.. footer:: @opdavies Working with Workspace ###################### | .. class:: titleslideinfo Oliver Davies, Inviqa .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Full stack Developer and Systems Administrator" PageBreak standardPage What is Workspace? ================== * A tool that we use and maintain at Inviqa * Create custom commands for your project environments * Alternative to a bash script or a Makefile .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "Available on GitHub, MIT licensed." TextAnnotation "Useful for simplifying long, complicated commands, e.g. Docker, Ansible." Features ======== * Commands * Functions * Attributes * Managing secrets * Configuration files .. Change to a title page .. raw:: pdf PageBreak titlePage Demo ==== .. Change to a standard page .. raw:: pdf PageBreak standardPage Thanks! ======= References: * https://github.com/my127/workspace * https://github.com/opdavies/working-with-workspace-demo | Me: * https://www.oliverdavies.uk