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## Having fun with
## _Drupal 8_, _PHP libraries_
## and the _Drupal.org API_
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![right 700%](../../me-phpnw.png)
- Full stack Web Developer & System Administrator
- Senior Developer at Microserve
- Part-time freelancer
- Acquia certified Drupal 8 Grand Master
- Drupal 7 & 8 core contributor
- Open source project maintainer
- Drupal Bristol and PHPSW co-organiser
- opdavies (Drupal.org, GitHub, Twitter)
- www.oliverdavi.es
^ Work at Microserve.
Maintain Drupal modules, PHP CLI tools and libraries
Talking about some open source project that I've written or in the process of writing.
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## _Drupal 8 crash course_
### PHP libraries, Unit testing,
### Composer, Routing, Services,
### Dependency injection, caching
^ Please feel free to ask questions as we go along!
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## _Live Demo_ alert!
### _Did you know that_
## Drupal.org has an API?
^ We're all familiar with Drupal.org (it's where everyone registered for this event), but did you know D.o has a public API?
### _A PHP library for the_
## Drupal.org API
^ The first thing I built was...
It's what the Drupal examples are built on top of.
Does everyone understand what I mean by a PHP library?
- Retrieve _node_ and _user_ data
- Filter by properties
- Provides own entity classes
- Methods for retrieving common properties
- Reusable
- Unit tested
^ Re-usable by Drupal 7, Drupal 8, Symfony, Laravel etc
Testing already covered.
$ composer require opdavies/drupalorg-api-php
### _Displaying Drupal.org_
## project statistics
[.text: alignment(left)]
- Inspired by _spatie.be/en/opensource_
- Displays _downloads_ and _stars_
- Drupal 8 module
+ Configuration form to enter project IDs
+ Queries the API
+ Displays project information
+ Retrieved data cached locally
^ Demo
### _When is your_
## Drupalversary?
[.text: alignment(left)]
- When did you register on Drupal.org?
- Drupal 8 module
+ Enter a username
+ Queries the API
+ Displays information - next Drupalversary _date_ and _number of days_ until, _number of years_ on Drupal.org
+ Retrieved data cached locally
^ Stored in cache tables, but could use a custom entity?
- oliverdavi.es/_talks_
- oliverdavi.es/_youtube_
- oliverdavi.es/_github_
- oliverdavi.es/_packagist_
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## Questions?
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# Thanks
### joind.in/_24044_