diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/about-ansible.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/about-ansible.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe2a8ee --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/about-ansible.rst @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +.. page:: standardPage + +What is Ansible? +================ + +.. class:: text-lg + +Ansible is an open-source **software provisioning**, **configuration management**, and **application-deployment** tool. + +| + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansible_(software) + +.. page:: + +What is Ansible? +================ + +- CLI tool +- Configured with YAML +- Agentless, connects via SSH +- Jinja2 for templating +- Executes ad-hoc remote commands +- Installs software packages +- Performs deployment steps +- Batteries included + + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "- Written in Python but configured with Yaml." + TextAnnotation "Drupal, Symfony and a lot of other projects use YAML." + TextAnnotation "Nothing needed on the server, other than Python." + TextAnnotation "First-party modules (SSH keys, file and directory management, package repositories, stopping/starting/restarting services, DO/Linode/AWS integration)." + +.. page:: + +Why Ansible? +============ + +- Familiar syntax (Drupal 8, Symfony, Sculpin) +- Easily readable +- No server dependencies +- Easy to add to an existing project +- Includes relevant modules (Git, Composer) +- Idempotency, resulting in cleaner scripts diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansible-crash-course.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansible-crash-course.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f33f778 --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansible-crash-course.rst @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Hosts / Inventories + +.. page:: standardPage + +hosts.ini +========= + +.. code:: ini + + [webservers] + + + [webservers:vars] + ansible_ssh_port=22 + ansible_ssh_user=opdavies + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Vagrant IP address." + TextAnnotation "Supports wildcards and ranges" + +hosts.yml +========= + +.. code-block:: yaml + + --- + all: + children: + webservers: + hosts: + + vars: + ansible_ssh_port: 22 + ansible_ssh_user: opdavies + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "My prefered format." + TextAnnotation "More consistency across the project, easier to copy variables from other places such as playbooks." + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Ad-hoc Commands + +.. page:: + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible all -i hosts.yml +-m ping`` + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Single ad-hoc command." + TextAnnotation "-i = inventory" + TextAnnotation "-m = module" + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code:: json + + webservers | SUCCESS => { + "ansible_facts": { + "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" + }, + "changed": false, + "ping": "pong" + } + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible all -i hosts.yml +-m command +-a "git pull --chdir=/app"`` + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Update a codebase using "git pull"" + TextAnnotation "-a = (additional) arguments" + TextAnnotation "--chdir = change directory" + +.. page:: + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible all -i hosts.yml +-m git +-a "repo=https://github.com +/opdavies/dransible +--chdir=/app"`` + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Same example, but using the core "Git" module" + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Playbooks + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: yaml + + --- + - hosts: webservers + + vars: + git_repo: https://github.com/opdavies/dransible + project_root_dir: /app + + tasks: + - name: Update the code + git: + repo: '{{ git_repo }}' + dest: '{{ project_root_dir }}' + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "YAML file" + TextAnnotation "Collection of multiple tasks" + TextAnnotation "Can add and use variables" + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook main.yml +-i hosts.yml`` + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "How do we run a playbook?" + TextAnnotation "Use the ansible-playbook command and specify the name of the playbook." diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansible-vault.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansible-vault.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a032ce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansible-vault.rst @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Keeping secrets with Ansible Vault + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: yaml + + --- + vars: + mysql_databases: + - name: main + + mysql_users: + - name: user + password: secret + priv: main.*:ALL + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # provision_vault.yml + + --- + vault_database_name: main + vault_database_user: user + vault_database_password: secret + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-vault encrypt +provision_vault.yml`` + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``New Vault password: +Confirm New Vault password: +Encryption successful`` + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: + + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 63656632326165643137646334343537396533656565313032363262623962393861666438393539 + 6366336638316133373061306332303761383565343035330a373637373830356430353630356161 + 32313831663039343733343539636365386333303862363635323138346137666166356639323338 + 3264636538356634390a343766353661386666376362376439386630363664616166643364366335 + 62373530393933373830306338386539626565313364643133666131613138383431353638636334 + 39376437633462373934313236363662633832643138386433646230313465383337373031373137 + 61353963623364393134386335373731356337366464633531656435383161656435313530363234 + 37373865393839616534353165656463313961333532363537383263343364646534333032336337 + 3235 + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # provision_vars.yml + + --- + database_name: '{{ vault_database_name }}' + database_user: '{{ vault_database_user }}' + database_password: '{{ vault_database_password }}' + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # provision.yml + + --- + vars_files: + - vars/provision_vault.yml + - vars/provision_vars.yml + + vars: + mysql_databases: + - '{{ database_name }}' + + mysql_users: + - name: '{{ database_user }}' + password: '{{ database_password }}' + priv: '{{ database_name }}.*:ALL' + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook deploy.yml +-i hosts.yml +--ask-vault-pass`` + +.. page:: +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook deploy.yml +-i hosts.yml +--vault-password-file secret.txt`` + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansistrano.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansistrano.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f73499 --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/ansistrano.rst @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Better deployments with Ansistrano + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. image:: images/ansistrano.png + :width: 24cm + +.. page:: + +Features +======== + +- Multiple release directories +- Shared paths and files +- Customisable +- Multiple deployment strategies +- Multi-stage environments +- Prune old releases +- Rollbacks + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # requirements.yml + + --- + - src: ansistrano.deploy + - src: ansistrano.rollback + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "to install Ansistrano, add the additional roles to the requirements.yml file" + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy.yml + + --- + - hosts: all + + roles: + - ansistrano.deploy + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "add to roles within the playbook" + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy.yml + + --- + vars: + project_deploy_dir: /app + + ansistrano_deploy_to: '{{ project_deploy_dir }}' + ansistrano_deploy_via: git + ansistrano_git_branch: master + ansistrano_git_repo: 'git@github.com:opdavies/dransible' + +.. page:: +.. code-block:: + + PLAY [webservers] ****************************************************************************************************** + + TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************* + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* + included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/ansistrano.deploy/tasks/setup.yml for webservers + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure deployment base path exists] ********************************************* + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure releases folder exists] ************************************************** + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure shared elements folder exists] ******************************************* + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure shared paths exists] ***************************************************** + ok: [webservers] => (item=web/sites/default/files) + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : Update file permissions] ********************************************************************* + changed: [webservers] + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* + included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/ansistrano.deploy/tasks/cleanup.yml for webservers + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Clean up releases] ************************************************************** + changed: [webservers] + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* + included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/ansistrano.deploy/tasks/anon-stats.yml for webservers + + TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Send anonymous stats] *********************************************************** + skipping: [webservers] + + PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************* + webservers : ok=33 changed=14 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=7 rescued=0 ignored=0 + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: + + vagrant@dransible:/app$ ls -l + total 8 + + lrwxrwxrwx 1 26 Jul 19 00:15 current -> ./releases/20190719001241Z + drwxr-xr-x 5 4096 Jul 22 20:30 releases + drwxr-xr-x 4 4096 Jul 19 00:00 shared + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: + + vagrant@dransible:/app/releases$ ls -l + total 20 + + drwxr-xr-x 5 4096 Jul 22 20:30 . + drwxr-xr-x 4 4096 Jul 19 00:15 .. + drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Jul 19 00:02 20190719000013Z + drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Jul 19 00:14 20190719001241Z + drwxr-xr-x 9 4096 Jul 22 20:30 20190722203038Z + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # rollback.yml + + --- + - hosts: all + + roles: + - ansistrano.rollback + + vars: + ansistrano_deploy_to: '{{ project_deploy_dir }}' + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook rollback.yml +-i hosts.yml`` + +.. page:: + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Customising Ansistrano: +Build Hooks + +.. page:: imagePage + +.. image:: images/ansistrano-flow.png + :width: 18cm + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Each step has a 'before' and 'after' step Ansistrano allows us to add more things by providing a path to a playbook and adding additional steps." + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy.yml + + --- + vars: + ansistrano_after_symlink_shared_tasks_file: > + '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml' + ansistrano_after_symlink_tasks_file: > + '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink.yml' + ansistrano_after_update_code_tasks_file: > + '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-update-code.yml' + + release_web_path: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/web' + release_drush_path: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/bin/drush' + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy/after-update-code.yml + + --- + - name: Install Composer dependencies + composer: + command: install + working_dir: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}' + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml + + --- + - name: Run database updates + command: > + {{ release_drush_path }} + --root {{ release_web_path }} + updatedb + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy/after-symlink.yml + + --- + - name: Rebuild Drupal cache + command: > + {{ release_drush_path }} + --root {{ release_web_path }} + cache-rebuild + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/basic-deployment.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/basic-deployment.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..330ef9b --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/basic-deployment.rst @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Basic deployment + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. class:: small + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy.yml + + --- + tasks: + - name: Creating project directory + file: + path: /app + state: directory + + - name: Uploading application + synchronize: + src: '{{ playbook_dir }}/../' + dest: /app + + + + + - name: Installing Composer dependencies + composer: + command: install + working_dir: /app + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Using file module to create the directory" + TextAnnotation "Using synchronize module/rsync to upload the files" + TextAnnotation "Using Composer module to install dependencies. There are other possible values." + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook deploy.yml +-i hosts.yml`` + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. image:: images/after-deploy-1.png + :width: 24cm + +.. page:: standardPage + +Disadvantages +============= + +- Sensitive data stored in plain text +- Single point of failure +- No ability to roll back + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/building-a-lamp-stack.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/building-a-lamp-stack.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6808ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/building-a-lamp-stack.rst @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Roles: configuring a LAMP stack + +.. page:: standardPage + +requirements.yml +================ + +.. code-block:: yaml + + --- + - src: geerlingguy.apache + - src: geerlingguy.composer + - src: geerlingguy.mysql + - src: geerlingguy.php + - src: geerlingguy.php-mysql + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "Requirements file for Ansible roles" + TextAnnotation "Typically requirements.yml" + TextAnnotation "Pulled from Ansible Galaxy" + TextAnnotation "Equivilent to composer.json/Packagist in PHP" + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-galaxy install +-r requirements.yml`` + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # playbook.yml + + --- + - hosts: webservers + + roles: + - geerlingguy.apache + - geerlingguy.mysql + - geerlingguy.php + - geerlingguy.php-mysql + - geerlingguy.composer + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "How do we use them?" + TextAnnotation "Add them to the playbook under 'roles'." + TextAnnotation "Ordering matters here!" + TextAnnotation "If these were ordered alphabetically then Composer install would fail because it would run before PHP is installed." + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # playbook.yml + + --- + vars: + apache_vhosts: + - servername: dransible + documentroot: /app/web + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "configuring the Apache role to install virtual hosts." + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # playbook.yml + + --- + vars: + php_version: 7.4 + php_packages_extra: + - libapache2-mod-php{{ php_version }} + - libpcre3-dev + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "configuring PHP." + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # playbook.yml + + --- + vars: + mysql_databases: + - name: main + + mysql_users: + - name: user + password: secret + priv: main.*:ALL + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "configuring MySQL databases and users." + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook provision.yml +-i hosts.yml`` + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: + + PLAY [Provision the webserver machines] ******************************************************************************** + + TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************* + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Include OS-specific variables.] ************************************************************* + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Include variables for Amazon Linux.] + skipping: [webservers] + + TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Define apache_packages.] ******************************************************************** + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [geerlingguy.apache : include_tasks] ****************************************************************************** + included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache/tasks/setup-Debian.yml for webservers + + TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Update apt cache.] ************************************************************************** + changed: [webservers] + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: + + TASK [geerlingguy.composer : Ensure composer directory exists.] ******************************************************** + ok: [webservers] + + TASK [geerlingguy.composer : include_tasks] **************************************************************************** + skipping: [webservers] + + TASK [geerlingguy.composer : include_tasks] **************************************************************************** + skipping: [webservers] + + RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.apache : restart apache] ****************************************************************** + changed: [webservers] + + RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.mysql : restart mysql] ******************************************************************** + changed: [webservers] + + RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.php : restart webserver] ****************************************************************** + changed: [webservers] + + RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.php : restart php-fpm] ******************************************************************** + skipping: [webservers] + + PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************* + webservers : ok=111 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=78 rescued=0 ignored=0 + +.. page:: + +.. image:: images/after-provision-1.png + :width: 24cm + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "IP address of server, Apache is installed and running." + +.. page:: + +.. image:: images/after-provision-2.png + :width: 24cm + +.. raw:: pdf + + TextAnnotation "No application code on the server yet." + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/generating-settings-files.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/generating-settings-files.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..167f6ec --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/generating-settings-files.rst @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Generating settings files per deployment + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # deploy_vars.yml + --- + drupal_settings: + - drupal_root: /app/web + sites: + - name: default + settings: + databases: + default: + default: + driver: mysql + host: localhost + database: '{{ database_name }}' + username: '{{ database_user }}' + password: '{{ database_password }}' + hash_salt: '{{ hash_salt }}' + config_directories: + sync: ../config/sync + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: jinja + + {# templates/settings.php.j2 #} + + {% for key, values in item.1.settings.databases.items() %} + {% for target, values in values.items() %} + $databases['{{ key }}']['{{ target }}'] = array( + 'driver' => '{{ values.driver|default('mysql') }}', + 'host' => '{{ values.host|default('localhost') }}', + 'database' => '{{ values.database }}', + 'username' => '{{ values.username }}', + 'password' => '{{ values.password }}', + ); + + {% endfor %} + {% endfor %} + + {% if item.1.settings.base_url is defined %} + $base_url = '{{ item.1.settings.base_url }}'; + {% endif %} + +.. page:: + + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # tasks/main.yml + + --- + - name: Ensure directory exists + file: + state: directory + path: '{{ item.0.drupal_root }}/sites/{{ item.1.name|default("default") }}' + with_subelements: + - '{{ drupal_settings }}' + - sites + no_log: true + + - name: Create settings files + template: + src: settings.php.j2 + dest: + '{{ item.0.drupal_root }}/sites/{{ item.1.name|default("default") }}/{{ + item.1.filename|default("settings.php") }}' + with_subelements: + - '{{ drupal_settings }}' + - sites + no_log: true + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/intro.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/intro.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d532d8c --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/intro.rst @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +.. page:: standardPage + +Things we'll be looking at +========================== + +- **Ansible** crash course +- Keeping secrets with **Ansible Vault** +- Deployments with **Ansistrano** + +.. page:: imagePage + +.. image:: images/logo-acquia.png + :width: 12cm + +| + +.. image:: images/logo-platformsh.png + :width: 12cm + +| + +.. image:: images/logo-pantheon.png + :width: 12cm + +.. page:: + +.. image:: images/logo-digital-ocean.png + :width: 6cm + +| + +.. image:: images/logo-linode.png + :width: 6cm + +| + +.. image:: images/logo-vultr.png + :width: 8cm + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/multiple-environments.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/multiple-environments.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b7fb27 --- /dev/null +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/sections/multiple-environments.rst @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +Multiple environments development, test, production + +.. page:: standardPage + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # vars.yml + + --- + vars: + mysql_databases: + - name: production + - name: staging + + mysql_users: + - name: production + password: '{{ live_db_password }}' + priv: '{{ live_db_name }}.*:ALL' + + - name: staging + password: '{{ staging_db_password }}' + priv: staging.*:ALL + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # hosts.yml + + --- + production: + children: + hosts: + webservers: + ansible_ssh_host: + ansible_ssh_port: 22 + + project_deploy_path: /app + git_branch: production + + drupal_hash_salt: '{{ vault_drupal_hash_salt }}' + drupal_install: false + + drupal_settings: + # ... + +.. page:: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + # hosts.yml + + --- + staging: + children: + hosts: + webservers: + ansible_ssh_host: + ansible_ssh_port: 22 + + project_deploy_path: /app-staging + git_branch: staging + + drupal_hash_salt: '{{ vault_drupal_hash_salt }}' + drupal_install: true + + drupal_settings: + # ... + +.. page:: titlePage + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook deploy.yml +-i hosts.yml +--limit staging`` + +.. page:: + +.. class:: centredtitle + +``ansible-playbook deploy.yml +-i hosts.yml +--limit production`` + diff --git a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/slides.rst b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/slides.rst index 2f2aac0..8d14855 100644 --- a/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/slides.rst +++ b/deploying-php-ansible-ansistrano/slides.rst @@ -21,830 +21,13 @@ Oliver Davies, Inviqa .. page:: standardPage -Things we'll be looking at -========================== - -- **Ansible** crash course -- Keeping secrets with **Ansible Vault** -- Deployments with **Ansistrano** - -.. page:: imagePage - -.. image:: images/logo-acquia.png - :width: 12cm - -| - -.. image:: images/logo-platformsh.png - :width: 12cm - -| - -.. image:: images/logo-pantheon.png - :width: 12cm - -.. page:: - -.. image:: images/logo-digital-ocean.png - :width: 6cm - -| - -.. image:: images/logo-linode.png - :width: 6cm - -| - -.. image:: images/logo-vultr.png - :width: 8cm - -.. page:: standardPage - -What is Ansible? -================ - -.. class:: text-lg - -Ansible is an open-source **software provisioning**, **configuration management**, and **application-deployment** tool. - -| - -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansible_(software) - -.. page:: - -What is Ansible? -================ - -- CLI tool -- Configured with YAML -- Agentless, connects via SSH -- Jinja2 for templating -- Executes ad-hoc remote commands -- Installs software packages -- Performs deployment steps -- Batteries included - - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "- Written in Python but configured with Yaml." - TextAnnotation "Drupal, Symfony and a lot of other projects use YAML." - TextAnnotation "Nothing needed on the server, other than Python." - TextAnnotation "First-party modules (SSH keys, file and directory management, package repositories, stopping/starting/restarting services, DO/Linode/AWS integration)." - -.. page:: - -Why Ansible? -============ - -- Familiar syntax (Drupal 8, Symfony, Sculpin) -- Easily readable -- No server dependencies -- Easy to add to an existing project -- Includes relevant modules (Git, Composer) -- Idempotency, resulting in cleaner scripts - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Hosts / Inventories - -.. page:: standardPage - -hosts.ini -========= - -.. code:: ini - - [webservers] - - - [webservers:vars] - ansible_ssh_port=22 - ansible_ssh_user=opdavies - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Vagrant IP address." - TextAnnotation "Supports wildcards and ranges" - -hosts.yml -========= - -.. code-block:: yaml - - --- - all: - children: - webservers: - hosts: - - vars: - ansible_ssh_port: 22 - ansible_ssh_user: opdavies - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "My prefered format." - TextAnnotation "More consistency across the project, easier to copy variables from other places such as playbooks." - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Ad-hoc Commands - -.. page:: - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible all -i hosts.yml --m ping`` - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Single ad-hoc command." - TextAnnotation "-i = inventory" - TextAnnotation "-m = module" - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code:: json - - webservers | SUCCESS => { - "ansible_facts": { - "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" - }, - "changed": false, - "ping": "pong" - } - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible all -i hosts.yml --m command --a "git pull --chdir=/app"`` - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Update a codebase using "git pull"" - TextAnnotation "-a = (additional) arguments" - TextAnnotation "--chdir = change directory" - -.. page:: - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible all -i hosts.yml --m git --a "repo=https://github.com -/opdavies/dransible ---chdir=/app"`` - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Same example, but using the core "Git" module" - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Playbooks - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: yaml - - --- - - hosts: webservers - - vars: - git_repo: https://github.com/opdavies/dransible - project_root_dir: /app - - tasks: - - name: Update the code - git: - repo: '{{ git_repo }}' - dest: '{{ project_root_dir }}' - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "YAML file" - TextAnnotation "Collection of multiple tasks" - TextAnnotation "Can add and use variables" - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook main.yml --i hosts.yml`` - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "How do we run a playbook?" - TextAnnotation "Use the ansible-playbook command and specify the name of the playbook." - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Roles: configuring a LAMP stack - -.. page:: standardPage - -requirements.yml -================ - -.. code-block:: yaml - - --- - - src: geerlingguy.apache - - src: geerlingguy.composer - - src: geerlingguy.mysql - - src: geerlingguy.php - - src: geerlingguy.php-mysql - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Requirements file for Ansible roles" - TextAnnotation "Typically requirements.yml" - TextAnnotation "Pulled from Ansible Galaxy" - TextAnnotation "Equivilent to composer.json/Packagist in PHP" - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-galaxy install --r requirements.yml`` - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # playbook.yml - - --- - - hosts: webservers - - roles: - - geerlingguy.apache - - geerlingguy.mysql - - geerlingguy.php - - geerlingguy.php-mysql - - geerlingguy.composer - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "How do we use them?" - TextAnnotation "Add them to the playbook under 'roles'." - TextAnnotation "Ordering matters here!" - TextAnnotation "If these were ordered alphabetically then Composer install would fail because it would run before PHP is installed." - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # playbook.yml - - --- - vars: - apache_vhosts: - - servername: dransible - documentroot: /app/web - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "configuring the Apache role to install virtual hosts." - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # playbook.yml - - --- - vars: - php_version: 7.4 - php_packages_extra: - - libapache2-mod-php{{ php_version }} - - libpcre3-dev - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "configuring PHP." - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # playbook.yml - - --- - vars: - mysql_databases: - - name: main - - mysql_users: - - name: user - password: secret - priv: main.*:ALL - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "configuring MySQL databases and users." - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook provision.yml --i hosts.yml`` - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: - - PLAY [Provision the webserver machines] ******************************************************************************** - - TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************* - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Include OS-specific variables.] ************************************************************* - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Include variables for Amazon Linux.] - skipping: [webservers] - - TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Define apache_packages.] ******************************************************************** - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [geerlingguy.apache : include_tasks] ****************************************************************************** - included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache/tasks/setup-Debian.yml for webservers - - TASK [geerlingguy.apache : Update apt cache.] ************************************************************************** - changed: [webservers] - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: - - TASK [geerlingguy.composer : Ensure composer directory exists.] ******************************************************** - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [geerlingguy.composer : include_tasks] **************************************************************************** - skipping: [webservers] - - TASK [geerlingguy.composer : include_tasks] **************************************************************************** - skipping: [webservers] - - RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.apache : restart apache] ****************************************************************** - changed: [webservers] - - RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.mysql : restart mysql] ******************************************************************** - changed: [webservers] - - RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.php : restart webserver] ****************************************************************** - changed: [webservers] - - RUNNING HANDLER [geerlingguy.php : restart php-fpm] ******************************************************************** - skipping: [webservers] - - PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************* - webservers : ok=111 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=78 rescued=0 ignored=0 - -.. page:: - -.. image:: images/after-provision-1.png - :width: 24cm - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "IP address of server, Apache is installed and running." - -.. page:: - -.. image:: images/after-provision-2.png - :width: 24cm - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "No application code on the server yet." - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Basic deployment - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. class:: small - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy.yml - - --- - tasks: - - name: Creating project directory - file: - path: /app - state: directory - - - name: Uploading application - synchronize: - src: '{{ playbook_dir }}/../' - dest: /app - - - - - - name: Installing Composer dependencies - composer: - command: install - working_dir: /app - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Using file module to create the directory" - TextAnnotation "Using synchronize module/rsync to upload the files" - TextAnnotation "Using Composer module to install dependencies. There are other possible values." - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook deploy.yml --i hosts.yml`` - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. image:: images/after-deploy-1.png - :width: 24cm - -.. page:: standardPage - -Disadvantages -============= - -- Sensitive data stored in plain text -- Single point of failure -- No ability to roll back - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Keeping secrets with Ansible Vault - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: yaml - - --- - vars: - mysql_databases: - - name: main - - mysql_users: - - name: user - password: secret - priv: main.*:ALL - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # provision_vault.yml - - --- - vault_database_name: main - vault_database_user: user - vault_database_password: secret - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-vault encrypt -provision_vault.yml`` - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``New Vault password: -Confirm New Vault password: -Encryption successful`` - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: - - $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 - 63656632326165643137646334343537396533656565313032363262623962393861666438393539 - 6366336638316133373061306332303761383565343035330a373637373830356430353630356161 - 32313831663039343733343539636365386333303862363635323138346137666166356639323338 - 3264636538356634390a343766353661386666376362376439386630363664616166643364366335 - 62373530393933373830306338386539626565313364643133666131613138383431353638636334 - 39376437633462373934313236363662633832643138386433646230313465383337373031373137 - 61353963623364393134386335373731356337366464633531656435383161656435313530363234 - 37373865393839616534353165656463313961333532363537383263343364646534333032336337 - 3235 - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # provision_vars.yml - - --- - database_name: '{{ vault_database_name }}' - database_user: '{{ vault_database_user }}' - database_password: '{{ vault_database_password }}' - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # provision.yml - - --- - vars_files: - - vars/provision_vault.yml - - vars/provision_vars.yml - - vars: - mysql_databases: - - '{{ database_name }}' - - mysql_users: - - name: '{{ database_user }}' - password: '{{ database_password }}' - priv: '{{ database_name }}.*:ALL' - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook deploy.yml --i hosts.yml ---ask-vault-pass`` - -.. page:: -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook deploy.yml --i hosts.yml ---vault-password-file secret.txt`` - -.. page:: -.. class:: centredtitle - -Better deployments with Ansistrano - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. image:: images/ansistrano.png - :width: 24cm - -.. page:: - -Features -======== - -- Multiple release directories -- Shared paths and files -- Customisable -- Multiple deployment strategies -- Multi-stage environments -- Prune old releases -- Rollbacks - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # requirements.yml - - --- - - src: ansistrano.deploy - - src: ansistrano.rollback - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "to install Ansistrano, add the additional roles to the requirements.yml file" - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy.yml - - --- - - hosts: all - - roles: - - ansistrano.deploy - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "add to roles within the playbook" - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy.yml - - --- - vars: - project_deploy_dir: /app - - ansistrano_deploy_to: '{{ project_deploy_dir }}' - ansistrano_deploy_via: git - ansistrano_git_branch: master - ansistrano_git_repo: 'git@github.com:opdavies/dransible' - -.. page:: -.. code-block:: - - PLAY [webservers] ****************************************************************************************************** - - TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************* - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* - included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/ansistrano.deploy/tasks/setup.yml for webservers - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure deployment base path exists] ********************************************* - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure releases folder exists] ************************************************** - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure shared elements folder exists] ******************************************* - ok: [webservers] - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Ensure shared paths exists] ***************************************************** - ok: [webservers] => (item=web/sites/default/files) - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : Update file permissions] ********************************************************************* - changed: [webservers] - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* - included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/ansistrano.deploy/tasks/cleanup.yml for webservers - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Clean up releases] ************************************************************** - changed: [webservers] - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************* - included: /Users/opdavies/.ansible/roles/ansistrano.deploy/tasks/anon-stats.yml for webservers - - TASK [ansistrano.deploy : ANSISTRANO | Send anonymous stats] *********************************************************** - skipping: [webservers] - - PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************* - webservers : ok=33 changed=14 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=7 rescued=0 ignored=0 - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: - - vagrant@dransible:/app$ ls -l - total 8 - - lrwxrwxrwx 1 26 Jul 19 00:15 current -> ./releases/20190719001241Z - drwxr-xr-x 5 4096 Jul 22 20:30 releases - drwxr-xr-x 4 4096 Jul 19 00:00 shared - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: - - vagrant@dransible:/app/releases$ ls -l - total 20 - - drwxr-xr-x 5 4096 Jul 22 20:30 . - drwxr-xr-x 4 4096 Jul 19 00:15 .. - drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Jul 19 00:02 20190719000013Z - drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Jul 19 00:14 20190719001241Z - drwxr-xr-x 9 4096 Jul 22 20:30 20190722203038Z - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # rollback.yml - - --- - - hosts: all - - roles: - - ansistrano.rollback - - vars: - ansistrano_deploy_to: '{{ project_deploy_dir }}' - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook rollback.yml --i hosts.yml`` - -.. page:: - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Customising Ansistrano: -Build Hooks - -.. page:: imagePage - -.. image:: images/ansistrano-flow.png - :width: 18cm - -.. raw:: pdf - - TextAnnotation "Each step has a 'before' and 'after' step Ansistrano allows us to add more things by providing a path to a playbook and adding additional steps." - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy.yml - - --- - vars: - ansistrano_after_symlink_shared_tasks_file: > - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml' - ansistrano_after_symlink_tasks_file: > - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-symlink.yml' - ansistrano_after_update_code_tasks_file: > - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy/after-update-code.yml' - - release_web_path: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/web' - release_drush_path: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}/bin/drush' - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy/after-update-code.yml - - --- - - name: Install Composer dependencies - composer: - command: install - working_dir: '{{ ansistrano_release_path.stdout }}' - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy/after-symlink-shared.yml - - --- - - name: Run database updates - command: > - {{ release_drush_path }} - --root {{ release_web_path }} - updatedb - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy/after-symlink.yml - - --- - - name: Rebuild Drupal cache - command: > - {{ release_drush_path }} - --root {{ release_web_path }} - cache-rebuild +.. include:: sections/intro.rst +.. include:: sections/about-ansible.rst +.. include:: sections/ansible-crash-course.rst +.. include:: sections/building-a-lamp-stack.rst +.. include:: sections/basic-deployment.rst +.. include:: sections/ansible-vault.rst +.. include:: sections/ansistrano.rst .. page:: titlePage @@ -852,174 +35,8 @@ Build Hooks Demo -.. page:: - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Generating settings files per deployment - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # deploy_vars.yml - --- - drupal_settings: - - drupal_root: /app/web - sites: - - name: default - settings: - databases: - default: - default: - driver: mysql - host: localhost - database: '{{ database_name }}' - username: '{{ database_user }}' - password: '{{ database_password }}' - hash_salt: '{{ hash_salt }}' - config_directories: - sync: ../config/sync - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: jinja - - {# templates/settings.php.j2 #} - - {% for key, values in item.1.settings.databases.items() %} - {% for target, values in values.items() %} - $databases['{{ key }}']['{{ target }}'] = array( - 'driver' => '{{ values.driver|default('mysql') }}', - 'host' => '{{ values.host|default('localhost') }}', - 'database' => '{{ values.database }}', - 'username' => '{{ values.username }}', - 'password' => '{{ values.password }}', - ); - - {% endfor %} - {% endfor %} - - {% if item.1.settings.base_url is defined %} - $base_url = '{{ item.1.settings.base_url }}'; - {% endif %} - -.. page:: - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # tasks/main.yml - - --- - - name: Ensure directory exists - file: - state: directory - path: '{{ item.0.drupal_root }}/sites/{{ item.1.name|default("default") }}' - with_subelements: - - '{{ drupal_settings }}' - - sites - no_log: true - - - name: Create settings files - template: - src: settings.php.j2 - dest: - '{{ item.0.drupal_root }}/sites/{{ item.1.name|default("default") }}/{{ - item.1.filename|default("settings.php") }}' - with_subelements: - - '{{ drupal_settings }}' - - sites - no_log: true - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -Multiple environments development, test, production - -.. page:: standardPage - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # vars.yml - - --- - vars: - mysql_databases: - - name: production - - name: staging - - mysql_users: - - name: production - password: '{{ live_db_password }}' - priv: '{{ live_db_name }}.*:ALL' - - - name: staging - password: '{{ staging_db_password }}' - priv: staging.*:ALL - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # hosts.yml - - --- - production: - children: - hosts: - webservers: - ansible_ssh_host: - ansible_ssh_port: 22 - - project_deploy_path: /app - git_branch: production - - drupal_hash_salt: '{{ vault_drupal_hash_salt }}' - drupal_install: false - - drupal_settings: - # ... - -.. page:: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - # hosts.yml - - --- - staging: - children: - hosts: - webservers: - ansible_ssh_host: - ansible_ssh_port: 22 - - project_deploy_path: /app-staging - git_branch: staging - - drupal_hash_salt: '{{ vault_drupal_hash_salt }}' - drupal_install: true - - drupal_settings: - # ... - -.. page:: titlePage - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook deploy.yml --i hosts.yml ---limit staging`` - -.. page:: - -.. class:: centredtitle - -``ansible-playbook deploy.yml --i hosts.yml ---limit production`` +.. include:: sections/generating-settings-files.rst +.. include:: sections/multiple-environments.rst .. page:: standardPage