.. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle How I deal with repetition? .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle Avoid repetition by extracting components .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle Does something justify becoming a component? .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle Could the duplication be moved elsewhere? .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Twig partials, Vue components, WordPress template parts." .. page:: standardPage Loops ===== .. code-block:: twig :linenos: :include: code/20-loops.txt Includes ======== .. code-block:: twig :linenos: :include: code/21-includes.txt .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Move the duplicate markup into a partial, so there's only one version. Pass data in." Extracting CSS components ========================= .. code-block:: css :linenos: :include: code/css-apply-before.txt Extracting CSS components ========================= .. code-block:: css :linenos: :include: code/css-apply-after.txt