theme: poster, 8 autoscale: true build-lists: true header-emphasis: #53B0EB header: alignment(center) text: alignment(left) text-emphasis: #53B0EB code: Monaco, line-height(1.2) [.hide-footer] [.header: alignment(center)] # Configure all the things!! --- [.header: alignment(center)] # Drupal 8 ### _Configuration management_ --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.build-lists: false] [.header: #111111] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)]  - Web Developer & System Administrator - Senior Developer at Microserve - Part-time freelancer - Acquia certified Drupal 8 Grand Master - Drupal 7 & 8 core contributor - @opdavies - ^ Work at Microserve. Maintain Drupal modules, PHP CLI tools and libraries Blog on my website --- ## What is configuration? --- [.header: alignment(center)] # Thanks! ### _@opdavies_ ### _oliverdavies.uk_