this task and ignore sections that aren't needed.
When I started writing ADRs, they all had the 'Accepted' status as I was either writing them for myself or in a pair or mob. As wasn't adding any value, I've removed it since switching to writing TDDs.
Whether you use ADRs, TDDs or another approach, it's very useful to have a log of all of your architectural design decisions, both looking back in the future to remember why something was done in a certain way, or before you start implementing a solution to review the problem, evaluate the requirements and all potential solutions and document the selected one any why it was selected.
[Find our more about ADRs]( or [find out more about TDDs](
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title: "Using a component library for front-end development"
pubDate: 2022-09-25
permalink: "archive/2022/09/25/using-component-library-for-front-end-development"
tags: []
On a current project, I've decided to use a component library as the first place to do front-end development.
I'm using [Fractal]( as I can use Twig for templates. As Drupal also uses Twig templates, I have more reusabilty between the components in Fractal and Drupal compared to converting them from a different templating language like Handlebars or Nunjucks.
Rather than developing directly within the custom Drupal theme, I've been creating new components and pages initially within Fractal.
I have been able to create new components quickly and easily with the views uing Twig templates and inject data to it using a context file - a YAML file for each component that contains data that is injected automatically into the view.
This meant that I've been able to develop new components from scratch without needing to set up content types or paragraphs within Drupal, validate and confirm my data model, and present the templates to the client for review in Fractal. If a change is needed, it's quick to do.
I've also moved my asset generation step into Fractal. No CSS or JavaScript is being compiled within the Drupal theme, it is created within Fractal and copied over with the Twig templates.
In most cases, I've been able to copy the Twig templates into Drupal and replace the static context data with dynamic data from Drupal without needing to make any further changes.
In a couple of situations, I've needed to change my implementation slightly when moving a template into Drupal, so in this workflow, I've made the changes in Fractal and re-exported them to keep things in sync between the two systems.
In situations where there is existing markup and/or styles from the Drupal side, I've copied those into Fractal so that they match before adding the additional styling and any markup changes.
In general, I like the approach as it gives me more flexibility upfront to make changes before needing to configure Drupal. I can see how things could get out of sync between the two systems, but hopefully having the assets compiled in Fractal and needing to copy them into Drupal will keep things synced up.
I don't think that I'd use this approach for all projects, but for this one, where I'm working with multiple themes and will need to later add different variants of pages and components, it's worked well so far.
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title: "Experimenting with the Nix package manager"
pubDate: 2022-09-26
permalink: "archive/2022/09/26/experimenting-with-the-nix-package-manager"
tags: ["nix"]
After seeing it on some recent live streams and YouTube videos, I've recently been trying out the Nix package manager and looking into how I might use it for my local environment setup - potentially replacing some of my current Ansible configuration.
Separate from the NixOS operating system, Nix is a cross-platform package manager, so instead of using `apt` on Ubuntu and `brew` on macOS, you could run Nix on both and install from the 80,000 packages listed on
There is a community project called Home Manager which can be installed alongside Nix which, similar to Stow or what I'm doing with Ansible, can manage your dotfiles or even create them from your Home Manager configuration, and can manage plugins for other tools such as ZSH and tmux.
There's also a Nix feature called "Flakes" which allow you to separate configuration for different operating systems. I currently have a flake for Pop!\_OS which installs all of my packages and a minimal flake for my WSL2 environment as some of the packages are installed in Windows instead of Linux.
I can see Ansible still being used to set up my post-setup tasks such as cloning my initial projects, but the majority of my current Ansible setup where I'm installing and configuring packages I think could be moved to Nix.
I have a work-in-progress Nix-based version [in my dotfiles repository]( where you can also see [how I've configured Git with Home Manager](
I may install NixOS on an old laptop to test that out too.
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title: "Mentoring with Drupal Career Online"
pubDate: 2022-09-27
permalink: "archive/2022/09/27/mentoring-with-drupal-career-online"
tags: ["drupal"]
Today, I met my new mentee from the Drupal Career Online program.
[As well as mentoring at events like DrupalCamps and DrupalCons]({{site.url}}/archive/2022/09/21/being-drupal-contribution-mentor), I enjoy mentoring and working with new Developers going through bootcamps and training programmes like Drupal Career Online, some who are experienced Developers who are learning a new skill, and some who are learning how to code and are taking their first steps into programming.
I've talked about [how I got started programming]({{site.url}}/archive/2022-08-28/how-started-programming), but as self-taught Developer, it would have been great to have had a mentor to ask questions of, to help me get me started, and to make sure that I was going down the right track and learning the correct things.
Maybe this is more applicable these days with more people learning and working from home since COVID-19?
Similar to helping mentees at a contribution sprint work towards their first commits to Drupal, it's great to be able to introduce new Developers to a open-source project and community such as Drupal, help develop their skills, and hopefully enable them to get the new job and career that they want.
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title: "Mob programming at PHP South Wales"
pubDate: 2022-09-28
permalink: "archive/2022/09/28/mob-programming-php-south-wales"
tags: []
Tonight was our September meetup for the PHP South Wales user group, where I ran a hands-on session on mob programming.
I created [a small slide deck]( before we started a mob session with the group.
We worked on the FizzBuzz kata in PHP, using Pest for our automated tests.
We followed the Driver and Navigator model, with one person responsible for the typing and interpreting the instructions from the Navigators, and switched roles every ten minutes.
You can [see the code that we wrote]( on my code katas GitHub repository.
It was a fun experience and nice to code with some people who I hadn't coded with before.
We did some code kata sessions during our online meetups which also seemed to go well, so coding nights on katas or personal or open-source projects might be something that we do more of in the future.
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title: "Store Wars: different state management in Vue.js"
pubDate: 2022-09-30
permalink: "archive/2022/09/30/store-wars-vuejs"
tags: ["vue"]
I'm currently working on a Vue.js application that I started building in Vue 2 before starting to use the Composition API, and then moved it to Vue 3.
In the original version, I was using Vuex for state management within the application, and interacting with Vuex directly within my Vue components - calling `getters` and `dispatch` to retrieve and update data.
As part of moving to Vue 3, I wanted to evaluate any new options, like Pinia which is now the default state management library for Vue.
But because I was integrating with Vuex directly, switching to an alternative would mean changing code within my components.
## Defining a Store interface
This is a situation that often occurs in back-end development - where you may need to switch to a different type of database or a different payment provider in an eCommerce application.
In that situation, you need a generic interface that can be used by different implementations. Because they have consistent methods, one implementation can be replaced with another or multiple can be added at the same time. This is called the Strategy design pattern, and related to the open-closed principle in SOLID.
This is what I did by adding a `Store` interface:
export default interface Store {
actions: {
addRow(): void;
init(): void;
removeRow(index: Number): void;
state: {
isLoading: boolean;
selection: {
items: [];
Any store that I want to work with needs to have these defined actions and state values, so I can use them within my components knowing that they will always be available.
## Creating a native Vue store
This is one implementation of the `Store` interface, using just Vue's `reactive` function from the Composition API:
let state = reactive({
isLoading: false,
selection: {
items: [],
let actions = {
addRow(): void {
// ...
init(): void {
state.isLoading = true;
// ...
removeRow(index: number): void {
state.selection.items.splice(index, 1);
const vueStore: Store = {
state: readonly(state),
export default vueStore;
If I needed to add a Pinia version or another library, I can create another implementation that complies with same interface.
Each implementation being responsible for any specifics for that library - extracting that logic from the component code making it more flexible and reusable.
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title: Why do code katas?
pubDate: 2022-10-01
permalink: archive/2022/10/01/code-katas
tags: []
## What are code katas?
Code katas are programming exercises which, like katas in martial arts, use practice and repetition to improve your skills.
Common katas are Fizzbuzz, the Bowling score calculator, and the Gilded Rose.
Each gives you the criteria of what the kata should do before it can be considered complete along with any specific information, and some websites will also give you a suite of failing tests to make pass - though I prefer to write my own and follow a test-driven development approach.
Once you have completed the solution and the criteria is satisfied, the kata is complete.
## Why I do code katas
As I said, doing code katas improves your skills by solving problems and identifying patterns that you may see when working in your project code.
Different katas focus on different patterns. For example, the Fibonacci Number kata focuses on recursion, whereas the Gilded Rose kata is all about refactoring complex legacy code.
Doing code katas keeps your skills sharp and gives you a different perspectives as you work through different katas. You can then use and apply these within your main projects.
If you want to learn a new programming language then working on a kata that you've already solved in a language that you're familiar with allows you to focus on the syntax and features of the new language. I've been working on some code katas in TypeScript as I've been working with that recently, and would like to do some in Go.
If you work as part of a team or a part of a meetup, code katas can be worked on as a group and can introduce new skills like automated testing and test-driven development as well as providing some opportunities for team-building and socialising. If you're trying to introduce pair or mob programming, then working on code katas could be a good first step.
If you're just getting started with programming, working on code katas will help you learn the fundamentals and problem solving, but I'd also encourage you to put the code on GitHub and blog about each kata that you complete. Doing so will help and encourage others and also look good when applying for roles.
P.S. There are lists of code katas at and, and online versions at and There are many others - if you have a favourite, reply to this email and let me know.
I have [some GitHub repositories for my code kata solutions]( and will continue to build these as I do more.
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title: Minimum viable CI pipelines
pubDate: 2022-10-02
permalink: archive/2022/10/02/minimum-viable-pipelines
tags: []
When I start a new project, and sometimes when I join an existing project, there are no CI (continuous integration) pipelines, no automated tests, and sometimes no local environment configuration.
In that case, where should you start when adding a CI pipeline?
I like to start with the simplest solution to get a passing build and to prove the concept - even if it's a "Hello, world" message. I know that the pipeline is configured correctly and runs when expected, and gives the output that I expect.
I like to use Docker for my development environments, partly because it's very easy to reuse the same set up within a CI pipeline just by running `docker image build` or `docker compose build`.
Having a task that ensures the project builds correctly is a great next step.
Within a Dockerfile, I run commands to validate my lock files, download and install dependencies from public and private repositories, and often apply patch files to third-party code. If a lock file is no longer in sync with its composer.json or package.json file, or a patch no longer applies, this would cause Docker and the CI pipeline to fail and the error can be caught and fixed within the pipeline.
Next, I'd look to run the automated tests. If there aren't any tests, I'd create an example test that will pass to prove the concept, and expect to see the number of tests grow as new features are added and as bugs are fixed.
The big reason to have automated tests running in a pipeline is that all the tests are run every time, ensuring that the test suite is always passing and preventing regressions across the codebase. If any test fails, the pipeline fails. This is knows as continuous delivery - ensuring that code is always in a releasable state.
From there, I'd look to add additional tasks such as static analysis and code linting, as well as anything else to validate, build or deploy the code and grow confidence that a passing CI pipeline means that the code is releasable.
As more tasks are added to the pipeline, and the more of the code the tasks cover (e.g. test coverage) the more it can be replied upon.
If there is a failure that wasn't caught in the CI pipeline, then the pipeline itself should be iterated on and improved.
Having a CI pipeline allows you to identify issues sooner and fix them quicker, encourages best practices like automated testing and test-driven development, and enables continuous deployment where code is automatically deployed after a passing build.
If you have a project without a CI pipeline, I'd encourage you to add one, to start small, and continuously iterate on it over time - adding tasks that are useful and valuable, and that build confidence that you can safely release when you need to.
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title: Refactoring to value objects
pubDate: 2022-10-03
permalink: archive/2022/10/03/refactoring-value-objects
tags: [php]
Here's a snippet of some Drupal code that I wrote last week. It's responsible for converting an array of nodes into a Collection of one of it's field values.
return Collection::make($stationNodes)
->map(fn (NodeInterface $station): string => $station->get('field_station_code')->getString())
There are two issues with this code.
First, whilst I'm implicitly saying that it accepts a certain type of node, because of the `NodeInterface` typehint this could accept any type of node. If that node doesn't have the required field, the code will error - but I'd like to know sooner if an incorrect type of node is passed and make it explicit that only a certain type of node can be used.
Second, the code for getting the field values is quite verbose and is potentially repeated in other places within the codebase. I'd like to have a simple way to access these field values that I can reuse anywhere else. If the logic for getting these particular field values changes, then I'd only need to change it in one place.
## Introducing a value object
This is the value object that I created.
It accepts the original node but checks to ensure that the node is the correct type. If not, an Exception is thrown.
I've added a helper method to get the field value, encapsulating that logic in a reusable function whilst making the code easier to read and its intent clearer.
namespace Drupal\mymodule\ValueObject;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
final class Station implements StationInterface {
private NodeInterface $node;
private function __construct(NodeInterface $node) {
if ($node->bundle() != 'station') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
$this->node = $node;
public function getStationCode(): string {
return $this->node->get('field_station_code')->getString();
public static function fromNode(NodeInterface $node): self {
return new self($node);
## Refactoring to use the value object
This is what my code now looks like:
return Collection::make($stationNodes)
->map(fn (NodeInterface $node): StationInterface => Station::fromNode($node))
->map(fn (StationInterface $station): string => $station->getStationCode())
<<<<<<< HEAD:website/source/_daily_emails/
>>>>>>> b9cea6d (chore: replace Sculpin with Astro):website/src/pages/daily-emails/
I've added an additional `map` to convert the nodes to the value object, but the second map can now use the new typehint - ensuring better type safety and also giving us auto-completion in IDEs and text editors. If an incorrect node type is passed in, then the Exception will be thrown and a much clearer error message will be shown.
Finally, I can use the helper method to get the field value, encapsulating the logic within the value object and making it intention clearer and easier to read.
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title: First impressions of Astro
pubDate: 2022-10-08
permalink: archive/2022/10/08/first-impressions-astro
tags: [astro]
This week I attended another of Simon Vrachliotis' Pro Tailwind workshops.
The workshop again was great, teaching us about multi-style Tailwind components, such as a button that has props for variants like size, shape and impact, and how to create them in a flexible and maintainable way as well as making use of Headless UI.
For this workshop though, the examples and challenges used a tool that I wasn't familiar with - the Astro web framework.
I've seen a lot of blog posts and streams mentioning it but I hadn't tried it out for myself until the workshop.
What I find interesting is that it comes with a number of available integrations - from Tailwind CSS, to Vue, React, and Alpine.js, and you can use the all within the same project, or even on the same page. Installing an integration is as simple as `yarn astro add tailwindcss`.
The templates feel familiar and make use of front matter within Astro components, and regular YAML front matter works within Markdown files - which are supported out of the box.
I've been thinking of redoing my personal website and evaluating options, but I think that Astro might be a new one to add to the list.
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title: Coding defensively, and Implicit vs explicit coding
pubDate: 2022-10-09
permalink: archive/2022/10/09/coding-defensively-implicit-explicit
tags: [tailwindcss, php]
As well as [being introduced to Astro]( in Simon's most recent Pro Tailwind workshop, something else that we discussed was implicit vs explicit coding, and coding defensively.
For example, if you had this code:
const sizeClasses = {
small: 'px-3 py-1 text-sm',
medium: 'px-5 py-2',
large: 'px-7 py-2.5 text-lg',
const shapeClasses = {
square: '',
rounded: 'rounded',
pill: 'rounded-full',
Both the `medium` size and `square` shape have an implicit value.
The `small` size has a text size class of `text-sm` and the `large` size has `text-lg`. As there isn't a text size added for `medium`, it is implicitly `text-base` - the default text size.
Likewise, the `rounded` shape has a class of `rounded` and the `pill` shape has `rounded-full`. As a square button doesn't have any rounding, it has an empty string but it is implicitly `rounded-none` - the default border radius value.
If we were to code this explicitly, `text-base` and `rounded-none` would be added to their respective size and shape classes.
It's mostly personal preference, but explicitly adding the additional classes could potentially future-proof the components if there was a situation where the text size or border radius was being overridden.
It also makes it more obvious to anyone reading the code that these values are being set, rather than them needing to make that assumption - assuming that they're aware of the default values at all.
It's similar to having this example PHP code:
function __invoke(string $type, int $limit): void {};
Whilst I'm using type hints for the parameters to ensure that the values are a string and an integer respectively, it's also safe to assume that the type shouldn't be an empty string, so do we check for that?
I'd also suggest that the limit shouldn't be a negative integer, so we'd want to check that the value is not less than zero, or if zero isn't being used as an "all" value, then we'd want to check that the limit is greater than one.
In this case, the type hints add some explicitness to the parameters, but checking for these additional conditions adds another defensive layer to the code - forcing it to return earlier with an explicit error message rather than causing a vaguer error and elsewhere in the application.
Personally, I like to be explicit and code defensively, making sure that I try and cover as many edge cases as possible and writing test cases for them.
Coming back to the Tailwind example, the majority of us decided to add in extra classes after the exercise and it was an interesting discussion and part of the workshop.
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title: Contributing to open-source software, one small change at a time
pubDate: 2022-10-10
permalink: archive/2022/10/10/contributing-open-source-software-one-small-change-time
tags: [open-source]
Since looking more into Astro, I was looking through the GitHub repository - specifically within the examples - and spotted a typo within the title of one of the examples.
Rather than leaving it, I decided to follow the "boy-scout rule" and submit a fix and leave the code in a better state than I found it.
The Astro repository is hosted on GitHub so I was able to fork the repository, fix the typo and create a pull request with a few clicks in the GitHub UI.
Contributing to open-source software - particularly if you're new to it - doesn't mean that you need to always add large and complex changes. Small changes such as fixing a typo, updating documentation, fixing a small bug, or adding additional tests are all valid contributions that improve open-source projects.
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title: Not long until Drupal 10
pubDate: 2022-10-11
permalink: archive/2022/10/11/not-long-until-drupal-10
tags: [drupal, php]
I was surprised to see this week that it’s only two months until Drupal 10 is released (14th December 2022).
I’m starting a new Drupal development project in December so will be looking to get that on Drupal 10 as soon as possible.
From the client’s perspective, getting their new project on Drupal 10 and them not needing to upgrade from D9 in the future is a big plus, even if the code differences between D9 and D10 are not that big - similar to Drupal 8 and 9.
As a module maintainer, it’s been great to again see issues being created with automated Drupal 10 compatibility patches - thanks to Rector.
It’s great to see these regular updates and new versions of Drupal, but also for the PHP language, with PHP 7 being end-of-life next month.
It’s a big difference compared to the long-term releases that we had for Drupal 6 and 7, and PHP 5, but one that I definitely prefer.
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title: Overcoming deployment anxiety
pubDate: 2022-10-12
permalink: 'archive/2022/10/12/overcoming-deployment-anxiety'
As a Developer with 15 years of experience, I still sometimes get "deployment anxiety" - when I've backed up the database and tagged a release, but even though the CI pipelines are passing and the staging site is working, I'm holding off on pushing the latest code to be released to production - trying to think of any potential issues that could arise from this deployment and avoid any downtime.
When I thought about this further, the releases that I've felt anxious or nervous about have usually been in at one or both of the following categories:
* The release includes a lot of changes, and maybe a combination of different types of changes such as framework or CMS updates, bug fixes, or new features.
* It's been a long time, maybe weeks or months, since the last production release.
The best way to resolve both of these issues, I think, is to break down the large releases into smaller ones, and to deploy them more frequently.
In the opposite scenario, the releases where the changes are small and it's been a short time since the previous release - ideally minutes or hours - have been the ones where I've been the least nervous.
If a single commit is being released, then I can be confident that if there is a failure, I can either revert it and put things back the way they were or quickly identify the issue and push a fix. This isn't the case for large changes as the potential source of the failure is larger and it will take longer to find and fix.
If a bug fix or a feature needs to be reverted, I'm happy knowing that I can do that easily without also reverting the CMS update that was deployed separately - rather than them all being released together.
There are other advantages too - clients or product owners are generally happier if the new feature or fix that they requested is on production within hours or days rather than weeks or months, and having your latest code deployed to production rather than on a staging branch makes it a lot easier if you need to deploy an urgent fix or security update.
If you're familiar with the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team, three of their key metrics are deployment frequency, lead time for changes, and time to restore service. All of these are improved by small and frequent releases.
In my [Deployments with Ansible and Ansistrano talk](, I mention that there is a separate rollback role, but I don't think that I've ever used it.
Because I'm deploying small changes often, it's usually much easier to fix forward than it is to rollback, and knowing this makes me a lot less anxious when deploying changes.
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title: 14 years on and working with PHP and Drupal
pubDate: 2022-10-17
permalink: 'archive/2022/10/17/14-years-drupalorg'
Today I saw that my profile is showing that I’ve been on that website for 14 years.

|||| is the online home of the open-source Drupal CMS project, and where I registered to ask questions on the forums as I started to learn Drupal. More recently, it’s been where I’ve uploaded and maintain my own contributed projects and contribute patches to others, including Drupal core.
I even spent time working for the Drupal Association on itself.
I've talked about T-shaped Developers in a previous email, and whilst I've added complementary skills to my toolkit over the years, Drupal has been my main specialism and what I focused on when I started freelancing and later switched careers into software development.
With Drupal 10 just around the corner, I'm looking forward to seeing how Drupal continues to evolve and develop.
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title: Pair and mob programming
pubDate: 2022-10-18
permalink: 'archive/2022/10/18/pair-mob-programming'
As well as my recent session at PHP South Wales, I've also been involved with a lot more mob programming recently with members of my team.
We recently added a new feature to our codebase that we completed over a couple of mob sessions - starting by describing the problem and some potential solutions within a [technical design document]( before moving on to the implementation.
I was already familiar with the existing code that we needed to extend, so had some ideas of how to approach parts of the solution which we discussed - but there were other parts that I hadn't thought of.
What was very interesting was that an approach was suggested that I probably wouldn't have thought of myself, which become part of the final solution. This is an advantage of pair programming and is multiplied when working in groups - that you get to include everyone's thoughts, experience and perspective, and collectively decide on the best approach to take in real-time.
As a side effect, we had continuous code review from members of the group, and if we need to work on this code again in the future, everyone will already be familiar with it.
As it was already reviewed, we didn't need to wait before pushing the feature to production so it was delivered quickly and providing value by fixing an issue that someone was experiencing.
We're already working on the next feature as a group, and if you haven't tried pair or mob programming before, I'd recommend that you give it a try.
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title: run file vs task runners
pubDate: 2022-10-19
permalink: archive/2022/10/19/run-vs-task-runners
# tags:
# -
[I've written a few earlier emails]( about `run` files - a simple bash file that I add to my projects to simplify or combine common commands that I need to run often.
Recently, I've looked at a couple of alternatives to see how they compare.
One is very YAML based where all commands are written within a YAML file, and one is very Makefile-like and it does fix some of the confusion and issues that I've made with Makefiles in the past - such as passing arguments to commands, and dealing with `.PHONY`.
Whilst I like both of these approaches and that they offer small additional features like auto-completion of task names, after using one of them in a project for a short while, I think that I'm going to stick with the `run` file.
The main reason for this is that I like the simplicity of the `run` file, and that it's just a Bash file that contains functions.
There were a couple of things that I couldn't quite get to work in one of the other tools, such as setting the TTY value in a Docker Command - which is something that I was able to do with bash within the `run` file. The fact that I can write regular bash and reuse existing knowledge is a big plus rather than having to try to learn another syntax or DSL for another tool.
The main reason though is because bash is already installed everywhere. There's no additional tool for Developers to download and install so it keeps the barrier to entry low, and there's no additional dependencies to add to my CI pipeline for it to work.
I was able to use one of these other tools in GitHub Actions as someone had already written a workflow for it, and although I could possibly install it via a package manager, just being able to run a bash file in any CI tool was probably the deciding factor to stick with `run` files.
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title: >
Cherry picking commits is an anti-pattern
pubDate: 2022-10-20
permalink: >-
- git
`git cherry-pick` is a command that allows you to re-apply changes from existing commits - typically moving commits from one branch to another. Whilst it's good for some use-cases, I believe that it's generally an anti-pattern.
As I mostly do trunk-based development so only have a single branch, it's not a command that I'd run often - but I have seen it used in a Git Flow-type scenario where there are multiple long-lived branches and various other short-lived ones. Commits can be cherry-picked between a long-term branch like `develop` onto a feature branch rather than merging or rebasing, or to re-apply a hotfix from the `main` branch.
The main issue that I've seen with `cherry-pick` is where a number of changes have been merged into a branch which is being used for user acceptance testing by a client or product owner. They decide to approve some of the changes but not all, and the approved commits are cherry-picked onto a production branch and deployed.
In my opinion, this is very risky as there's no guarantee that the cherry-picked changes will work without the others, and as the artifact that's pushed to production is different to what was tested against, it arguably affects the value of doing the testing at all. Ideally, once the release has been tested and approved, the same artifact will be deployed - ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of any errors.
Potentially, the cherry-picked changes could be moved onto a release branch and tested again together without the other changes, but this would increase the testing overhead and the time for the changes to release production.
A good automated test suite would help, ensuring that the tests still pass once the cherry picking is done.
In this situation, I'd rather use feature flags (also known as "feature toggles"). This would mean that the code between the two environments would be the same, and allow for functionality to be enabled or disabled as needed. If a feature wasn't selected to be released, then it's feature flag would be disabled until it's approved.
A feature flag would also allow a feature to be switched off if it was causing errors without the need for a code deployment. If a change did need a code change, if you're following continuous integration and delivery, it would be easy to apply and push a fix.
These are the use-cases that I can think of or have seen for `git cherry-pick`. If you know of any others or use `cherry-pick` in your workflow in another way, reply to the email and let me know.
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title: >
Automated testing and test-driven development are not the same
pubDate: 2022-10-21
permalink: >-
- testing
Automated testing is where you write tests to ensure that your code works as expected, which can be re-run as needed and executed automatically without user input.
Test-driven development (TDD) is when you write the tests before the production code. You see the tests fail and write code until they pass, and then repeat the process. However, TDD is not just about the tests - it's about the design of the code.
By writing the tests first, you guarantee that the code that you write will be testable, which isn't something that you can't do if the production code is written first.
You may need to refactor your initial working implementation before it can be tested - which means that you could also break it during that time and need to spend time debugging and fixing any regressions. Ideally, you want the tests in place first before any refactoring, so if something breaks, you'll know because of the failing test.
TDD keeps your code cleaner and simpler, as you only write enough code to make the tests pass. Once a test is passing, you stop writing code, so you'll end up with less, simpler code as it's easy to know when to stop.
If you don't write the tests first, you may be tempted to skip writing them completely, leaving untested code or adding `TODO: add test` comments that may never get reviewed.
Also, where's the fun in writing tests for code that you've already written, that you know are going to pass?
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title: >
Looking at LocalGov Drupal
pubDate: 2022-10-24
permalink: >-
- drupal
Today, I've been looking at [LocalGov]( - a Drupal distribution for building council websites, with a focus on code reuse and collaboration.
After a few small changes, I was able to get it running based on my [Docker Examples]( repository.
As someone who has worked with one of the Councils who are now using the platform, and was involved in early similar discussions around code reuse and collaboration between Councils, this has been something that I've been keen to try for a while.
I was able to get a basic site running after a fresh installation, and was interested to explore how some of the functionality was built. I've recently been looking at implementing similar functionality to LocalGov's alert banners onto a project and will be able to gain some inspiration from that or will look into the LocalGov version could be used.
I was happy to find some initial ways to contribute back. I had an error during the installation which I was able to fix and assist with in the [LocalGov issue queue on]( by answering a support request, and after spotting a potential issue within the alert banner styling, [submitted a pull request with a fix](
I like what the project is doing and agree with its goals, so hopefully I'll get an opportunity to use and contribute more in the future.
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title: >
What are Drupal distributions?
pubDate: 2022-10-25
permalink: >-
- drupal
Yesterday's email was about the LocalGov Drupal distribution that I've been looking at, but I glossed over what a Drupal distribution is.
It's an interesting topic for me, having [written an article for Linux Journal]( about it in 2012.
Distributions are pre-configured versions of Drupal that include additional modules, themes, or configuration than you'd get if you installed a standard version of Drupal core.
By default, LocalGov includes content types for service pages, service landing pages and sub-pages, and additional menus and taxonomies, a different administration theme and a base theme to use for custom themes, and multiple additional modules that add alert banners, events, content reviews, search, media types, and sub-sites. This is all in addition to what Drupal core itself provides, and can be extended further with additional contrib or custom modules.
Commerce Kickstart was a distribution for Drupal 7 that added eCommerce functionality such as product and order types, shipping and payment methods, stock levels and discounts. Again, this could be extended further by adding more contrib or custom modules.
A few months ago, I started developing a distribution for managing meetup group websites, like PHP South Wales.
If you're starting a new Drupal website, there could be a distribution that exists that could provide some or all of the functionality that you need, and if new features or fixes are added, then they benefit everyone who uses it.
There are 1,430 distributions listed on so take a look there and see if anything matches your needs.
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title: >
Neovim as a Personalised Development Environment
pubDate: 2022-10-26
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- neovim
A few months ago, TJ DeVries (a Neovim core team member) coined the phrase "Personalised Development Environment" or PDE.
[I've been using Neovim full-time]( since July 2021 - starting with no configuration to configuring it with Vimscript and later with Lua - setting options like line numbers and relative numbers, tabs and spaces, and indent and fold levels.
I evaluated and installed some initial plugins to add functionality that I needed. Some of them I still use, and some I've replaced with alternative plugins or built-in solutions that have been included in newer versions of Neovim.
I added my own keymaps that made sense to me that either, in my opinion, improved on default keymaps or created new ones that made sense to me or configured a plugin that I'd added.
Recently, I found and added plugins that added a [HTTP client]( and a [database connection manager]( to Neovim - two pieces of functionality that I'd used in other IDEs or separate applications.
I also [wrote my own Neovim plugin]( for toggling checkboxes within Markdown lists.
Like Drupal and other open-source solutions that I use, I love being able to add or edit functionality as needed.
In the last year or so, I've definitely been able to personalise my Neovim setup to meet my needs, and have it work as a fully-fledged solution for PHP and JavaScript development, DevOps work, and technical writing (including this email).
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title: >
Getting back into live streaming
pubDate: 2022-10-27
permalink: >-
Surprisingly, it's been two and a half years since I last did a live coding stream.
As well as talk recordings and demos, I did a few live streams back then, working on the "Test-Driven Drupal" project and submitting a merge request to Drupal core.
It's been something that I'd like to get back into and pick up again, and I plan on doing that within the next few weeks.
I have a new freelance project due to start in December but getting back into streaming seems like a good way to make sure that I put aside time for open-source and side projects, as well as for writing longer form blog posts and hopefully starting to prepare more meetup and conference talks again.
I'll be streaming again on my YouTube channel, so if you'd like to be notified when I do, [please subscribe](
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Why write framework agnostic packages?
pubDate: 2022-10-28
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- php
A couple of years ago, I wrote an integration for a client's Drupal Commerce website with an online eBook service as they wanted to sell eBook variations of their products.
They provided me with some example code for different PHP frameworks, each were separate and tightly-coupled to each framework, so there was no code shared between them. Because of this, and because there was no Drupal Commerce example, I wrote my own version.
However, I decided to make my version as reusable and loosely-coupled as possible. This meant that I'd be able to potentially reuse it for other clients and the same code could be used for different implementations.
Reusable code such as the configuration, different types of Requests, value objects for Customers, Orders and OrderItems, were all written within a separate, reusable PHP library. It contains it's own tests, has it's own CI pipeline, and it's own static analysis - ensuring that things work as expected.
With this code separated, the Drupal module was much smaller and responsible only for bridging the library's code with Drupal Commerce and adding any other Drupal-specific code.
The client is currently considering an upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9, which would also mean upgrading this module. But, with this approach, there's a lot less to upgrade. The library code can still be used, and I can focus on any Drupal-specific changes within the Drupal module.
I recently had an enquiry from someone who needs an integration with the same service. Whilst their requirements may be different, I could still re-use the reusable library code, and write any client-specific code within a custom module.
Finally, if I wanted to reuse this code within a different PHP eCommerce framework then I could by installing the library with Composer. This means that I'd get the same code without needing to manually copy it, keeping a single source that can be maintained separately upstream. I'd get the same code that I'm already familiar with, so I could focus only on how to integrate the library with that framework - again meaning less framework-specific code and a much lower development effort.
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The open-source-first development workflow
pubDate: 2022-10-29
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- open-source
Yesterday's email talked about [writing reusable, framework-agnostic packages]( but didn't mention where those packages could be located.
They could be kept within a private repository and still have the same benefits, such as re-usability for internal projects, but I like to open-source code as often as I can and make it available publicly to see and use.
My preference is to follow an open-source-first workflow, identify which parts of a solution can be open-sourced and create them as open-source libraries or modules from the beginning rather than planning to extract them later. They can then be included within the main project using a dependency manager tool like Composer, npm or Yarn.
The eBook integration project that I mentioned was an example of this. I identified which pieces could be open-sourced, set up a public repository and put together an MVP based on that project's requirements. Issues were created for nice-to-have additions that could be added later, and the working version was installed with Composer.
There was no need to extract the code from the main project, no need to "clean it up" or check that it contained no client information, and I had the full Git history for the project - not just a new history from the point when the code was extracted and open-sourced.
I've worked on projects that contained a number of potential open-source components that would be released after project completion, but this didn't always happen - I assume due to time pressures to move on to the next project, a focus on adding new features or avoiding the risk of introducing breakages into the code. If the code had been open-sourced from the beginning, these things wouldn't have been an issue.
I've also worked on projects where I've followed an open-source-first approach and released a number of PHP libraries and Drupal modules, including [Private Message Queue](, [System User](, and [Null User]( modules. I've also been working on some legacy code recently and started to replace it with a library that I've already open-sourced, even though I'm in the early stages of developing it.
As someone who enjoys creating and working on open-source software, I would encourage you to open-source your code if you can and to do so sooner rather than later and not wait until the end of your project.
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Refactoring one large test into multiple smaller tests
pubDate: 2022-10-30
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- php
- phpunit
Today I spent some time refactoring a large test within a client project, splitting it into several smaller tests. The commit removed 169 lines but added 233 lines.
So, why did I do this?
This test is responsible for testing the creation of products and product variants within Drupal Commerce from a custom CSV file and originally had a very generic name - "Should create a product and product variations from an array of data".
But it did much more than that:
1. It asserted that there are no initial existing products or product variations.
1. It ran a product import using some stub data.
1. It asserted that there are two products, each with two variations.
1. It asserted that each product has the correct title.
1. It asserted that each product variation has the correct title.
1. It asserted that each variation has the correct SKU.
1. It asserted that each variation has the correct price.
1. It asserted that each variation has the correct value for 10 product attributes.
All of this was hidden within a single test.
Whilst it was great as the original test name (I usually start with a vague name whilst I'm spiking the first test and until it's clearer to me what it's testing and what the correct name is), what I actually want this test to do is to check that the correct number of products and variations are created.
This refactoring task was to split the remaining assertions into their own named tests, after which I had six different tests.
This means that each piece of functionality and related assertions are now contained within their own named tests. I can read the test file and see the expected functionality within the test names rather than everything being grouped and hidden within a single vaguely-named test.
If an assertion fails, I can easily see in which test the failure occurred.
Each test is very simple and only a few lines long - it runs the product import, loads the created variation, and runs the appropriate assertions.
It'll be much easier to add new functionality to the importer by adding a new separate test rather than continuously adding to the large original one.
Even though there are more lines in the file after the refactoring, most of those are just because of adding the additional test functions. There are only 72 lines of actual test methods, and the reusable steps, such as running the product import as well as custom assertions, are defined as private methods to avoid duplication.
In my opinion, this was a good refactor to do, and now was a good time to do it before we get started on the next phase of the project.
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Are sprints incompatible with Continuous Deployment?
pubDate: 2022-11-08
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It's been common for me whilst working on software projects to have work organised into sprints or cycles - a period, usually between 1 and 3 weeks, where the team is working on stories and tasks for that project.
In my experience, those changes are usually released at the end of that cycle. But it seems that's not always the case; see [release sprints](
> A specialised sprint whose purpose is to release deliverable results; it contains stories specific to release activities and finishing undone work. A release sprint usually contains no additional development.
If we worked in two-week cycles and released at the end of each one, it would be at least two weeks before a change could be deployed to production. But what if we wanted to follow continuous deployment and release more frequently? Maybe daily or hourly?
Instead of waiting for a release sprint, if we released multiple times within a single sprint, how would this fit into or affect the process?
Does the release cycle need to be tightly coupled to the sprint cycle or can they be separate and independent of each other?
I've worked on projects - including a current one - where I've done multiple releases in a sprint, so of course, it can be done from a technical perspective, but how do we get the best from both processes - whether they work together or separately?
This is something that I'm going to continue to experiment with, iterate on, and learn more about going forward.
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Your conference talk has been accepted
pubDate: 2022-11-09
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I’m happy to have had a conference talk proposal accepted for what will be my first in-person conference since DrupalCamp London in February 2020.
I’ll be giving my "[Taking Flight with Tailwind CSS](" talk for the first time since February 2021, and in front of an in-person audience since June 2019.
The talk itself will need some updating. The last time I gave it, Tailwind CSS was on version 2.0.3. It’s now on version 3.2.2 and includes features like the just-in-time engine, arbitrary values and variants, container queries, and a load of new utility classes.
I gave a lot of talks at online events in 2020, so after taking a bit of a break last year, it will be nice to speak in front of an in-person conference audience again.
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Creating a small proof-of-concept application in an afternoon
pubDate: 2022-11-11
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This morning, I was asked a “Could you build…” question.
It was an idea mentioned a short while ago and involves a simple, interactive form on the front end that sends requests to a public API, filters the results from the response and displays them to the user.
I’d probably want to hide the API request behind a service responsible for interacting with the API and filtering the results - ensuring that the API could be switched with something else later if needed.
This afternoon, I built a small proof-of-concept application with Vue.js and TypeScript.
There’s no API, or service retrieving real-time results. All of the data is hard-coded within the App component, as well as the code that filters, sorts and returns the results.
The results are shown by adding a `<pre>{{ results }}</pre>` to the page, with a `<pre>{{ state.selection }}</pre>` to show the input data.
There isn’t even any styling, with just some basic horizontal rules to split the page - similar to [these screenshots from Taylor Otwell]( of some work-in-progress versions of Vapor and Nova.
A working proof of concept, or a "spike", answers the initial "Can we build..." question. It can be shown to a client or other stakeholders, act as a starting point for discussions and requirements gathering and then be turned into user stories. It also allows the Developers to validate their initial thoughts and experiment with different approaches.
If the spike is successful, the idea can then be moved forward and implemented in a full way, otherwise, it can be stopped with a minimal amount of effort and time.
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Building a minimum viable product and managing technical debt
pubDate: 2022-11-12
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Yesterday's email was about a proof-of-concept application that I’d quickly built to validate an idea and explore some initial approaches.
Today, I’ve been working on a client project that I’ve improved and maintained for a few years.
When I started working with this client, they had one website, built with Drupal 7 and Drupal Commerce. Now, there are x websites using the same codebase due to Drupal’s multi-site functionality.
My main task for the last few months has been to get one of their sites onto Drupal 9 (which I did, it went live in October).
This first site was the "minimum viable product" (MVP) - the least amount of functionality required to make it releasable to customers. This is different to a proof of concept which is to validate the idea and start a conversation about requirements and scope - where we define the MVP.
For example, there is the ability to create products and product variations from a CSV file. It loads the file from disk and creates the products, but it doesn't update a product variation if a row with an existing SKU is changed, or disable the variation if a row is removed from the file. There is no admin UI for the client to upload a file - the only file that it'll use is the one that's path is hard-coded within the module.
There are user stories for this, but we decided that we didn't need it for the initial launch and that we were happy to take on some technical debt, knowing that we can address it later when the original solutions are no longer sufficient.
Now the minimum viable solution has been released, we can continue to iterate and enhance it based on customers' feedback, add more functionality, and address the technical debt as needed and as requirements require us to do so.
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How I manage multiple Drupal websites using the same codebase
pubDate: 2022-11-13
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- drupal
In my last email, I mentioned that I maintain several Drupal websites for a client using the same codebase, but how do I do that?
The sites use Drupal's multisite functionality to have a separate directory for each site, each with its own settings file and files, and potentially modules and themes. Whilst there are some downsides to this approach, and we did evaluate alternatives, this approach allows us to keep one hosting account and save the client money compared to hosting each site separately.
Each site has a separate database and configuration files, so out of the box, I can customise what functionality is needed on each site by turning modules on and off. Whilst this is fine for larger pieces of functionality, for smaller pieces I like to use feature flags.
I use feature flags on single-site projects to separate deploying code from releasing a change, but I can also use them here to toggle something per-site. This could be using a module like [Feature toggle]( or another way like a checkbox on a settings form. Anything that I can use to say "Do this if that is enabled".
Settings such as setting an endpoint URL or storing some API credentials would be set in an admin form and stored as configuration per site.
I've tried various iterations of this - initially duplicating the custom code and having several near-identical versions of the same modules (this wasn't good for maintenance). We also used environment variables. However, this didn't scale as I added more sites and needed to create a new set of environment variables every time.
This approach has worked well for the last few years on their original websites and should continue to work well as I upgrade and migrate them to their next versions.
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Camel-case or snake-case for test methods?
pubDate: 2022-11-14
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- testing
When writing object-orientated code, particularly in PHP, you usually write method names using camel-case letters - such as:
public function doSomething(): void {
// ...
This is also true when writing methods within a test class - only that the method name is prefixed with the word `test`:
public function testSomething(): void {
This is probably expected and complies with the PSR code style standards like PSR-12.
Something that I've seen some PHP developers and some frameworks prefer is to write their test methods using snake-case letters and commonly removing the `test` prefix in favour of using an annotation:
/** @test */
public function the_api_should_return_a_200_response_code_if_everything_is_ok(): void {
// ...
This is something that I've done myself for a while, but now I'm starting to reconsider both options.
Whilst it's more readable, especially for longer test names (which I like to write), it's not consistent with method names in non-test files or non-test methods in test files; it looks odd if I need to add another annotation (do I keep a single annotation on one line, or just those with multiple annotations on the separate lines), and to do this, I need to disable some code sniffer rules for code to pass the PHPCS checks.
If I used camel-cased names, I wouldn't need the PHPCS overrides, the annotations would be simpler, and the code would be more consistent - so I think I'll try that way again in the next tests that I write and see how it feels.
Which do you prefer, and which would you expect to see in your project?
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Writing good automated test names
pubDate: 2022-11-15
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- testing
Something that I often see in code examples or tutorials are test methods like `testGet` or `testAdd`, or `testSubtract`. Short method names that don't describe the scenario that they're testing in much detail.
What if a `get` method returns different types of value based on the input or a string is passed into a calculator method like `add` or `subtract`?
I'd assume that the result of the calculation returns the total, but the test method doesn't say this.
I'd rather be overly descriptive and write methods like `should_add_two_or_more_numbers_and_return_the_total()` rather than `testAdd`. It's a lot more readable and easier to see what the intention of the test is, and it's much better to use longer descriptive names when using options like `--testdox` with PHPUnit, which converts the method name into a sentence, which is what I do when running tests in CI pipelines.
Something that I've picked up and recommend is to start each test case with the word "It" or "Should". This gives it a more behavioural feel and puts you in the mindset of what you're testing and not the methods that you're executing.
A method like 'testAdd' might make sense within a unit test focusing on a single class and method, but as I usually do outside-in testing - which mostly uses functional and integration tests - this approach works well for me.
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Why don't you write automated tests?
pubDate: 2022-11-16
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- testing
Many projects I’ve worked on in the past haven’t had an automated test suite.
If you don't or can't write tests for your project for some reason, I'd love it if you could reply to this email or [let me know on Twitter]( and let me know why.
I know some of the classic reasons, like "I don't have time" and "My clients won't pay for me to write them", but I'd like to get some more real-world examples.
Then I'll do some follow-up posts to look into and address them.
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Agnostic CI pipelines with run files
pubDate: 2022-11-17
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As I work on various projects, I use several different CI tools, such as GitHub Actions, Bitbucket Pipelines, and GitLab CI, as well as hosting providers that have build and deploy steps.
Some only run continuous integration checks, like automated tests and static analysis, some build and push Docker images, and some use Ansible and Ansistrano to deploy the changes to production.
Each tool has its configuration file with different settings and formats.
Rather than being too tightly coupled to a particular tool, I like to keep things as agnostic as possible and [use a run file]( with separate `ci:build` and `ci:deploy` tasks.
This means that all the logic is within the run file rather than the CI tool-specific configuration file, so the file is shorter and cleaner; I can make changes to the CI tasks locally and quickly test changes and iterate, and also, as the logic is within the run file, I can easily switch to a different CI tool if needed without making changes to the tasks themselves.
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One test a day keeps bugs away
pubDate: 2022-11-18
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- testing
This is a quote from a presentation by Diego Aguiar at SymfonyCon that I saw from [a tweet from SymfonyCasts](
I haven't seen the rest of the presentation, but I liked this quote and the idea of continuously improving a codebase using automated tests.
The talk was titled "Advanced Test Driven Development" so I assume that it was focused on ensuring that new functionality also has accompanying tests but it could also apply to existing code.
A lot of existing code that I've worked on wasn't covered by tests, so going back and writing tests for that code would be beneficial too - even if it's only one test a day. It would help to prevent and uncover existing bugs, enable the code to be refactored and changed without introducing regressions, and make the codebase more maintainable.
Small changes over time add up.
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Are missing tests a blocker to refactoring?
pubDate: 2022-11-19
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Is having automated tests a prerequisite for refactoring a piece of code?
Without passing tests for that code, any changes made could introduce a regression, and bugs can be accidentally introduced.
When refactoring with tests, you run them before making any changes to ensure they pass. The tests are rerun after every change to ensure that they still pass and that the change didn't introduce a regression that caused the test to fail. If a test fails, the change is reverted and re-attempted.
If I need to refactor some code without tests, the first thing that I'll do is add some initial tests before the main work.
Whilst nothing is stopping me from refactoring without the tests, the risk isn't something that I'd want to take on, and I'd much prefer to have some tests in place - just in case!
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Version-controlled commented-out code
pubDate: 2022-11-20
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- git
Today, whilst debugging some legacy code within an application, I found several blocks of commented-out code.
Some were previous debugging code which had been commented out, and some were old components or previous implementations - but instead of being removed when they were no longer needed, they remained in the codebase as commented-out lines - inactive but adding noise and complexity around the code that I was trying to understand and debug.
To make it easier for me to figure out this code, I'd like it to be as clean to read and as simple to understand as possible.
The codebase is version-controlled, so why would there be a need to comment out and keep the lines?
Version control systems have a log of each change, so if you need to see previous changes, you can view the log and see what changed, when, and by who.
You can also see any other files that were changed in the same commit, and usually, there will be a reference to the issue or ticket that required that change.
If you need to re-add a change that had been removed, you can either do this manually or by reverting the commit.
Should there be commented-out code within a codebase if it's version controlled? I'd say no unless there's a good reason for it to be there and it's providing some additional context or for a specific purpose. If it's an outdated implementation, some old debugging code, or a component that's no longer needed, I think that it should be removed, and people can use version control tools to find or re-introduce those changes if needed.
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Git tricks to avoid committing commented-out and other unneeded code
pubDate: 2022-11-21
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- git
[Yesterday's email]( talked about whether commented-out code should be present if your code is version-controlled, but how do you avoid committing it in the first place?
You could make sure that you remove everything manually before you stage and commit your changes, or I like to use `git add --patch` (or `git add -p`) to interactively stage my changes, allowing me to select which parts of files I want to include in my commit and ignore anything else. The `--patch` option also works for other commands, including `checkout` and `reset`.
If you've already committed something like some debug code, you can use `git commit --amend` to amend the previous commit before pushing it, or if you have a separate clean-up commit, you can use `git rebase --interactive` and either the squash or fixup options to amend the original commit.
If some old code has been removed and you want to find it, you can use `git log -S` with a string to search for, and Git will show a list of commits where the specified string was changed.
If instead, you wanted to search for text within the commit message, you can use `git log --grep` with a string like an issue number to see a list of commits with that text in the commit message subject line or body.
I hope these tips help keep unwanted code out of your version-control repository.
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pubDate: 2022-11-22
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`tldr` is a command-line tool that I've been using a lot recently.
Usually, on the command line, you'd use the `man` command to show a manual page for a certain command - like `man ls`.
`tldr` is "a collection of simplified and community-driven man pages".
After installing it, run `man tldr` or even `tldr tldr` to learn more about it.
Then, run a command like `tldr ls` to get output for a specific command.
I like that it shows a short description of what the command does, followed by a link to find out more information and then several valuable examples demonstrating the various options, flags, and arguments the command takes.
For `ls`, it shows how to list one file per line, list hidden files, use a long format list, show human-readable size units, long format sorted by size or modification date, and only show directories.
For commands like `tar`, `rsync`, and `scp` that I don't use that often or can't remember all of the different options, I like being able to see these examples and figure out what I need at that time.
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Do you need to branch if you're the only one working on a project?
pubDate: 2022-11-23
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- git
Yesterday, I [saw a tweet]( where the writer said they were “falling into the branch, pull request, and merge after actions pass I use at work even though I'm the only one working on it”.
After reading this, my question is, "Should you, or do you need to, create branches if you're the only person working on a project?".
These days, I use trunk-based development as much as possible, so I hardly ever create new branches, whether working on a project myself or with a team.
[I used to use Git Flow]( and create branches for every new feature and bug fix, but I remember, whilst demonstrating two work-in-progress features to a client, switching between the different branches caused my local site to break. Whilst it wasn’t a major issue, it wouldn't have seemed professional.
In a team environment, feature branches are intended to keep different changes and different people's work separate.
But is this needed if you’re the only in the team?
Assumingly, you're only working on one change at a time, so what's the benefit of creating a separate branch?
If you need to switch to a different task, another approach could be to revert your work-in-progress commits, move them onto another local branch temporarily, or wrap them within a feature flag so that the changes are committed but not active.
The other part of the tweet said, “I like the little integrations to make sure the tests pass”.
I’m comfortable working on a single branch and committing and pushing small changes often.
My CI pipelines run for every change that I push, and if one fails, I’ll either push a small fix to get it passing again or revert the failing change and investigate further.
For me, working on a single branch keeps my workflow simple and lean, allowing me to focus on the changes and the tasks that I need to work on and not worry about which branch I’m working on.
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Doing the simplest possible thing
pubDate: 2022-11-24
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I spent most of today working on some code I wrote for the first phase of a client project a few months ago.
The previous version used hard-coded data within a Vue.js application, which was sufficient for the previous criteria and in line with the lean approach we decided to take.
It was the simplest thing that worked.
A new requirement means that the hard-coded data no longer works, so I need to refactor and enhance the code to work with different configurations. I have a proof of concept of this working using JSON from an API endpoint, but I would also like to use a static JSON file when needed for local development.
I experimented with a few different ways to approach this before asking myself, "What's the simplest possible thing I can do to get this working?".
I already knew that I needed to make a change to the structure of the data, which I was able to do quickly with the hard-coded data that I already had, and whilst a static JSON file would be a nice-to-have, I could quickly move the hard-coded data into the API endpoint that I'd already created and continue building on my proof of concept.
The idea of "What's the simplest thing?" is something that I use regularly.
When teaching or coaching test-driven development, I want to write the smallest failing test and then find the quickest and simplest way to get it to pass - even if it means returning a hard-coded value for now.
When working on development tasks, I like to break things down as much as possible and find the smallest thing I can do, commit, and push. This gets the ball rolling, and then I repeat the process.
Even when writing an email or blog post, once I start writing, it's much easier to continue once I'm in the flow.
Taking the simplest approach and not making assumptions about future requirements or scope means less and more maintainable code, as well as being a productivity hack.
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Plan, then code
pubDate: 2022-11-25
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Recently I [saw this tweet]( in a screenshot on a LinkedIn post.
The post was about improving business writing, but the original tweet was about software engineering.
For me, the main sentence within the tweet is, "Resist the urge to do something before having a plan." - or as the LinkedIn post said, "Resist the urge to start typing before having a plan.".
This is something that I've focused on a lot over the last few years, always asking, "What problem are we trying to solve?" and using flow charts and ADRs or technical design documents to come up with a plan before starting to write any code.
Doing this makes me think of and answer as much as possible upfront - what we need, how things should work, the required steps, and what edge cases and pitfalls there might be. I'll usually have two or three solutions I'll consider and document, as well as which I decided to use and why.
Once I've planned the solution, coding is usually very fast and straightforward, as most or all questions should already have been answered. I don't need to stop and answer questions whilst writing the code, and the code should be cleaner as I'm coding to the plan rather than figuring it out as I go.
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Ship, Show or Ask
pubDate: 2022-11-30
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- git
"Ship / Show / Ask" describes itself as a self-described modern branching strategy that combines the features of pull or merge requests with the ability to keep shipping changes.
Each change is either a "Ship", "Show", or "Ask".
## Ship
"Ship" changes are what I most commonly do with continuous integration and trunk-based development projects. Changes are committed directly to the main branch and shipped - assuming that the CI pipeline and any other automated checks pass. There is no blocking code review or pull request for "Ship" changes.
## Show
"Show" changes are made on a temporary branch instead of the mainline. This branch is then used to create a pull request which is closed once the CI checks pass without any code review.
Once the pull request is merged, the change is deployed, but the pull request is still available as somewhere to have feedback and conversation about the change.
This is something that I did today after starting to write a new feature by implementing the Decorator design pattern, and wanted others to be aware of this approach and ask any questions.
Another reason for this approach is if someone wants to ensure that the CI checks will pass before merging to mainline. Some Developers worry about breaking the CI pipeline with a trunk-based approach and blocking others, so want to know that the pipeline will continue to work and they aren't disrupting other team members.
## Ask
This is how I've worked on most projects before, and still with some clients where they want to review changes before merging, or maybe I want to have a discussion and review a change beforehand.
This is also common when new Developers join a project or need to change some code they haven't worked on before.
## Conclusion
I like the flexibility and balance of this approach. I prefer to work on "mostly ship" projects, and most of the show and ask conversations happen during pair or mob programming sessions.
Some of my clients where I work with teams are "mostly ask" and work in a more Git Flow-type way and want to review any changes before they're merged and deployed.
But if you're working on a "mostly ask" project and want to move to "mostly ship", then aiming to move to "mostly show" is a good intermediate step and a way to reduce shipping time or develop and build confidence in the CI pipeline before moving to trunk-based development and removing the manual review step.
The full article with more information is at
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Writing readable code
pubDate: 2022-12-01
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This week, I needed to investigate and fix a bug within some existing code.
It's code written some time ago and not by anyone working on the team.
The code wasn't very readable, so before I could fix the bug, I needed to figure out what the code was supposed to be doing.
I started to write a list of things that would make the code easier to read and understand - no single-letter variable names, reduced levels of indentation and splitting some nested ternary operators to use separate return statements.
I also watched a video of a conference talk titled "Writing code you won't hate tomorrow", which re-introduced me to Object Callisthenics.
They are from "The ThoughtWorks Anthology" book and are some steps that include some of the points that I had written:
1. Use only one level of indentation per method.
1. Don’t use the else keyword.
1. Wrap all primitives and strings.
1. Use only one dot per line.
1. Don’t abbreviate.
1. Keep all entities small.
1. Don’t use any classes with more than two instance variables.
1. Use first-class collections.
1. Don’t use any getters/setters/properties
As well as the original book, there are numerous blog posts and videos on this topic.
Why try some of them on the next code you write and see if it's easier to read and understand?
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Commit and push something every day
pubDate: 2022-12-02
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One of the significant changes that I've found and that's benefitted me whilst developing is to commit and push something every day.
It doesn't need to be a whole feature. It could be a new class with its passing tests, but it isn't used anywhere yet, so it won't affect the existing functionality, or it could be a new test for some existing functionality that was missing previously.
It could be a small refactor - renaming a variable or class name that makes some code easier to read or removing some commented-out code that isn't doing anything other than adding visual clutter.
It could be updating some documentation or [writing a technical document](; if you keep those in your version control repository, that would help you implement the following change or to make the documentation clearer for the next reader - whether that's you or someone else.
Committing something at least once a day creates a different mindset to "I'll write everything and push it when it's done".
It makes you break up large tasks into multiple smaller ones and set mini-deadlines for yourself. I used to do the same when I commuted to work on a train and had a task for a freelance project to complete before I arrived. I used to think, "What can I start, finish and commit before I get there?" instead of leaving something incomplete.
You don't need to push your change to mainline. If you use the ["Ship, Show, Ask" approach]( then you could commit to a temporary branch that you either merge yourself once you know it passes the checks, or to show or get feedback from other team members.
Practicing this becomes a habit, and if you're doing test-driven development and committing after every passing test or refactor, you'll find yourself pushing numerous changes a day.
This became my normal approach instead of having long-lived feature branches or lots of unpushed local commits.
I much prefer making as small charges as possible and pushing them as often as I can.
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What to do with TODO comments
pubDate: 2022-12-03
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[In a previous email](, I wrote about commented-out code and whether it should remain in a codebase - especially if it's version controlled and there's a commit log of all changes.
But what about TODO comments that remind you to do something?
When I think of TODO comments, I think of times when I've found them left in codebases from a long time ago by Developers who no longer work on it - never to be looked at again.
I recently removed a small number from a codebase I added while working on the first MVP.
They were comments like "Move this to a repository" or "Remove this hard-coded value and make this configurable".
These weren't things that would affect the functionality of the code - but nice-to-haves, things that could be done differently, or reminders of things where hard-coded values were fine but would need to be replaced in the future.
Instead of being code comments that only I was aware of, I moved them into the issue-tracking system I'm using. This allows the client to have visibility of them and that they can be scheduled and prioritised alongside other work, providing a truer reflection of the current tasks.
Some have since been addressed, but some will remain and be actioned in the future. If they were still code comments, they might not have been addressed at all, so the issue tracker seems like the better place for them to be.
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Writing "Why first" user stories
pubDate: 2022-12-04
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I've usually written user stories that follow this format:
As a...
I want...
So that...
You focus on the person who needs the task first, followed by what they want, and why they want it.
Lately, I've been re-ordering stories to follow this order:
So that...
As a...
I want...
What I like about this is that it focuses on capturing the "why" of the story first rather than at the end or maybe even forgetting it altogether.
What's needed and who needs it doesn't matter unless you also capture why it's needed.
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Outcomes or output
pubDate: 2022-12-05
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I was reading a Twitter thread recently that [started with this tweet](
> "Measuring output (e.g. velocity) is a waste of time. It's outcomes you care about - customer happiness."
This is definitely something that I agree with.
I can't remember the last time I looked at an output burndown chart or a velocity score.
I'd rather focus on what outcomes have been delivered and adding value to clients and customers.
What features did we release, what bugs did we fix, and what impact and value did that provide?
What increased revenue or improved a customer's experience?
I may have a sprint or cycle where I only deliver one or two large tasks, but those are major features that have been requested, a bug affecting a user's experience, or a task that unblocks future tasks.
In that situation, my velocity may not be good and could be improved by working on multiple smaller tasks, but which outcomes provide the most value?
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Should you comment your code?
pubDate: 2022-12-06
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Something that I hear often is "self-documenting code", and that code should be easy to understand without comments.
If you need to write a comment explaining what something does, move the code into a new class or function and have its name describe what it does.
I agree with this, but I still think there is a place for comments within the code as long as they add value.
## What comments shouldn't be
Comments shouldn't just repeat what the code says.
If the comment says "Returns false", and I can read that from the code, the comment isn't adding any value.
I use types a lot in PHP and TypeScript, and if docblocks are just repeating the native types, I'd rather not include them and keep the code minimal.
Comments like "Constructor" and "This shouldn't happen" add no context.
## What comments should be
Comments need to add value by adding extra information or explaining why the code does what it does.
I will add comments like "This class decorates ... so that ..." and "This returns ... if ...". These comments add value and make the code easier to read and understand. The downside is that you then need to maintain the comments, make sure they remain correct, and if the functionality changes the comment is also changed.
If a static analysis tool requires me to provide more information in a docblock that describes some parameters or a return type, I'll do that. It makes the code quality better, reduces bugs, and makes the Developer experience better. As I'm improving the native types by providing more information, I'm not just repeating them so this is OK with me.
Comments should make the code easier to read, understand, and work with for yourself and other team members.
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Separating releases from deployments with feature flags
pubDate: 2022-12-07
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In a typical feature release process, a feature is released when you merge the code and push it to production.
If a bug is found after the release, the code needs to be reverted (and any conflicts or issues dealt with) and deployed again.
Also, features can only be merged once they are complete, which may take hours, days or weeks, depending on the size of the feature.
These are some reasons I like to use feature flags (aka feature toggles) and separate the code deployment from releasing the feature. The code is deployed as before, but the feature isn't released, and the code isn't executed until a feature flag is enabled.
If there is a bug, the feature flag can be disabled, and the feature is turned off until a fix can be pushed - without needing another code deployment.
If my feature is incomplete, if it's feature flagged, I can commit and deploy it without users seeing it or affecting the running application, resulting in smaller and more manageable commits and deployments.
If you wanted, you could enable a feature flag for a subset or a certain subsection of your users - allowing them to test it before making it available to everyone.
Another way I use feature flags is within a [multi-site Drupal application]( to enable a different feature set per site and allow me to keep one version of the code for all sites to keep this easy to manage and maintain.
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The Decorator design pattern
pubDate: 2022-12-08
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- design-patterns
Decorator is a structural design pattern that allows you to add extra functionality, such as if you want to add caching or logging to a service, without changing the original class.
As long as a class implements an Interface, it can be decorated.
For example, if I have this PHP interface:
interface DoesSomething
public function doSomething(): void;
I could have this class that does something:
final class FirstClass implements DoesSomething
public function doSomething(): void
// Does something.
If I need to do something else, like caching or logging the result, I can decorate it.
To do this, I need another class that implements the same interface and inject the original version.
final class SecondClass implements DoesSomething
public function __constuct(
private DoesSomething $originalClass
) {}
public function doSomething()
// Do something else before.
// Do something else afterwards.
Within the new class, the methods can be overridden, extra functionality can be added, and the original method can be run to execute the original functionality.
As the two classes implement the same interface, I can swap between different versions and decorate multiple times if needed.
This a pattern that I used recently to extend a service that retrieved some data from an API and saved it to a file, to change some arguments and do more work with it.
The original class was unchanged, the new class was minimal and easy to understand as it only had a single responsibility, and if I needed to switch back to the original version, I could easily do that.
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How and why I started using PostCSS
pubDate: 2022-12-09
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- css
- front-end
I assume that, like many other Developers, when I started learning front-end development, I wrote normal, plain CSS and later discovered and adopted pre-processors like Less and Sass that added features such as variables and nesting to my stylesheets.
This was the case when I first saw what became Tailwind CSS, which were some stylesheets written in Less and ported manually between projects.
I remember watching one of those streams, and a fellow viewer suggested PostCSS, which Tailwind CSS would later be written in.
PostCSS, a CSS post-processor rather than a pre-processor, has become my preferred way of writing CSS because of Tailwind.
When I started using Tailwind in my projects, I was layering it on top of another CSS framework or styles that were written using Less or Sass, so I needed to pre-process them into CSS first and then run PostCSS - essentially running two build steps and adding to the build time.
I moved to use PostCSS by default - removing one of the build steps.
What I liked about it, as well as the quicker build times, was that I could start with plain CSS and add the extra features I needed. I didn't use all of Sass and Less' features, and now, if I needed nesting or real-time imports, I could add it via a PostCSS plugin or write my own.
It's also quick and easy to use, using the PostCSS CLI tool and without more complex tools like Webpack.
If you haven't tried PostCSS, I recommend taking a look.
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Managing databases with Neovim and Docker
pubDate: 2022-12-10
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- docker
- neovim
If you work on software projects that use a database, you need a convenient way to connect, inspect, and query them.
Some IDEs like PhpStorm have an integrated database client, which I've recently added to my Neovim setup and working with Docker and Docker Compose.
## Configuring Docker Compose
A local port needs to be exposed from the database container that Neovim can connect to.
I usually do this with a `docker-compose.override.yaml` file:
- 3307:3306
Docker Compose recognises this by default, extends the normal `docker-compose.yaml` file and adds a port forwarding to the `database` service.
## Configuring Neovim
The two plugins I'm using are tpope/vim-dadbod and kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui, and should work with Vim and Neovim. Thanks to both of these project maintainers.
Once installed, run `:DBUIAddconnection` to add a database connection.
Here is an example connection string:
Using the local port mapping, this connects to a MySQL database within the `database` service.
Then run `:DBUI` to toggle the UI and see a list of databases in the left-hand sidebar.
You can enter `<leader>R` to refresh databases or `r` to rename or update connection details for a specific database.
Once connected, you can enter and save queries, using table and column name completion, which are executed every time the query is saved.
I like not needing to switch contexts and leave my editor in order to query a database, and feel a lot more productive being able to write, execute and save queries within this UI.
If you're a Vim or Neovim user, I'd suggest trying this setup and seeing if it works for you.
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Happy Drupal 10 release day!
pubDate: 2022-12-15
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- drupal
- php
Today, Drupal 10 was released alongside Drupal 9.5.
This means that, as of today, Drupal 9.3 is no longer supported, so people should update to 9.4, 9.5, or 10.
As things stand, Drupal 7 is still supported until November 2023.
I haven't tried upgrading any existing websites from Drupal 9 to 10 yet, but I have already started a new client project with Drupal 10.
It's a project for a new client that we've been discussing for a few months, and we wanted to wait until Drupal 10 was released before starting. My preparation work has been on the release candidate version of Drupal 10, so I can't foresee any issues updating to the stable 10.0.0 version.
As an open-source Drupal project maintainer, I'll soon release Drupal 10 compatible versions of my maintained modules and themes, such as Override Node Options and the Tailwind CSS starter kit theme.
If your company has a Drupal module that needs to be upgraded to be Drupal 10 compatible, or needs a module to integrate your service with Drupal 10, reply to this email and let's arrange a call and see if we can work together.
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Automating all the things, including infrastructure
pubDate: 2022-12-20
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- automation
- devops
I'm a big advocate for automation, from having a reproducible Docker and Docker Compose environment, automated tests, static analysis, and code linting in my projects to running them automatically on every push to a remote repository using a CI pipeline.
I've written scripts to simplify common complex tasks and automated my local development environment setup before using tools like Ansible and, recently, the Nix package manager, NixOS and Home Manager.
Another main piece of automation I use is to create and manage the infrastructure my applications run in.
I've talked about it in my [Deploying PHP applications with Ansible and Ansistrano talk](, that before you can deploy an application, you need a server with the required packages installed to run it. You may also need a CDN endpoint, SSL certificate, DNS records, CORS policy, database server, container registry, object storage bucket or a number of various other things.
Using automation tools like Terraform, Pulumi or Ansible, you can run a single command to create, update or destroy resources or your entire stack.
The automation code acts as living documentation, can be version-controlled, stored alongside the code, and read by the Developers or anyone else involved with the project.
If you need to hand over the hosting requirements to a client or create their own version, you can do that with the same automation code.
And if a disaster scenario was to happen and you needed to recreate your infrastructure from scratch or move to a different cloud provider, you could do that quickly using automation tools, knowing that the new infrastructure would be consistent with the original, all of the pieces would be in place, and without needing to recreate everything manually from scratch.
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Duck typing
pubDate: 2022-12-21
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If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.
If I pass a parameter into a function, as long as it works with the code within the function - it is of the correct type and has the expected properties and methods - it will work, although nothing is enforcing that the correct thing is passed in.
If not, you'd get an error that the method or property doesn't exist when trying to invoke or access it.
This is the opposite of strict typing, where you'd get a Type error if you passed the wrong thing.
Both are valid approaches, though I prefer to use types and get specific error messages and leverage tools like static analysis, which work better the more it understands your code.
In particular when writing and using open-source code that anyone can use however they like, I'd suggest leveraging types and type-checking, but it depends on what you, your team or your community prefer.
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The Boy Scout rule
pubDate: 2022-12-22
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The Boy Scout rule is "Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it".
From a programming perspective, "Always leave the code better than you find it".
If you're working on some code and see some commented-out lines or unused variables, once you've finished with your changes, remove them too.
If there's a variable that could have a more descriptive name, change it.
If there are any other refactors you can do, do them and leave the code better than before and easier for the next Developer (whether it's you or someone else) to work with.
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Speaking at PHP Stoke and nor(DEV):con
pubDate: 2022-12-23
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- public-speaking
I had some early presents this month and have been accepted to present talks at the new PHP Stoke meetup and the Norfolk Developers Conference.
## PHP Stoke
The first PHP Stoke meetup will be held at Genr8 Smithfield Works on the 12th of January. I'll be presenting "[Things you should know about PHP](". It'll be great to be the first speaker at this new meetup.
## nor(DEV):con
The Norfolk Developers conference is in Norwich on the 23rd and 24th of February.
I'll be presenting "[Taking Flight about Tailwind CSS](". It's been a while since I last gave this talk so I'm looking forward to updating it with the latest changes and new features in Tailwind CSS.
It'll be great to be speaking at these events and hopefully others in 2023.
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Debugging gitignore rules
pubDate: 2022-12-28
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- git
Have you wondered why a file or directory is being ignored in your Git repository and isn't appearing when you run `git status`?
Maybe you have multiple `.gitignore` files and you don't know which is causing the issue, or you ignore everything and explicitly unignore the files that you want to add.
## `check-ignore` to the rescue
`git check-ignore` accepts a list of paths and checks if each is ignored.
There's also a `--verbose` option that will tell you which `.gitignore` file is causing it to be ignored as well as the line number and the pattern - great information for debugging, and no more force adding files.
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
Reference in a new issue