.. page:: titlePage .. class:: centredtitle Interaction states hover, focus, active, disabled, visited, group-hover, focus-within, first-child, last-child... .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle ``[state][separator][class]`` .. raw:: pdf TextAnnotation "State = hover, focus, group focus, focus within." TextAnnotation "Separator = configurable" TextAnnotation "Colon by default" TextAnnotation "Class = the same utility class that you would have used normally" .. page:: .. class:: centredtitle ``hover:text-red-500`` | .. class:: centredtitle ``focus:text-red-500`` .. page:: standardPage Interaction states in CSS ========================= .. code-block:: css :include: code/9-hover-classes.txt :linenos: Interaction states in HTML ========================== .. code-block:: html :include: code/10-hover-class-example.txt :linenos: Default variants ================ .. code-block:: javascript :include: code/11-default-variants.txt :linenos: