theme: poster, 8 autoscale: true build-lists: true header-emphasis: #53B0EB header: alignment(left) text: alignment(left) text-emphasis: #53B0EB code: Monaco, line-height(1.2) [.header: alignment(center)] # [fit] Deploying PHP applications # [fit] _With Ansible, Ansible Vault and Ansistrano_ --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.build-lists: false] [.header: #111111] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ![right 800%](../images/me-phpnw.png) - Full Stack Web Developer & System Administrator - Senior Developer at Microserve - Part-time freelancer - Acquia certified Drupal 8 Grand Master - Drupal 7 & 8 core contributor - Symfony, Laravel, Sculpin - @opdavies - ^ Work at Microserve. Maintain Drupal modules, PHP CLI tools and libraries Blog on my website --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.build-lists: false] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ![right 100%](../images/microserve-light.png) - - - - - --- [.header: #FFFFFF, line-height(0.7), League Gothic] ### _Things we'll be_ # Looking at --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] ![10%](images/ansible.png) ![85%](images/vagrant.png) ![325%](images/druplicon.png) ![325%](images/composer.png) ^ Ansible - software provisioning and deployment tool Vagrant - used for managing virtual machines. Used instead of a real server Drupal Composer - required by Drupal 8 to pull in dependencies (e.g. Symfony) --- 1. Ansible crash course 1. Initial setup and provisioning 1. Basic deployment setup 1. Using Ansible Vault for variables 1. Adding and configuring Ansistrano --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ## When should I use this? * Dedicated hosting: probably has this already * Shared hosting: probably not flexible enough * VPS or dedicated server --- ### _What is_ # Ansible? --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111] [.footer:] Ansible is _open source software_
that automates _software provisioning_,
_configuration management_,
and _application deployment_. --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ![10% right](images/ansible.png) # What is Ansible? * YAML * Batteries included * Executes remote commands * Installs software packages * Performs deployment steps --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ![10% right](images/ansible.png) # What is Ansible? * Hosts * Commands * Playbooks * Tasks * Roles --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ![10% right](images/ansible.png) # Why Ansible? * Familiar syntax * Easily readable * No server dependencies * Easy to add to an existing project * Includes relevant modules (e.g. Composer) --- ### _Ansible_ # Hosts --- ```ini # hosts.ini [dransible] ``` --- ### _Ansible_ # Commands --- ``` ansible all -m ping ansible all -m command -a 'git pull --chdir=/var/www/app' ``` --- ### _Ansible_ # [fit] Tasks and Playbooks --- ```yaml # playbook.yml --- - hosts: all tasks: - name: Update the code command: git pull args: chdir: /var/www/app ``` --- ``` ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts.ini ``` --- ### _Ansible_ # Roles ^ Collections of tasks, variables and handlers --- ```yaml # requirements.yml --- - src: geerlingguy.apache - src: geerlingguy.composer - src: geerlingguy.mysql - src: geerlingguy.php - src: geerlingguy.php-mysql ``` --- ``` ansible-galaxy -r ansible/requirements.yml install ``` --- ```yaml # playbook.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - geerlingguy.apache - geerlingguy.mysql - geerlingguy.php - geerlingguy.php-mysql - geerlingguy.composer ``` ^ Role order matters! --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## Let's take a look
at the code --- ### _Basic deployment_ # Ansible ^ Any questions on Ansible so far? --- ```yaml # ansible/provision.yml tasks: - name: Create a database mysql_db: name: mydatabase state: present - name: Add the database user mysql_user: name: drupal password: secret priv: '*.*:ALL' state: present ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml tasks: - name: Creating project directory file: path: /var/www/app state: directory - name: Uploading application synchronize: src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../" dest: /var/www/app - name: Installing Composer dependencies composer: command: install working_dir: /var/www/app ``` --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] # Disadvantages * Single point of failure * No ability to roll back * Sensitive data stored in plain text --- ### _Keeping secrets_ # Ansible Vault --- ```bash ansible-vault create ansible/vault.yml ``` --- ``` $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 36656233323539616336393838396137343939623233393338666530313730373233663263633065 3133633335316364306366333539613936376239383133330a356365666232623537333730663638 37393264616134613163663762666464373733663737383039316163336263323538393533323266 3432346662613438330a386435393432323761386137333736363436386466643031386662353933 30393631386463313265653862633866663530626439623063393934653235666530656462643135 39366431353762383434663536663761323565616564336131666339653038326333306433326264 31623539643166626234663736656337633036323837333137343533386165366531626462643662 66626631663930626266653937323634366231326537626131663662396335393361336635373736 3435 ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vault.yml --- vault_app_db_name: mydatabase vault_app_db_user: drupal vault_app_db_password: secret ``` ^ Optional, but easier to see where variables are set --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vars.yml --- app_db_name: "{{ vault_app_db_name }}" app_db_user: "{{ vault_app_db_user }}" app_db_password: "{{ vault_app_db_password }}" ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/provision.yml tasks: - name: Create a database mysql_db: name: '{{ app_db_name }}' state: present ``` --- ```bash ansible-vault edit ansible/vault.yml ``` --- ### _Better deployments_ # Ansistrano --- ![full inline](images/ansistrano.png) ^ Just another role, specifically for deployments Ansible port of Capistrano --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(center)] Capistrano is an open-source tool for running scripts on multiple servers; its main use is deploying web applications.

It automates the process of making a new version of an application available on one or more web servers, including supporting tasks such as changing databases. --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] # Features * Multiple release directories * Shared paths and files * Customisable * Multiple deployment strategies * Multi-stage environments * Prune old releases * Rollbacks ^ rsync, Git, SVN etc --- ```yaml # ansible/requirements.yml --- ... - ansistrano.deploy - ansistrano.rollback ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - ansistrano.deploy ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml --- ... vars: ansistrano_deploy_to: /var/www ansistrano_deploy_via: git ansistrano_git_branch: master ansistrano_git_repo: '' ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/rollback.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - ansistrano.rollback vars: ansistrano_deploy_to: /var/www ``` --- ### _Customising Ansistrano_ # Build Hooks --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] ![inline 125%](images/ansistrano-flow.png) --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml vars: ... ansistrano_after_symlink_shared_tasks_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml" ansistrano_after_symlink_tasks_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink.yml" ansistrano_after_update_code_tasks_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-update-code.yml" release_web_path: "{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/web" release_drush_path: "{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/vendor/bin/drush" ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy/after-update-code.yml --- - name: Install Composer dependencies composer: command: install working_dir: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}' ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml --- - name: Run database updates command: '{{ release_drush_path }} --root {{ release_web_path }} updatedb' ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy/after-symlink.yml --- - name: Clear Drupal cache command: '{{ release_drush_path }} --root {{ release_web_path }} cache-rebuild' ``` --- [.header: alignment(center)] # Questions? --- [.header: alignment(center)] # Thanks ### _@opdavies_ ### _oliverdavies.uk_