.. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle Hosts / Inventories .. page:: standardPage hosts.ini ========= .. code:: ini [webservers] [webservers:vars] ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=opdavies .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Vagrant IP address." TextAnnotation "Supports wildcards and ranges" hosts.yml ========= .. code-block:: yaml --- all: children: webservers: hosts: vars: ansible_ssh_port: 22 ansible_ssh_user: opdavies .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "My prefered format." TextAnnotation "More consistency across the project, easier to copy variables from other places such as playbooks." .. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle Ad-hoc Commands .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle ``ansible all -i hosts.yml -m ping`` .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Single ad-hoc command." TextAnnotation "-i = inventory" TextAnnotation "-m = module" .. page:: standardPage .. code:: json webservers | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } .. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle ``ansible all -i hosts.yml -m command -a "git pull --chdir=/app"`` .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Update a codebase using "git pull"" TextAnnotation "-a = (additional) arguments" TextAnnotation "--chdir = change directory" .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle ``ansible all -i hosts.yml -m git -a "repo=https://github.com /opdavies/dransible --chdir=/app"`` .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Same example, but using the core "Git" module" .. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle Playbooks .. page:: standardPage .. code-block:: yaml --- - hosts: webservers vars: git_repo: https://github.com/opdavies/dransible project_root_dir: /app tasks: - name: Update the code git: repo: '{{ git_repo }}' dest: '{{ project_root_dir }}' .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "YAML file" TextAnnotation "Collection of multiple tasks" TextAnnotation "Can add and use variables" .. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle ``ansible-playbook main.yml -i hosts.yml`` .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "How do we run a playbook?" TextAnnotation "Use the ansible-playbook command and specify the name of the playbook."