#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Initialize a Docksal powered Wordpress site ## ## Usage: fin init # Abort if anything fails set -e #-------------------------- Settings -------------------------------- # PROJECT_ROOT is passed from fin. # The following variables are configured in the '.env' file: DOCROOT, VIRTUAL_HOST. DOCROOT_PATH="${PROJECT_ROOT}/${DOCROOT}" #-------------------------- END: Settings -------------------------------- #-------------------------- Helper functions -------------------------------- # Console colors red='\033[0;31m' green='\033[0;32m' green_bg='\033[42m' yellow='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' echo-red () { echo -e "${red}$1${NC}"; } echo-green () { echo -e "${green}$1${NC}"; } echo-green-bg () { echo -e "${green_bg}$1${NC}"; } echo-yellow () { echo -e "${yellow}$1${NC}"; } is_windows () { local res=$(uname | grep 'CYGWIN_NT') if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } #-------------------------- END: Helper functions -------------------------------- #-------------------------- Functions -------------------------------- # Generate wp-config.php file generate_config () { cd $DOCROOT_PATH fin exec "rm -f wp-config.php" fin exec "wp core config --dbname=${MYSQL_DATABASE} --dbuser=${MYSQL_USER} --dbpass=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} --dbhost=db" } # Install site site_install () { cd $DOCROOT_PATH fin exec "wp core install \ --url=${VIRTUAL_HOST} \ --title='My WordPress Site' \ --admin_user=${WP_ADMIN_USER} \ --admin_password=${WP_ADMIN_PASS} \ --admin_email=${WP_ADMIN_EMAIL}" } #-------------------------- END: Functions -------------------------------- #-------------------------- Execution -------------------------------- if [[ "$PROJECT_ROOT" == "" ]]; then echo-red "\$PROJECT_ROOT is not set" exit 1 fi if [[ $DOCKER_RUNNING == "true" ]]; then echo -e "${green_bg} Step 1 ${NC}${green} Recreating services...${NC}" fin reset -f else echo -e "${green_bg} Step 1 ${NC}${green} Creating services...${NC}" fin up fi echo "Waiting 10s for MySQL to initialize..."; sleep 10 # Project initialization steps echo -e "${green_bg} Step 2 ${NC}${green} Generating wp-config.php...${NC}" generate_config echo -e "${green_bg} Step 3 ${NC}${green} Installing site...${NC}" time site_install if is_windows; then echo-green "Add ${VIRTUAL_HOST} to your hosts file (/etc/hosts), e.g.:" echo-green " ${VIRTUAL_HOST}" echo fi echo -en "${green_bg} DONE! ${NC} " echo -e "Open ${yellow}http://${VIRTUAL_HOST}${NC} in your browser to verify the setup." echo -e "Admin panel: ${yellow}http://${VIRTUAL_HOST}/wp-admin${NC}. User/password: ${yellow}${WP_ADMIN_USER}/${WP_ADMIN_PASS}${NC} " #-------------------------- END: Execution --------------------------------