.. footer:: @opdavies

Upgrading to Drupal 9


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Oliver Davies, Inviqa

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.. image:: images/10-years-tweet.png
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    TextAnnotation "Recently, I passed 10 years working full-time with Drupal and PHP (I'd been working with it for a few years prior to this too)."
    TextAnnotation "Worked with Drupal 6, 7, 8 and 9."
    TextAnnotation "Worked on a number of D6 to D7, and D8 to D9 upgrades"

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The D7 release cycle

* One long-running branch
* Minor versions for bug fixes (7.80, April 2021)
* No big, new features
* Long time for changes to get committed to core

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    TextAnnotation "Before we get into the D9 stuff."
    TextAnnotation "D7 and earlier..."

The D8 release cycle

* Semantic versioning for core
* Minor release (new features) every 6 months
* Patch release (bug fixes) every month
* Multiple supported versions of core (8.9, 9.0, 9.1)

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    TextAnnotation "Drupal 8 onwards..."
    TextAnnotation "Minor release = new functionality"
    TextAnnotation "Patch release = bug fixes"
    TextAnnotation "Change from 'it will be ready when it's ready' (D7) to a fixed release cycle and schedule, and what makes it in time will be added."
    TextAnnotation "8.9 is an LTS release"

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.. image:: images/2019_minor_release_schedule.png
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Drupal 8 vs Drupal 9

* No new functionality
* Deprecated code removed
* PHP required version increased
* Major versions of dependencies updated

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    TextAnnotation "Different to previous major version updates"
    TextAnnotation "Symfony upgraded from 3 to 4."

Previous upgrade issues

* Lots of breaking changes
* Core released, but contrib takes time to catch up

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    TextAnnotation "Lots of breaking changes, large rebuilds and migrations"
    TextAnnotation "6(?) months between D7 core and Views being released, prevents adoption"
    TextAnnotation "Jeff Geerling blog post 'Did breaking backwards compatibility kill Drupal?'"

Contrib improvements

* Minimal code changes required
* Single release can support multiple versions of core
* Semantic versioning enabled for contrib projects

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    TextAnnotation "Need to fix deprecation notices, and replace deprecated code with the suggested replacements"
    TextAnnotation "Modules, themes and distributions can now work with multiple versions of Drupal core in the same release"
    TextAnnotation "`core` key replaced with `core_version_requirement`"

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.. image:: images/multiple-versions.png
    :width: 20cm


.. image:: images/semver.png
    :width: 20cm

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The difference  is deprecated code

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    TextAnnotation "Code that has been replaced by newer code and marked to be removed."
    TextAnnotation "Not removed immediately to keep backwards compatibility."
    TextAnnotation "A backwards compatibility break would require a major version change rather than a minor one."

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Deprecation example

.. code-block:: php
    :startinline: true

    function drupal_set_message($message = NULL, $type = 'status', $repeat = FALSE) {
      @trigger_error('drupal_set_message() is deprecated in Drupal 8.5.0 and will
      be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface
      ::addMessage() instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2774931',

      $messenger = \Drupal::messenger();
      if (isset($message)) {
          $messenger->addMessage($message, $type, $repeat);
      return $messenger->all();

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    TextAnnotation "drupal_set_message has been replaced by a Messenger service, this should be used instead."
    TextAnnotation "Works but triggers an error in 8.9, breaks in 9.0."
    TextAnnotation "To ensure D9 compatibility, update all of the deprecated code."

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How do I find it?

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Drupal Check

- Developed by Matt Glaman
- "Built on PHPStan, this static analysis tool will check for correctness (e.g. using a class that doesn't exist), deprecation errors, and more."
- https://github.com/mglaman/drupal-check

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``composer global require

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``drupal-check web/modules/custom``

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.. image:: images/drupal-check-output.png
    :width: 22cm

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Upgrade Status module

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.. image:: images/drupal-check-upgrade-status-comparison.png
    :width: 12cm

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PHPUnit Bridge

- Drupal 8 uses Symfony's PHPUnit Bridge
- Includes a 'Deprecation Helper'
- Displays deprecation notices in test output

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.. image:: images/phpunit-deprecation.png
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Fixing deprecations

.. code-block:: diff

    - drupal_set_message($text);
    + Drupal::messenger()->addMessage($text);

.. image:: images/logo-composer-transparent.png
    :width: 10cm


- Dependency management tool for PHP
- My preferred way to manage Drupal codebases
- composer.json lists your dependencies and version constraints
- composer.lock stores the installed dependencies and versions
- Separate packages for ``core-recommended``, ``core-dev`` and ``core-composer-scaffold``

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    TextAnnotation "Used by the majority of PHP frameworks and projects (Symfony, Laravel, Drush, Drupal Console)."

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``composer require

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``composer install``

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``composer update

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Always add '--no-dev' in production

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    TextAnnotation "Prevents development dependencies from being installed, and potential security exploits from being added."
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An Example: Dransible

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.. image:: images/dransible-repo.png
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Upgrading Dransible

- Remove Drush (temporarily)
- Update from Drupal 8.8 to 8.9
- Add Upgrade Status module
- Update contrib modules to D9 compatible versions
- Remove incompatible contrib modules (if possible)
- Fix deprecations in custom code
- Upgrade from Drupal 8.9 to 9.0

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    TextAnnotation "Without removing Drush, 8.9.0-beta2 rather than 8.9.2"
    TextAnnotation "Updated Admin Toolbar module to a D9 compatible version"
    TextAnnotation "Removed Config Installer as no longer needed"
    TextAnnotation "Fixed deprecation warnings in custom code"
    TextAnnotation "Installed Drush 10, removed and uninstalled Upgrade Status module"

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``composer update drupal/core-*

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``composer require

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.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/1.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/2.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/3.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/4.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/5.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/6.png
    :width: 20cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/7.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/8.png
    :width: 22cm

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``composer update drupal/core-*

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.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/9.png
    :width: 22cm

.. image:: images/dransible-screenshots/10.png
    :width: 20cm

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    TextAnnotation "Only 6 files changed rather than hundreds or thousands"
    TextAnnotation "Vast majority of the changes in composer.lock (to be expected)"
    TextAnnotation "Half of the changed files are project specific. Could have been 2 or 3 files changed on some projects."

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There were some autowiring gotchas...

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``Error: Class 'Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\ClassExistenceResource' not found in Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AutowirePass->createTypeNotFoundMessage()``

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``composer require

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    TextAnnotation "Composer tried installing version 5 by default, so locked to 4.x."

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``Cannot autowire service "Drupal\simple_message\DisplaySimpleMessage": argument "$messenger" of method "__construct()" references interface "Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias this interface to the existing "messenger" service``

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Fixing autowiring

.. code-block:: yaml

        autowire: true
          - { name: event_subscriber }

Fixing autowiring

.. code-block:: diff

    +   Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface:
    +     alias: messenger
    +     private: true

          autowire: true
            - { name: event_subscriber }

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    The big deal about Drupal 9 is... that it should not be a big deal

    -- Dries Buytaert

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    TextAnnotation "Dransible updated in 1-2 hours."
    TextAnnotation "No big rewrite."
    TextAnnotation "Smallest core update PR ever!"

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Drupal 10

- Released around June 2022
- Drupal 9 EOL around November 2023
- Symfony 4 EOL in November 2023
- Another easy upgrade

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    TextAnnotation "Need to keep up to date with dependencies."



* https://www.drupal.org/docs/understanding-drupal
* https://dri.es/drupal-9-0-0-released
* https://dri.es/drupal-10-target-release-date-and-drupal-9-end-of-life
* https://github.com/opdavies/dransible



* https://www.oliverdavies.uk