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Dot Access Data
Given a deep data structure, access data by dot notation.
- PHP (5.3+)
Abstract example:
use Dflydev\DotAccessData\Data;
$data = new Data;
$data->set('a.b.c', 'C');
$data->set('a.b.d', 'D1');
$data->append('a.b.d', 'D2');
$data->set('a.b.e', array('E0', 'E1', 'E2'));
// C
// array('D1', 'D2')
// array('E0', 'E1', 'E2')
// true
// false
A more concrete example:
use Dflydev\DotAccessData\Data;
$data = new Data(array(
'hosts' => array(
'hewey' => array(
'username' => 'hman',
'password' => 'HPASS',
'roles' => array('web'),
'dewey' => array(
'username' => 'dman',
'password' => 'D---S',
'roles' => array('web', 'db'),
'nick' => 'dewey dman'
'lewey' => array(
'username' => 'lman',
'password' => 'LP@$$',
'roles' => array('db'),
// hman
$username = $data->get('hosts.hewey.username');
$password = $data->get('hosts.hewey.password');
// array('web')
$roles = $data->get('hosts.hewey.roles');
// dewey dman
$nick = $data->get('hosts.dewey.nick');
// Unknown
$nick = $data->get('hosts.lewey.nick', 'Unknown');
// DataInterface instance
$dewey = $data->getData('hosts.dewey');
// dman
$username = $dewey->get('username');
// D---S
$password = $dewey->get('password');
// array('web', 'db')
$roles = $dewey->get('roles');
// No more lewey
// Add DB to hewey's roles
$data->append('hosts.hewey.roles', 'db');
$data->set('hosts.april', array(
'username' => 'aman',
'password' => '@---S',
'roles' => array('web'),
// Check if a key exists (true to this case)
$hasKey = $data->has('hosts.dewey.username');
This library is licensed under the New BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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