autoscale: true build-lists: true code: line-height(1.2) header-emphasis: #53B0EB text: alignment(left) theme: plain jane, 8 # [fit] **Deploying PHP applications**
using Ansible, Ansible Vault
and Ansistrano ^ Ansible crash course Basic deployment Better deployment --- [.build-lists: false] [.header: #111111] ![right 500%](../images/me-phpnw-inviqa.jpg) - Full Stack Web Developer & System Administrator - **Senior Software Engineer** at **Inviqa** - Acquia certified **Drupal 8 Grand Master** - Open sourcer - Drupal 7 & 8 **core contributor** - @opdavies - ^ Maintain Drupal modules, PHP CLI tools and libraries Blog on my website I work for Inviqa, but this based on my personal and side projects, though I've implemented similar solutions in the past. --- ![350% inline](images/logo-platformsh.png) ![150% inline](images/logo-acquia.png) ![130% inline](images/logo-pantheon.png) ^ Large, well-known managed hosting companies Optimised servers for PHP/Drupal applications Include some sort of deployment system --- ![100%](images/logo-digital-ocean.png) ![30%](images/logo-linode.png) ![30%]( ^ More applicable to virtual or dedicated servers with no existing deployment process Not enough budget for fully-managed, or using internal infrastructure --- ## **What we'll be looking at** * **Ansible** crash course * Keeping secrets with **Ansible Vault** * Deployments with **Ansistrano** --- # **What is Ansible?** --- ## Ansible is **open source software** that automates **software provisioning**,
**configuration management**,
and **application deployment**. ![10% right](images/ansible.png) --- ![10% right](images/ansible.png) ### **What is Ansible?** * CLI tool * Written in Python * Configured with YAML * Executes remote commands * Installs software packages * Performs deployment steps * Batteries included ^ Written in Python but you don't need to write or know Python to use it --- ![10% right](images/ansible.png) ### **What is Ansible?** * Hosts/Inventories * Commands * Playbooks * Tasks * Roles --- ![10% right](images/ansible.png) ### **Why Ansible?** * Familiar syntax * Easily readable * No server dependencies * Easy to add to an existing project * Includes relevant modules (e.g. Composer) ^ Drupal 8, Symfony, Ansible all use YAML Runs on any server with Python Plugins into Drupal via CLI apps like Drush and Drupal Console --- # **Hosts / Inventories** --- ```ini # hosts.ini [webservers] ``` --- ```yaml # hosts.yml webservers: hosts: ``` --- # **Commands** --- # `ansible all -m ping` --- ``` webservers | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } ``` --- # `ansible all `
`-m command `
`-a 'git pull `
`--chdir=/app'` --- # `ansible all `
`-m git -a 'repo= dest=/app`' --- # **Tasks and Playbooks** --- ```yaml # playbook.yml --- - hosts: all vars: git_repo: tasks: - name: Update the code git: repo: '{{ git_repo }}' dest: /app version: master update: true ``` --- # `ansible-playbook `
`ansible/playbook.yml `
`-i hosts.yml` --- # **Roles** ^ Collections of tasks, variables and handlers --- ```yaml # requirements.yml --- - src: geerlingguy.apache - src: geerlingguy.composer - src: geerlingguy.mysql - src: geerlingguy.php - src: geerlingguy.php-mysql ``` ^ Provisioning LAMP stack and Composer --- # `ansible-galaxy -r`
`ansible/requirements.yml install` --- ```yaml # playbook.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - geerlingguy.apache - geerlingguy.mysql - geerlingguy.php - geerlingguy.php-mysql - geerlingguy.composer ``` ^ Role order matters! --- ```yaml # ansible/provision.yml tasks: - name: Create a database mysql_db: name: mydatabase state: present - name: Add the database user mysql_user: name: drupal password: secret priv: 'mydatabase.*:ALL' state: present ``` --- # **Basic deployment** --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml tasks: - name: Creating project directory file: path: /app state: directory - name: Uploading application synchronize: src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../" dest: /app - name: Installing Composer dependencies composer: command: install working_dir: /app ``` --- # Disadvantages * Single point of failure * No ability to roll back * Sensitive data stored in plain text --- # **Keeping secrets:
Ansible Vault** --- # `ansible-vault create`
`ansible/vault.yml` --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vault.yml --- vault_database_name: mydatabase vault_database_user: drupal vault_database_password: secret ``` ^ Optional, but easier to see where variables are set --- ``` $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 36656233323539616336393838396137343939623233393338666530313 73037323366326363306531336333353163643063663335396139363762 39383133330a35636566623262353733373066363837393264616134613 16366376266646437373366373738303931616333626332353839353332 32663432346662613438330a38643539343232376138613733373636343 63864666430313866623539333039363138646331326565386263386666 35306264396230633939346532356665306564626431353936643135376 23834346635366637613235656165643361316663396530383263333064 33326264316235396431666262346637366563376330363238373331373 43533386165366531626462643662666266316639306262666539373236 343662313265376261316636623963353933613366353737363435 ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vars.yml --- database_name: "{{ vault_database_name }}" database_user: "{{ vault_database_user }}" database_password: "{{ vault_database_password }}" ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/provision.yml tasks: - name: Create a database mysql_db: name: '{{ database_name }}' state: present ``` --- # `ansible-vault edit ansible/vault.yml` --- # `ansible-playbook`
`-i hosts.yml`
`--ask-vault-pass` --- # **Better deployments** --- ![full inline](images/ansistrano.png) ^ Just another role, specifically for deployments Ansible port of Capistrano --- # Features * Multiple release directories * Shared paths and files * Customisable * Multiple deployment strategies * Multi-stage environments * Prune old releases * Rollbacks ^ rsync, Git, SVN etc --- ```yaml # ansible/requirements.yml --- ... - ansistrano.deploy - ansistrano.rollback ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - ansistrano.deploy ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml --- ... vars: project_deploy_dir: /var/www ansistrano_deploy_to: '{{ project_deploy_dir }}' ansistrano_deploy_via: git ansistrano_git_branch: master ansistrano_git_repo: '' ``` --- # `ansible-playbook`
`-i hosts.yml`
`ansible/deploy.yml` --- ```bash vagrant@dransible:/app$ ls -l total 8 lrwxrwxrwx 1 26 Jul 19 00:15 current -> ./releases/20190719001241Z drwxr-xr-x 5 4096 Jul 22 20:30 releases drwxr-xr-x 4 4096 Jul 19 00:00 shared ``` --- ``` vagrant@dransible:/app/releases$ ls -l total 20 drwxr-xr-x 5 4096 Jul 22 20:30 . drwxr-xr-x 4 4096 Jul 19 00:15 .. drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Jul 19 00:02 20190719000013Z drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Jul 19 00:14 20190719001241Z drwxr-xr-x 9 4096 Jul 22 20:30 20190722203038Z ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/rollback.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - ansistrano.rollback vars: ansistrano_deploy_to: '{{ project_deploy_dir }}' ``` --- # `ansible-playbook`
`-i hosts.yml`
`ansible/rollback.yml` --- # **Customising Ansistrano:
Build Hooks** --- ![inline 140%](images/ansistrano-flow.png) ^ Shared = files directory, logs Before/after symlink shared = run tests Symlink = 'current' symlink, site is live Clean up = remove node_modules, database export, sqlite testing DB --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml vars: ... ansistrano_after_symlink_shared_tasks_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml" ansistrano_after_symlink_tasks_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink.yml" ansistrano_after_update_code_tasks_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-update-code.yml" release_web_path: "{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/web" release_drush_path: "{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/vendor/bin/drush" ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy/after-update-code.yml --- - name: Install Composer dependencies composer: command: install working_dir: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}' ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml --- - name: Run database updates command: '{{ release_drush_path }} --root {{ release_web_path }} updatedb' ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy/after-symlink.yml --- - name: Clear Drupal cache command: '{{ release_drush_path }} --root {{ release_web_path }} cache-rebuild' ``` --- ![80%](images/drupalcon/site.png) --- # **Demo** --- # **Questions?** --- ![](images/drupalcon/contribution.jpg) --- ![](images/drupalcon/feedback.jpg) ^ Please leave feedback via the DrupalCon app, or via Twitter --- # **Managing data
across deployments** --- ```yaml # ansible/deploy.yml vars: # ... ansistrano_shared_paths: - "{{ drupal_root }}/sites/default/files" ``` --- ``` vagrant@dransible:/app/shared/web/sites/default/files$ ls -la total 28 drwxrwxrwx 6 4096 Jul 19 00:18 . drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Jul 19 00:00 .. drwxrwxr-x 2 4096 Jul 22 21:24 css -rwxrwxrwx 1 487 Jul 19 00:02 .htaccess drwxrwxr-x 2 4096 Jul 19 00:19 js drwxrwxrwx 3 4096 Jul 19 00:18 php drwxrwxrwx 2 4096 Jul 19 00:03 styles ``` --- ``` vagrant@dransible:/app/current/web/sites/default$ ls -la total 48 dr-xr-xr-x 2 4096 Jul 19 00:14 . drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Jan 22 17:30 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 6762 Jul 19 00:14 -rw-r--r-- 1 31342 Jul 19 00:14 default.settings.php lrwxrwxrwx 1 45 Jul 19 00:14 files -> ../../../../../shared/web/sites/default/files lrwxrwxrwx 1 35 Jul 19 00:12 settings.php -> /tmp/app/sites/default/settings.php ``` --- # **Generating Drupal settings
files per deployment** --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vault.yml --- vault_database_name: drupal vault_database_user: drupal vault_database_password: drupal vault_hash_salt: dfgiy$fd2!34gsf2*34g74 ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vars.yml --- database_name: "{{ vault_database_name }}" database_password: "{{ vault_database_password }}" database_user: "{{ vault_database_user }}" hash_salt: "{{ vault_hash_salt }}" ``` --- ```yaml # ansible/vars/vars.yml --- drupal_settings: - drupal_root: /tmp/app sites: - name: default settings: databases: default: default: driver: mysql host: localhost database: '{{ database_name }}' username: '{{ database_user }}' password: '{{ database_password }}' hash_salt: '{{ hash_salt }}' config_directories: sync: ../config/sync ``` --- ```php // templates/settings.php.j2 // {{ ansible_managed }} {% for key, values in item.1.settings.databases.items() %} {% for target, values in values.items() %} $databases['{{ key }}']['{{ target }}'] = array( 'driver' => '{{ values.driver|default('mysql') }}', 'host' => '{{|default('localhost') }}', 'database' => '{{ values.database }}', 'username' => '{{ values.username }}', 'password' => '{{ values.password }}', ); {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if item.1.settings.base_url is defined %} $base_url = '{{ item.1.settings.base_url }}'; {% endif %} ``` --- ```yaml - name: Remove settings.php file: path: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/web/sites/{{|default("default")}}/settings.php' state: absent with_subelements: - '{{ drupal_settings }}' - sites - name: Link settings.php file: src: '/tmp/app/sites/{{|default("default")}}/settings.php' dest: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/web/sites/{{|default("default")}}/settings.php' state: link with_subelements: - '{{ drupal_settings }}' - sites ```