autoscale: true build-lists: true header-emphasis: #53B0EB header: alignment(left) text: alignment(left) text-emphasis: #53B0EB theme: poster, 8 [.header: alignment(center)] ![](images/title.png) # [fit] Drupal Testing Workshop ### _Drupal Bristol, June 2018_ --- [.build-lists: false] - Module and theme developers - Want to know more about automated testing - Looking to start writing your first tests --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.build-lists: false] [.header: #111111] [.text: #111111, alignment(left)] ![right 800%](../me-phpnw.png) - Full stack Web Developer & System Administrator - Senior Developer at Microserve - Part-time freelancer - Acquia certified Drupal 8 Grand Master - Drupal 7 & 8 core contributor - opdavies (, GitHub, Twitter) - ^ Work at Microserve. Maintain Drupal modules, PHP CLI tools and libraries Blog on my website --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## Test_Driven_Drupal_.com_ --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## _Why_ write tests? --- ## _Why write tests?_ - Catch bugs earlier - Piece of mind - Prevent regressions - Write less code - Documentation - Drupal core requirement - __ - More important with regular D8 releases ^ Dave Liddament talk - better and cheaper to catch bugs earlier (e.g. whilst developing rather than after it's been released) Refer to tests when writing implementation code ONO merge conflict --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## [fit] _Having tests does not mean_ ## [fit] there will be no bugs --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## [fit] _Testing may add time now_ ## [fit] but save more time in the future --- ## _Testing in Drupal_ - _Drupal 7_ - Simpletest (testing) module provided as part of core - _Drupal 8_ - PHPUnit added as a core dependency - _PHPUnit Initiative_ - Simpletest to be deprecated and removed in Drupal 9 ^ Focussing on PHPUnit today --- ### _Exercise 1_ ## Local site setup --- [.header: #53B0EB] ## Docksal - Docker based local development environment - Microserve standard - Open source - Per site configuration and customisation - fin CLI, Apache, MySQL, Solr, Varnish, Mailhog, PHPMyAdmin etc - Virtualbox or native Docker - Can slow down tests - Provides consistency --- - - - git clone - fin init - http://drupaltest.docksal ^ Contains Drupal 8 with Composer, examples module --- ### _Exercise 2_ ## Running Tests --- ### _Option 1_ ## Simpletest module (UI) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-1.png) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-2.png) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-3.png) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-4.png) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-5.png) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-6.png) --- ![fit](images/d8-simpletest-7.png) --- ### _Option 2_ ## Command line --- ## Prerequisite _(creating a phpunit.xml file)_ - Configures PHPUnit - Needed to run some types of tests - Ignored by Git by default - Copy _core/phpunit.xml.dist_ to _core/phpunit.xml_ - Add and change as needed - `SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL`, `SIMPLETEST_DB`, `BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY` - `stopOnFailure="true"` --- ``` cd web ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core \ modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example ``` --- ``` cd web/core ../../vendor/bin/phpunit \ ../modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example ``` --- ## Pro-tip: Add paths to _$PATH_ ```bash # ~/.zshrc export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH export PATH=vendor/bin:$PATH export PATH=../vendor/bin:$PATH export PATH=node_modules/.bin:$PATH ``` --- ### _Option 2_ ## CLI with Docksal --- ``` fin bash cd web ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core \ modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example ``` --- ``` fin bash cd web/core ../../vendor/bin/phpunit \ ../modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example ``` --- ### _Option 3_ ## Docksal PHPUnit addon --- - Custom Docksal command - Submitted to the Docksal addons repo - _fin addon install phpunit_ - Wrapper around phpunit command - Copies a stub phpunit.xml file if exists, or duplicates phpunit.xml.dist - Shorter command, combines two actions ^ Checks for core/phpunit.xml on each test run Will create one if is not present --- ``` fin phpunit web/modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example ``` --- ``` fin phpunit web/modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example Copying /var/www/.docksal/drupal/core/phpunit.xml to /var/www/web/core/phpunit.xml PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example .................................. 34 / 34 (100%) Time: 46.8 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB OK (34 tests, 41 assertions) ``` --- ``` fin phpunit web/modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example Copying /var/www/web/core/phpunit.xml.dist to /var/www/web/core/phpunit.xml. Please edit it's values as needed and re-run 'fin phpunit'. ``` --- ``` fin phpunit web/modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/contrib/examples/phpunit_example .................................. 34 / 34 (100%) Time: 48.62 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB OK (34 tests, 41 assertions) ``` --- ### _Option 4_ ## IDE/text editor integration --- ![fit](images/phpstorm-integration.png) --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## Types of tests --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## _1._ Arrange ## _2._ Act ## _3._ Assert --- [.header: #53B0EB] ## Functional tests - Tests functionality - Interacts with database - Full Drupal installation - Slower to run - With/without JavaScript ^ testing profile --- ### _Exercise_ ## Let's write a
functional test --- - Create a _web/modules/custom/drupalbristol_ directory - Create a `` file --- ``` # name: Drupal Bristol core: 8.x type: module ``` --- - Create a _tests/src/Functional_ directory - Create an _ExampleFunctionalTest.php_ file --- ```php // ExampleFunctionalTest.php namespace Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Functional; use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase; class ExampleFunctionalTest extends BrowserTestBase { } ``` --- ```php // ExampleFunctionalTest.php public function testExamplePage() { $this->drupalGet('/example-one'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Functional\ExampleFunctionalTest Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException : Current response status code is 404, but 200 expected. /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:768 /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130 /var/www/web/modules/custom/drupalbristol/tests/src/Functional/ExampleFunctionalTest.php:14 Time: 18.2 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 2, Errors: 1. ``` --- - Create a _drupalbristol.routing.yml_ file - Create a Controller --- ```yaml # drupalbristol.routing.yml drupalbristol.example: path: '/example-one' defaults: _controller: 'Drupal\drupalbristol\Controllers\ExampleController::index' requirements: _access: 'TRUE' ``` --- ```php // src/Controllers/ExampleController.php namespace Drupal\drupalbristol\Controllers; use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase; class ExampleController extends ControllerBase { public function index() { return ['#markup' => $this->t('Drupal Testing Workshop')]; } } ``` --- ```php class ExampleFunctionalTest extends BrowserTestBase { protected static $modules = ['drupalbristol']; ... } ``` --- [.header: #53B0EB] ## Kernel tests - Integration tests - Can install modules, interact with services, container, database - Minimal Drupal bootstrap - Faster than functional tests - More setup required --- ### _Exercise_ ## Let's write a
kernel test --- - Create a _tests/src/Kernel directory - Create an _ExampleKernelTest.php_ file - Create a Service - Use the service within the test to perform an action --- ```php // tests/src/Kernel/ExampleKernelTest.php namespace Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Kernel; use Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Entity\EntityKernelTestBase; use Drupal\user\Entity\User; class ExampleKernelTest extends EntityKernelTestBase { public static $modules = ['drupalbristol']; public function testUserDeleter() { } } ``` --- ```php // tests/src/Kernel/ExampleKernelTest.php public function testUserDeleter { $user = $this->createUser(); $this->assertInstanceOf(User::class, $user); /** @var \Drupal\drupalbristol\Services\UserDeleter $user_deleter */ $user_deleter = \Drupal::service('drupalbristol.user_deleter'); $user_deleter->delete($user); $user = $this->reloadEntity($user); $this->assertNull($user); } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Kernel\ExampleKernelTest Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException : You have requested a non-existent service "drupalbristol.user_deleter". /var/www/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerBuilder.php:1043 /var/www/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerBuilder.php:610 /var/www/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerBuilder.php:588 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal.php:159 /var/www/web/modules/custom/drupalbristol/tests/src/Kernel/ExampleKernelTest.php:24 Time: 7.06 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. Process finished with exit code 2 ``` --- ```yaml # services: drupalbristol.user_deleter: class: 'Drupal\drupalbristol\Services\UserDeleter' arguments: [] ``` --- ```php // src/Services/UserDeleter.php namespace Drupal\drupalbristol\Services; use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface; class UserDeleter { public function delete(AccountInterface $user) { user_delete($user->id()); } } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Kernel\ExampleKernelTest Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: test89378988.users_data: DELETE FROM {users_data} WHERE uid IN (:db_condition_placeholder_0); Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 1 ) /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php:777 /var/www/web/core/includes/ /var/www/web/core/modules/user/user.module:878 /var/www/web/core/modules/user/user.module:865 /var/www/web/modules/custom/drupalbristol/src/Services/UserDeleter.php:10 /var/www/web/modules/custom/drupalbristol/tests/src/Kernel/ExampleKernelTest.php:25 Caused by Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: test89378988.users_data: DELETE FROM {users_data} WHERE uid IN (:db_condition_placeholder_0); Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 1 ) Time: 6.55 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. Process finished with exit code 2 ``` --- ```php // tests/src/Kernel/ExampleKernelTest.php protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->installSchema('user', ['users_data']); } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Kernel\ExampleKernelTest Time: 7.38 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB OK (1 test, 5 assertions) Process finished with exit code 0 ``` --- [.header: #53B0EB] ## Unit tests - Tests PHP logic - No database interaction - Fast to run - Tightly coupled - Mocking dependencies - Hard to refactor --- ### _Exercise_ ## Let's write a
unit test --- ```php // tests/src/Unit/Services/ExampleUnitTest.php namespace Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Unit; use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase; class ExampleUnitTest extends UnitTestCase { public function testAdd() { $this->assertEquals(5, (new Calculator(3))->add(2)->calculate()); } } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Unit\ExampleUnitTest Error : Class 'Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Unit\Calculator' not found /var/www/web/modules/custom/drupalbristol/tests/src/Unit/Services/ExampleUnitTest.php:10 Time: 5.13 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```php // src/Services/Calculator.php namespace Drupal\drupalbristol\Services; class Calculator { private $total; public function __construct($value) { $this->total = $value; } public function add($value) { $this->total += $value; return $this; } public function calculate() { return $this->total; } } ``` --- ```php // tests/src/Unit/Services/ExampleUnitTest.php namespace Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Unit; use Drupal\drupalbristol\Services\Calculator; use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase; class ExampleUnitTest extends UnitTestCase { public function testAdd() { $this->assertEquals(5, (new Calculator(3))->add(2)->calculate()); } } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Drupal\Tests\drupalbristol\Unit\ExampleUnitTest Time: 4.55 seconds, Memory: 4.00MB OK (1 test, 1 assertion) ``` --- [.header: alignment(center)] ## Test driven
development _(TDD)_ --- ## _Test Driven Development_ - Write a test - Test fails - Write code - Test passes - Refactor - Repeat --- [.background-color: #FFFFFF] [.footer:] [.footer-style: #2F2F2F] ![100%](images/tdd-loop.png) --- ## _How I Write Tests - "Outside In"_ - Start with functional tests - Drop down to kernel or unit tests where needed - Programming by wishful thinking - Write comments first, then fill in the code - Sometimes write assertions first --- ### _Exercise_ ## Let's build a blog using test driven development --- ## _Acceptance criteria_ - As a site visitor - I want to see a list of published articles at /blog - Ordered by post date --- ## _Tasks_ - Ensure the blog page exists - Ensure only published articles are shown - Ensure the articles are shown in the correct order --- ## _Implementation_ - Use views module - Do the mininum amount at each step, make no assumptions, let the tests guide us - Start with functional test --- ### _Step 1_ ## Create the module --- ```yml # name: 'TDD Blog' core: '8.x' type: 'module' ``` --- ### _Step 2_ ## Ensure the blog page exists --- ```php drupalGet('/blog'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 5] drupalGet('/blog'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 7-9] drupalGet('/blog'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 11] drupalGet('/blog'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 13-17] drupalGet('/blog'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } } ``` --- ```bash, [.highlight: 1] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 19.31 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 404, but 200 expected. /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:768 /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130 /var/www/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php:13 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```bash, [.highlight: 4] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 19.31 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 404, but 200 expected. /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:768 /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130 /var/www/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php:13 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```bash, [.highlight: 5-13] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 19.31 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 404, but 200 expected. /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:768 /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130 /var/www/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php:13 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```bash, [.highlight: 14-16] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 19.31 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 404, but 200 expected. /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:768 /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130 /var/www/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php:13 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```bash, [.highlight: 18-19] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 19.31 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 404, but 200 expected. /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:768 /var/www/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130 /var/www/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php:13 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Errors: 1. ``` --- - _The view has not been created_ - Create a new view - Set the path - Export the config - Copy it into the module's `config/install` directory --- ```[.highlight: 11-13] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 16.02 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Drupal\Core\Config\UnmetDependenciesException: Configuration objects provided by tdd_blog have unmet dependencies: (node.type.article, node, views) /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/UnmetDependenciesException.php:98 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/ConfigInstaller.php:469 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/ProxyClass/Config/ConfigInstaller.php:132 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleInstaller.php:145 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/ProxyClass/Extension/ModuleInstaller.php:83 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Test/FunctionalTestSetupTrait.php:437 /var/www/web/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/BrowserTestBase.php:1055 /var/www/web/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/BrowserTestBase.php:490 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```yml,[.highlight: 1, 7-10] # name: 'TDD Dublin' description: 'A demo module to show test driven module development.' core: 8.x type: module dependencies: - 'drupal:node' - 'drupal:views' ``` --- ```[.highlight: 10-13] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 20 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Functional\BlogPageTest::testBlogPageExists Drupal\Core\Config\UnmetDependenciesException: Configuration objects provided by tdd_blog have unmet dependencies: (node.type.article) /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/UnmetDependenciesException.php:98 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/ConfigInstaller.php:469 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/ProxyClass/Config/ConfigInstaller.php:132 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleInstaller.php:145 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/ProxyClass/Extension/ModuleInstaller.php:83 /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Test/FunctionalTestSetupTrait.php:437 /var/www/web/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/BrowserTestBase.php:1055 /var/www/web/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/BrowserTestBase.php:490 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1. ``` --- - Add the article content type --- ```[.highlight: 5, 9] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog . 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 23.36 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB OK (1 test, 3 assertions) ``` --- [.build-lists: false] ## _Tasks_ - ~~Ensure the blog page exists~~ - Ensure only published articles are shown - Ensure the articles are shown in the correct order --- ### _Step 3_ ## Ensure only published articles are shown --- ```php public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { // Given I have a mixture of published and unpublished articles, // as well as other types of content. // When I view the blog page. // I should only see the published articles. } ``` --- ### _Option 1_ ## Functional tests --- ```php,[.highlight: 1, 4-8] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { // Given I have a mixture of published and unpublished articles, // as well as other types of content. $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); // When I view the blog page. $this->drupalGet('/blog'); // I should only see the published articles. $assert = $this->assertSession(); $assert->pageTextContains($node2->label()); $assert->pageTextNotContains($node1->label()); $assert->pageTextNotContains($node3->label()); } ``` ^ Different ways to achieve this. This is taking the functional test approach. --- ```php,[.highlight: 10-12] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { // Given I have a mixture of published and unpublished articles, // as well as other types of content. $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); // When I view the blog page. $this->drupalGet('/blog'); // I should only see the published articles. $assert = $this->assertSession(); $assert->pageTextContains($node2->label()); $assert->pageTextNotContains($node1->label()); $assert->pageTextNotContains($node3->label()); } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 13-17] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Functional/BlogPageTest.php public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { // Given I have a mixture of published and unpublished articles, // as well as other types of content. $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); // When I view the blog page. $this->drupalGet('/blog'); // I should only see the published articles. $assert = $this->assertSession(); $assert->pageTextContains($node2->label()); $assert->pageTextNotContains($node1->label()); $assert->pageTextNotContains($node3->label()); } ``` --- ### _Option 2_ ## Kernel tests --- ```php createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); } } ``` ^ Kernel test approach Dropping down a level No need for the brower, not asserting against HTML Faster to run --- ```php, [.highlight: 3-8] createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); } } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 10] createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); } } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 14-18] createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); } } ``` --- ```[.highlight: 9-16] docker@cli:/var/www/web$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/ PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/ E 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 6.22 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Kernel\BlogPageTest::testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown Error: Call to a member function id() on boolean /var/www/web/core/modules/filter/filter.module:212 /var/www/web/core/modules/node/tests/src/Traits/NodeCreationTrait.php:73 /var/www/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php:13 ERRORS! Tests: 1, Assertions: 2, Errors: 1. ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 2] public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { $this->installConfig(['filter']); $this->createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 8] public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { $this->installConfig(['filter']); $this->createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 3] ... public static $modules = ['node', 'tdd_blog', 'views']; public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { $this->installConfig(['filter', 'tdd_blog']); $this->createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); $this->assertCount(1, $results); $this->assertEquals(2, $results[0]->_entity->id()); } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 6] ... public static $modules = ['node', 'tdd_blog', 'views']; public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { $this->installConfig(['filter', 'tdd_blog']); $this->createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); $this->assertCount(1, $results); $this->assertEquals(2, $results[0]->_entity->id()); } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 8-15] ... public static $modules = ['node', 'tdd_blog', 'views']; public function testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown() { $this->installConfig(['filter', 'tdd_blog']); $this->createNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 1]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'status' => 0]); $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); $this->assertCount(1, $results); $this->assertEquals(2, $results[0]->_entity->id()); } ``` ^ Assert Should only be one result, should be node 2 Node IDs are reset on each test method --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel F 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 2.16 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 failure: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Kernel\BlogPageTest::testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown Failed asserting that actual size 3 matches expected size 1. /Users/opdavies/Code/drupal-testing-workshop/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php:23 FAILURES! Tests: 1, Assertions: 4, Failures: 1. ``` --- ```[.highlight: 8-13] PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel F 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 2.16 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 failure: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Kernel\BlogPageTest::testOnlyPublishedArticlesAreShown Failed asserting that actual size 3 matches expected size 1. /Users/opdavies/Code/drupal-testing-workshop/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php:23 FAILURES! Tests: 1, Assertions: 4, Failures: 1. ``` --- >- _There are no filters on the view_ - Add the filters - Export and save the view --- ```[.highlight: 3-8] PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel . 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 2.02 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB OK (1 test, 6 assertions) ``` --- [.build-lists: false] ## _Tasks_ - ~~Ensure the blog page exists~~ - ~~Ensure only published articles are shown~~ - Ensure the articles are shown in the correct order --- ### _Step 4_ ## Ensure the articles are ordered by date --- ```php // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php public function testArticlesAreOrderedByDate() { // Given that I have numerous articles with different post dates. // When I go to the blog page. // The articles are ordered by post date. } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 4-9] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php public function testArticlesAreOrderedByDate() { // Given that I have numerous articles with different post dates. $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 day')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 month')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+3 days')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 hour')->getTimestamp()]); // When I go to the blog page. // The articles are ordered by post date. } ``` --- ```php $this->createNode([ 'type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 day')->getTimestamp(), ]); ``` ^ Array of default values --- ```php, [.highlight: 10-11] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php public function testArticlesAreOrderedByDate() { // Given that I have numerous articles with different post dates. $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 day')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 month')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+3 days')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 hour')->getTimestamp()]); // When I go to the blog page. $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); // The articles are ordered by post date. } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight:10-15] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php public function testArticlesAreOrderedByDate() { // Given that I have numerous articles with different post dates. $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 day')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 month')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+3 days')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 hour')->getTimestamp()]); // When I go to the blog page. $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); $nids = array_map(function(ResultRow $result) { return $result->_entity->id(); }, $results); // The articles are ordered by post date. } ``` --- ```php, [.highlight: 5-9, 17-18] // modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php public function testArticlesAreOrderedByDate() { // Given that I have numerous articles with different post dates. $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 day')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 month')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+3 days')->getTimestamp()]); $this->createNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 hour')->getTimestamp()]); // When I go to the blog page. $results = views_get_view_result('blog'); $nids = array_map(function(ResultRow $result) { return $result->_entity->id(); }, $results); // The articles are ordered by post date. $this->assertEquals([4, 1, 3, 2], $nids); } ``` --- ``` PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel F 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 1.42 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 failure: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Kernel\BlogPageTest::testArticlesAreOrderedByDate Failed asserting that two arrays are equal. --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ Array ( - 0 => 4 - 1 => 1 - 2 => 3 - 3 => 2 + 0 => '3' + 1 => '2' + 2 => '4' + 3 => '1' /Users/opdavies/Code/drupal-testing-workshop/web/core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/KernelTestBase.php:1114 /Users/opdavies/Code/drupal-testing-workshop/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php:43 FAILURES! Tests: 1, Assertions: 4, Failures: 1. ``` --- [.text: comic sans] ```[.highlight: 8-26] PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel F 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 1.42 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 failure: 1) Drupal\Tests\tdd_blog\Kernel\BlogPageTest::testArticlesAreOrderedByDate Failed asserting that two arrays are equal. --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ Array ( - 0 => 4 - 1 => 1 - 2 => 3 - 3 => 2 + 0 => '3' + 1 => '2' + 2 => '4' + 3 => '1' /Users/opdavies/Code/drupal-testing-workshop/web/core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/KernelTestBase.php:1114 /Users/opdavies/Code/drupal-testing-workshop/web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel/BlogPageTest.php:43 FAILURES! Tests: 1, Assertions: 4, Failures: 1. ``` --- - _There is no sort order defined on the view_ - Add the sort order - Re-export the view --- ```[.highlight:3-8] PHPUnit 6.5.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing web/modules/custom/tdd_blog/tests/src/Kernel . 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 1.74 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB OK (1 test, 5 assertions) ``` --- [.build-lists: false] ## _Tasks_ - ~~Ensure the blog page exists~~ - ~~Ensure only published articles are shown~~ - ~~Ensure the articles are shown in the correct order~~ --- [.header: alignment(center)] # Questions? --- [.header: alignment(center)] # Thanks ### _@opdavies_ ### _oliverdavies.uk_