autoscale: true
build-lists: true
theme: next, 9

# [fit] Deploying Drupal <br>with Fabric
### Oliver Davies


[.build-lists: false]

- What is Fabric and what do I use it for?
- How to write and organise Fabric scripts
- Task examples


[.build-lists: false]


- Senior Developer at Microserve
- Part-time freelance Developer & System Administrator
- Drupal Bristol, PHPSW, DrupalCamp Bristol organiser
- Sticker collector, herder of elePHPants
- @opdavies

^ Drupal, Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Sculpin
Not a Python Developer



## [fit] What is <br>Fabric?


## What is Fabric?

Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.


## What is Fabric?

It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.


## I use Fabric to...

- Simplify my build process
- Deploy code directly to different environments
- Act as an intermediate step




[.build-lists: false]

## Why Fabric?

- Powerful
- Flexible
- Easier to read and write than bash

^ - Can be used for different languages, frameworks
- Can be used for small, simple deployments or large, complicated ones
- Not very opinioned


## Installing Fabric

$ pip install fabric

# macOS
$ brew install fabric

# Debian, Ubuntu
$ apt-get install fabric
$ apt-get install python-fabric


## [fit] Writing your <br>first fabfile



from fabric.api import env, run, cd, local

env.hosts = ['']

# Do stuff...

^ Callables



from fabric.api import *

env.hosts = ['']

# Do stuff...


## Operations

- cd, lcd - *change directory*
- run, sudo, local - *run a command*
- get - *download files*
- put - *upload files*



## Utils

- warn: *print warning message*
- abort: *abort execution, exit with error status*
- error: *call func with given error message*
- puts: *alias for print whose output is managed by Fabric's output controls*



## File management

from fabric.contrib.files import *

- exists - *check if path exists*
- contains - *check if file contains text/matches regex*
- sed - *run search and replace on a file*
- upload_template - *render and upload a template to remote host*


^ Allows for jinja2 templates


## Tasks


def main():
  with cd('/var/www/html'):
    run('git pull')
    run('composer install')


## Task arguments

```python, [.highlight: 1, 4-6]
def main(run_composer=True):
  with cd('/var/www/html'):
    run('git pull')

    if run_composer:
      run('composer install')


## Task arguments

```python, [.highlight: 1, 4-15]
def main(run_composer=True, env='prod', build_type):
  with cd('/var/www/html'):
    run('git pull')

    if run_composer:
      if env == 'prod':
        run('composer install --no-dev')
        run('composer install')

      if build_type == 'drupal':
      elif build_type == 'symfony':
      elif build_type == 'sculpin':


## Calling other tasks

```python, [.highlight: 4-15]
def main():
  with cd('/var/www/html'):

def build():
  run('git pull')
  run('composer install')

def post_install():
  with prefix('drush'):
    run('updatedb -y')
    run('entity-updates -y')

^ Better organised code
Not everything in one long
Easier to read and comprehend
Single responsibilty principle


## Running Tasks

fab --list

fab <task>

fab <task>:build_number=$BUILD_ID,build_type=drupal

^ in the current directory is found automatically.


[production] Executing task 'main'
[production] run: git pull
[production] out: Already up-to-date.
[production] out:

[production] run: composer install
[production] out: Generating autoload files
[production] out:

Disconnecting from production... done.


## Downsides

- Running build tasks on production


[.build-lists: false]

## Not Building on Prod

1. Build locally and deploy.


## Local tasks

# Runs remotely.

from fabric.api import run

run('git pull')
run('composer install')

# Runs locally.

from fabric.api import local

local('git pull')
local('composer install')


## Local tasks

# Remote.

from fabric.api import cd

with cd('themes/custom/drupalbristol'):

# Runs locally.

from fabric.api import lcd

with lcd('themes/custom/drupalbristol'):


## rsync

```python, [.highlight: 1, 5-11]
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project


def deploy():
    exclude=('.git', 'node_modules/', '.sass-cache/')


[production] Executing task 'main'
[localhost] local: git pull
Current branch master is up to date.
[localhost] local: composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files


^ - The risky steps have been run separate to the live code.
- Any issues will not affect the live site.


[.build-lists: false]

## Not Building on Prod

1. ~~Build locally and deploy.~~
1. Build in a separate directory and switch after build.

^ Capistrano


## Deploying into a different directory

from fabric.api import *
from time import time

project_dir = '/var/www/html'
next_release = "%(time).0f" % { 'time': time() } # Current timestamp

def init():
  if not exists(project_dir):
    run('mkdir -p %s/backups' % project_dir)
    run('mkdir -p %s/shared' % project_dir)
    run('mkdir -p %s/releases' % project_dir)


## Deploying into a different directory

current_release = '%s/%s' % (releases_dir, next_release)

run('git clone %s %s' % (git_repo, current_release))

def build():
  with cd(current_release):

^ - Clone the repository into a different directory
- Run any "risky" tasks away from the production code


## Deploying into a different directory

def pre_build(build_number):
  with cd('current'):
    print '==> Dumping the DB (just in case)...'

def backup_database():
  cd('drush sql-dump --gzip > ../backups/%s.sql.gz' % build_number)


## Deploying into a different directory

def update_symlinks():
  run('ln -nfs %s/releases/%s %s/current'
    % (project_dir, next_release, project_dir))

# /var/www/html/current


[production] Executing task 'main'
[production] run: git clone
Installing Composer dependencies...
[production] run: composer install --no-dev
Update the symlink to the new release...
[production] run: ln -nfs /var/www/html/releases/1505865600



# /var/www/html

shared # settings.local.php, sites.php, files etc.
current -> releases/1505865600 # symlink


[.build-lists: false]

## Positives

- Errors happen away from production

## Downsides

- Lots of release directories

^ If the build fails, then your live site is not affected.


## Removing old builds

def main(builds_to_keep=3):
  with cd('%s/releases' % project_dir):
    run("ls -1tr | head -n -%d | xargs -d '\\n' rm -fr"
      % builds_to_keep)

^ - Find directory names
- 1tr not ltr
- Remove the directories
- Additional tasks, removing DB etc


## [fit] Is the site <br>still running?


## Checking for failures

run(command).return_code == 0:
  # Pass

run(command).return_code == 1:
  # Fail

  # Fail

^ Works for local and remote.


print 'Checking the site is alive...'
if run('drush status | egrep "Connected|Successful"').failed:
  # Revert back to previous build.

^ egrep is an acronym for "Extended Global Regular Expressions Print". It is a program which scans a specified file line by line, returning lines that contain a pattern matching a given regular expression.


```bash, [.highlight 3]
$ drush status

Drupal version                  :  8.3.7
Site URI                        :  http://default
Database driver                 :  mysql
Database hostname               :  db
Database username               :  user
Database name                   :  default
Database                        :  Connected
Drupal bootstrap                :  Successful
Drupal user                     :
Default theme                   :  bartik
Administration theme            :  seven
PHP configuration               :  /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

^ Successful


```bash, [.highlight 3]
$ drush status

Drupal version                  :  8.3.7
Site URI                        :  http://default
Database driver                 :  mysql
Database hostname               :  db
Database username               :  user
Database name                   :  default
PHP configuration               :  /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

^ Failed.
"Database" to "PHP configuration" missing if cannot connect or DB is empty.


## [fit] Does the code still <br>merge cleanly?

^ Pre-task


def check_for_merge_conflicts(target_branch):
  with settings(warn_only=True):
    print('Ensuring that this can be merged into the main branch.')

    if local('git fetch && git merge --no-ff origin/%s'
      % target_branch).failed:
      abort('Cannot merge into target branch.')

^ Define target branch in Jenkins/when Fabric is run.



## [fit] Do our tests <br>still pass?



with settings(warn_only=True):
  with lcd('%s/docroot/core' % project_dir):
    if local('../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom').failed:
      abort('Tests failed!')


[localhost] run: ../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom
[localhost] out: PHPUnit 4.8.35 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: .......
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: Time: 1.59 minutes, Memory: 6.00MB
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: OK (7 tests, 42 assertions)
[localhost] out:



[localhost] run: ../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom
[localhost] out: PHPUnit 4.8.35 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: E
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: Time: 18.67 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: There was 1 error:
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: 1) Drupal\Tests\broadbean\Functional\AddJobTest::testNodesAreCreated
[localhost] out: Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 200, but 201 expected.
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: /var/www/html/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:770
[localhost] out: /var/www/html/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130
[localhost] out: /var/www/html/docroot/modules/custom/broadbean/tests/src/Functional/AddJobTest.php:66
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: FAILURES!
[localhost] out: Tests: 1, Assertions: 6, Errors: 1.
[localhost] out:

Warning: run() received nonzero return code 2 while executing '../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom/broadbean'!

Fatal error: Tests failed!




## [fit] Making Fabric <br>Smarter


## Conditional variables

drupal_version = None

if exists('composer.json') and exists('core'):
  drupal_version = 8
  drupal_version = 7


## Conditional tasks

if exists('composer.json'):
  run('composer install')

with cd('themes/custom/example'):
  if exists('package.json') and not exists('node_modules'):
    run('yarn --pure-lockfile')

  if exists('gulpfile.js'):
    run('node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')
  elif exists('gruntfile.js'):
    run('node_modules/.bin/grunt build')


## Project settings file

# app.yml

  version: 8
  root: web
    import: yes
    name: sync
    cmi_tools: no
    simpletest: false
    phpunit: true
    path: 'themes/custom/drupalbristol'
      type: gulp
      npm: no
      yarn: yes

  install: true


## Project settings file

```python, [.highlight 3]

from fabric.api import *
import yaml

config = []

if exists('app.yml'):
  with open('app.yml', 'r') as file:
    config = yaml.load(


## Project settings file


if config['composer']['install'] == True:
  local('composer install')


## Project settings file


if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']


## Project settings file

```python, [.highlight: 6-9]

if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

  with cd(drupal['root']):
    if drupal['version'] == 8:

    if drupal['version'] == 7:


## Project settings file

```python, [.highlight: 8-10]

if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

  with cd(drupal['root']):
    if drupal['version'] == 8:
      if drupal['config']['import'] == True:
        # Import the staged configuration.
        run('drush cim -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])


## Project settings file

```python, [.highlight: 9-15]

if build_type == 'drupal':
  drupal = config['drupal']

  with cd(drupal['root']):
    if drupal['version'] == 8:
      if drupal['config']['import'] == True:
        if drupal['config']['cmi_tools'] == True:
          # Use Drush CMI Tools.
          run('drush cimy -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])
          # Use core.
          run('drush cim -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])

^ - Less hard-coded values
- More flexible
- No need to use different files for different versions or frameworks
- No forked fabfiles per project or lots of conditionals based on the project


## Project settings file


theme = config['theme']

with cd(theme['path']):
  if theme['build']['gulp'] == True:
    if env == 'prod':
      run('node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')


## Project settings file v2

# app.yml

  build: |
    cd web/themes/custom/drupalbristol
    yarn --pure-lockfile
    npm run prod

  deploy: |
    cd web
    drush updatedb -y
    drush cache-rebuild -y

^ How do we know when to run Composer or npm?
How do we know what commands to run?
Can't tell this just by the presence of files.


## Project settings file v2


# Run build commands locally.
for hook in config['commands'].get('build', '').split("\n"):


# Run deploy commands remotely.
for hook in config['commands'].get('deploy', '').split("\n"):

^ "run" won't work locally


## Other things

- Run Drush commands
- Run automated tests
- Verify file permissions
- Restart services
- Anything you can do on the command line...


[.build-lists: false]

## Fabric has...

- Simplified my build process
- Made my build process more flexible
- Made my build process more robust


[.build-lists: false]

- (~~$129~~ $79)


## Thanks!

# Questions?

### @opdavies