theme: plain jane # **Drupal Developer Days
2018 Recap** ![]( --- ![fit](images/lisbon-map.png) --- ![fit](images/IMG_5278.jpg) --- ![fit]( ^ 400 people --- ![fit]( ^ sprints --- ![inline](images/block-aria-roles.png) --- ![inline](images/block-aria-roles-2.png) ^ Yay, commit credits! --- ![inline](images/gabor-keynote.png) ^ Composer, JS in core, admin UI, API first Signs on tables, online meetings and Slack channels Find the right people Get involved with something that interests you rather than searching for random issues --- ![inline](images/rslootjes-slide.png) ^ Symfony Framework style API building in Drupal symfony guy things i've done in symfony that I didn't know you could do in D8 great to see cross-community knowledge sharing --- ![inline](images/autowiring-tweet.png) --- ![inline](images/security-slide.png) ^ Jess (xjm) - D8 release manager Responsible disclosure, cross-project collaboration, and Drupal 8 security Don't include dev dependencies in prod code! ODL was doing this! immediate ROI --- ![inline](images/talk-feedback.png) --- ![inline](images/rachel-keynote.png) --- ![inline](images/rachel-keynote-2.png) --- ![inline]( ^ Great to chat about the DA with Rachel --- ![inline](images/membership-tweet.png) ^ Membership drive --- ![inline](images/membership-renewal.png) --- ![inline](images/dev-days-youtube.png) ^ Videos are now online