talks/Working with Workspace/slides.rst
2021-02-06 22:46:22 +00:00

223 lines
3.9 KiB

.. footer:: @opdavies
Working with Workspace
.. class:: titleslideinfo
Oliver Davies, Inviqa
.. raw:: pdf
TextAnnotation "Full stack Developer and Systems Administrator"
TextAnnotation "Organiser of PHP South Wales"
.. page:: standardPage
What is Workspace?
* A tool that we use and maintain at Inviqa
* Primarily for building and managing Docker Compose environments
* Built on Symfony
* Create custom commands for your project environments
* Alternative to a bash script or a Makefile
* And more...
.. raw:: pdf
TextAnnotation "Available on GitHub, MIT licensed."
TextAnnotation "Uses Config, Console, Dependency Injection, Expression Language, Finder and YAML components, as well as Twig."
TextAnnotation "Replacement for commands like 'make build'"
TextAnnotation "Useful for simplifying long, complicated commands, e.g. Docker, Ansible."
* Commands
* Functions
* Attributes
* Encrypting/decrypting secrets
* Generating configuration files
* Global services: logging, mail, proxy
.. raw:: pdf
TextAnnotation "Generating settings.php files, Dockerfiles and Docker Compose from a central set of attributes."
TextAnnotation "Logging with kibana, mailhog, Traefik proxy."
.. code-block:: bash
:include: code/installation.txt
.. page:: imagePage
.. image:: images/output-simple.png
:width: 15cm
.. page:: titlePage
.. class:: centredtitle
Replacing your Makefile
.. page:: standardPage
Running simple commands
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/simple-command.txt
.. page:: imagePage
.. image:: images/output-command.png
:width: 15cm
.. page:: standardPage
'run' vs. 'passthru'
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/run-passthru.txt
.. image:: images/helper-run.png
:width: 20cm
.. image:: images/helper-passthru.png
:width: 20cm
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/attributes.txt
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/arguments.txt
Environment variables
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/environment-variables.txt
Managing secrets
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/secrets.txt
.. raw:: pdf
TextAnnotation "Shortened for slides"
TextAnnotation "Store default key in an overrides file that's ignored from Git, and somewhere secure like a password manager."
.. page:: titlePage
.. class:: centredtitle
Example: building slides from rst2pdf
.. page:: standardPage
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/workspace-talks.txt
:end-before: command('pdf generate <talk>'): |
Generating PDFs
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/workspace-talks.txt
:start-at: command('pdf generate <talk>'): |
:end-before: command('thumbnail <talk>'):
Generating thumbnails
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/workspace-talks.txt
:start-at: command('thumbnail <talk>'):
.. page:: titlePage
.. class:: centredtitle
Configuration files
.. page:: standardPage
Using confd
.. code-block:: yaml
:include: code/confd.txt
.. raw:: pdf
TextAnnotation ".twig file extension is assumed."
The source file.
.. code-block:: twig
:include: code/nginx-vhost.txt
:end-before: # output
The generated file.
.. code-block:: nginx
:include: code/nginx-vhost.txt
:start-after: # output
.. page:: titlePage
.. class:: centredtitle
Demo: "Workspacing" my site
.. page:: standardPage