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<title>Drush Make | Drupal Bristol - July 2014</title>
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<h1>$ drush make drupalbristol</h1>
<h3>July 2014</h3>
<small>By <a href="">Oliver Davies</a> / <a href="">@opdavies</a></small>
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<h2>What is it?</h2>
<blockquote>"Drush make is an extension to drush that can create a ready-to-use drupal site, pulling sources from various locations. It does this by parsing a flat text file (similar to a drupal `.info` file) and downloading the sources it describes. In practical terms, this means that it is possible to distribute a complicated Drupal distribution as a single text file."</blockquote>
<p><small><a href=""></a></small></p>
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<h2>Installation (&lt; 5.x)</h2>
<pre><code data-trim>
# Download drush_make from D.O.
$ drush dl drush_make
# Move it into a .drush directory within your HOME.
$ mv drush_make ~/.drush
# Clear the Drush cache.
$ drush cc drush
<aside class="notes">
<pre><code data-trim>
core = 7.x
api = 2
projects[drupal][version] = "7.28"
; Modules
; Themes
; Libraries
; Custom modules and theme
<!-- Contrib modules -->
<h2>Modules (contrib)</h2>
<pre><code data-trim>
projects[admin_menu][version] = "3.0-rc4"
# To place the module within a sub-directory.
projects[admin_menu][subdir] = "contrib"
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<!-- Dev releases -->
<h2>Modules (dev releases)</h2>
<pre><code data-trim>
projects[devel_themer][download][type] = "git"
projects[devel_themer][download][revision] = "bec0859"
<aside class="notes">
<h2>Modules (custom)</h2>
<p>This module is being downloaded from it's repository on GitHub.</p>
<pre><code data-trim>
projects[nomensa_amp_base][type] = "module"
projects[nomensa_amp_base][download][type] = "git"
projects[nomensa_amp_base][download][url] = ""
projects[nomensa_amp_base][download][branch] = "7.x"
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<pre><code data-trim>
projects[zen][version] = "5.4"
# This is optional, it seems to work without it.
projects[zen][type] = "theme"
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<p>You can download external libraries by specifying the "get" download type and the download URL.</p>
<pre><code data-trim>
libraries[ckeditor][download][type] = "get"
libraries[ckeditor][download][url] = ""
<p>That's great, but I've already got a site built. Then use <b>make-generate</b>.</p>
<pre><code data-trim>
$ drush make-generate foo.make
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## Resources
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