.. image:: ../images/logo.jpeg :width: 8cm .. page:: .. image:: ../images/twilio.png :width: 12cm .. page:: .. image:: ../images/lexis-nexis.jpg :width: 12cm .. page:: standardPage Social ====== * Join us on Slack: https://phpsouthwales.uk/slack * YouTube: https://phpsouthwales.uk/videos * Twitter: `@PhpSouthWales `_ Introductions ============= Take a minute to introduce yourself in the ``#meetup`` channel in the PHP South Wales Slack. Tonight ======= * **Dan Leech** Testing code performance with PHPBench Next month ========== * **Ryan Chandler** More GitHub Actions * **TBC** .. page:: standardPage .. image:: images/Selection_038.png :width: 14cm .. page:: .. image:: images/Selection_039.png :width: 13cm .. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle Looking for speakers and sponsors .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle Want to help build the PHP South Wales website? ``#website-improve``