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Binary files /dev/null and b/deploying-drupal-fabric/2017-10-20-drupalcamp-dublin/images/fry.jpeg differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+autoscale: true
+build-lists: true
+theme: next, 9
+# [fit] Deploying Drupal
with Fabric
+### Oliver Davies
+### bit.ly/deploying-drupal-fabric
+[.build-lists: false]
+- What is Fabric and what do I use it for?
+- How to write and organise Fabric scripts
+- Task examples
+[.build-lists: false]
+- Senior Developer at Microserve
+- Part-time freelance Developer & System Administrator
+- Drupal, Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Sculpin
+- Drupal Bristol, PHPSW, DrupalCamp Bristol
+- Sticker collector, herder of elePHPants
+- @opdavies
+- oliverdavies.uk
+^ Not a Python Developer
+## [fit] What is
+## What is Fabric?
+Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
+## What is Fabric?
+It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.
+## I use Fabric to...
+- Simplify my build process
+- Deploy code directly to different environments
+- Act as an intermediate step
+[.build-lists: false]
+## Why Fabric?
+- Powerful
+- Flexible
+- Easier to read and write than bash
+^ - Can be used for different languages, frameworks
+- Can be used for small, simple deployments or large, complicated ones
+- Not very opinioned
+## Installing Fabric
+$ pip install fabric
+# macOS
+$ brew install fabric
+# Debian, Ubuntu
+$ apt-get install fabric
+$ apt-get install python-fabric
+## [fit] Writing your
first fabfile
+# fabfile.py
+from fabric.api import env, run, cd, local
+env.hosts = ['example.com']
+# Do stuff...
+^ Callables
+# fabfile.py
+from fabric.api import *
+env.hosts = ['example.com']
+# Do stuff...
+## Operations
+- cd, lcd - *change directory*
+- run, sudo, local - *run a command*
+- get - *download files*
+- put - *upload files*
+[.footer: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.13/api/core/operations.html]
+## Utils
+- warn: *print warning message*
+- abort: *abort execution, exit with error status*
+- error: *call func with given error message*
+- puts: *alias for print whose output is managed by Fabric's output controls*
+[.footer: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.13/api/core/utils.html]
+## File management
+from fabric.contrib.files import *
+- exists - *check if path exists*
+- contains - *check if file contains text/matches regex*
+- sed - *run search and replace on a file*
+- upload_template - *render and upload a template to remote host*
+[.footer: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.13/api/contrib/files.html#fabric.contrib.files.append]
+^ Allows for jinja2 templates
+## Tasks
+def main():
+ with cd('/var/www/html'):
+ run('git pull')
+ run('composer install')
+## Task arguments
+```python, [.highlight: 1, 4-6]
+def main(run_composer=True):
+ with cd('/var/www/html'):
+ run('git pull')
+ if run_composer:
+ run('composer install')
+## Task arguments
+```python, [.highlight: 1, 4-15]
+def main(run_composer=True, env='prod', build_type):
+ with cd('/var/www/html'):
+ run('git pull')
+ if run_composer:
+ if env == 'prod':
+ run('composer install --no-dev')
+ else:
+ run('composer install')
+ if build_type == 'drupal':
+ ...
+ elif build_type == 'symfony':
+ ...
+ elif build_type == 'sculpin':
+ ...
+## Calling other tasks
+```python, [.highlight: 4-15]
+def main():
+ with cd('/var/www/html'):
+ build()
+ post_install()
+def build():
+ run('git pull')
+ run('composer install')
+def post_install():
+ with prefix('drush'):
+ run('updatedb -y')
+ run('entity-updates -y')
+ run('cache-rebuild')
+^ Better organised code
+Not everything in one long
+Easier to read and comprehend
+Single responsibilty principle
+## Running Tasks
+fab --list
+fab :build_number=$BUILD_ID,build_type=drupal
+^ fabfile.py in the current directory is found automatically.
+[production] Executing task 'main'
+[production] run: git pull
+[production] out: Already up-to-date.
+[production] out:
+[production] run: composer install
+[production] out: Generating autoload files
+[production] out:
+Disconnecting from production... done.
+## Downsides
+- Running build tasks on production
+[.build-lists: false]
+## Not Building on Prod
+1. Build locally and deploy.
+## Local tasks
+# Runs remotely.
+from fabric.api import run
+run('git pull')
+run('composer install')
+# Runs locally.
+from fabric.api import local
+local('git pull')
+local('composer install')
+## Local tasks
+# Remote.
+from fabric.api import cd
+with cd('themes/custom/drupalbristol'):
+ ...
+# Runs locally.
+from fabric.api import lcd
+with lcd('themes/custom/drupalbristol'):
+ ...
+## rsync
+```python, [.highlight: 1, 5-11]
+from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
+def deploy():
+ rsync_project(
+ local_dir='./',
+ remote_dir='/var/www/html'
+ default_opts='-vzcrSLh',
+ exclude=('.git', 'node_modules/', '.sass-cache/')
+ )
+[production] Executing task 'main'
+[localhost] local: git pull
+Current branch master is up to date.
+[localhost] local: composer install
+Loading composer repositories with package information
+Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
+Nothing to install or update
+Generating autoload files
+^ - The risky steps have been run separate to the live code.
+- Any issues will not affect the live site.
+[.build-lists: false]
+## Not Building on Prod
+1. ~~Build locally and deploy.~~
+1. Build in a separate directory and switch after build.
+^ Capistrano
+## Deploying into a different directory
+from fabric.api import *
+from time import time
+project_dir = '/var/www/html'
+next_release = "%(time).0f" % { 'time': time() } # Current timestamp
+def init():
+ if not exists(project_dir):
+ run('mkdir -p %s/backups' % project_dir)
+ run('mkdir -p %s/shared' % project_dir)
+ run('mkdir -p %s/releases' % project_dir)
+## Deploying into a different directory
+current_release = '%s/%s' % (releases_dir, next_release)
+run('git clone %s %s' % (git_repo, current_release))
+def build():
+ with cd(current_release):
+ pre_tasks()
+ build()
+ post_tasks()
+^ - Clone the repository into a different directory
+- Run any "risky" tasks away from the production code
+## Deploying into a different directory
+def pre_build(build_number):
+ with cd('current'):
+ print '==> Dumping the DB (just in case)...'
+ backup_database()
+def backup_database():
+ cd('drush sql-dump --gzip > ../backups/%s.sql.gz' % build_number)
+## Deploying into a different directory
+def update_symlinks():
+ run('ln -nfs %s/releases/%s %s/current'
+ % (project_dir, next_release, project_dir))
+# /var/www/html/current
+[production] Executing task 'main'
+[production] run: git clone https://github.com/opdavies/oliverdavies.uk.git
+ /var/www/html/releases/1505865600
+Installing Composer dependencies...
+[production] run: composer install --no-dev
+Update the symlink to the new release...
+[production] run: ln -nfs /var/www/html/releases/1505865600
+ /var/www/html/current
+# /var/www/html
+shared # settings.local.php, sites.php, files etc.
+current -> releases/1505865600 # symlink
+## Positives
+- Errors happen away from production
+## Downsides
+- Lots of release directories
+## Removing old builds
+def main(builds_to_keep=3):
+ with cd('%s/releases' % project_dir):
+ run("ls -1tr | head -n -%d | xargs -d '\\n' rm -fr"
+ % builds_to_keep)
+^ - Find directory names
+- 1tr not ltr
+- Remove the directories
+- Additional tasks, removing DB etc
+## [fit] Does the code still
merge cleanly?
+^ Pre-task
+def check_for_merge_conflicts(target_branch):
+ with settings(warn_only=True):
+ print('Ensuring that this can be merged into the main branch.')
+ if local('git fetch && git merge --no-ff origin/%s'
+ % target_branch).failed:
+ abort('Cannot merge into target branch.')
+^ Define target branch in Jenkins/when Fabric is run.
+## [fit] Do our tests
still pass?
+[.footer: http://nashvillephp.org/images/testing-workshop-banner-1600x800.jpg]
+with settings(warn_only=True):
+ with lcd('%s/docroot/core' % project_dir):
+ if local('../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom').failed:
+ abort('Tests failed!')
+[localhost] run: ../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom
+[localhost] out: PHPUnit 4.8.35 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: .......
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: Time: 1.59 minutes, Memory: 6.00MB
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: OK (7 tests, 42 assertions)
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] run: ../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom
+[localhost] out: PHPUnit 4.8.35 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: E
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: Time: 18.67 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: There was 1 error:
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: 1) Drupal\Tests\broadbean\Functional\AddJobTest::testNodesAreCreated
+[localhost] out: Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 200, but 201 expected.
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: /var/www/html/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:770
+[localhost] out: /var/www/html/vendor/behat/mink/src/WebAssert.php:130
+[localhost] out: /var/www/html/docroot/modules/custom/broadbean/tests/src/Functional/AddJobTest.php:66
+[localhost] out:
+[localhost] out: FAILURES!
+[localhost] out: Tests: 1, Assertions: 6, Errors: 1.
+[localhost] out:
+Warning: run() received nonzero return code 2 while executing '../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/custom/broadbean'!
+Fatal error: Tests failed!
+## [fit] Is the site
still running?
+## Checking for failures
+ # Fail
+run(command).return_code == 1:
+ # Fail
+run(command).return_code == 0:
+ # Pass
+^ Works for local and remote.
+print 'Checking the site is alive...'
+if run('drush status | egrep "Connected|Successful"').failed:
+ # Revert back to previous build.
+^ egrep is an acronym for "Extended Global Regular Expressions Print". It is a program which scans a specified file line by line, returning lines that contain a pattern matching a given regular expression.
+```bash, [.highlight 3]
+$ drush status
+Drupal version : 8.3.7
+Site URI : http://default
+Database driver : mysql
+Database hostname : db
+Database username : user
+Database name : default
+Database : Connected
+Drupal bootstrap : Successful
+Drupal user :
+Default theme : bartik
+Administration theme : seven
+PHP configuration : /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
+^ Successful
+```bash, [.highlight 3]
+$ drush status
+Drupal version : 8.3.7
+Site URI : http://default
+Database driver : mysql
+Database hostname : db
+Database username : user
+Database name : default
+PHP configuration : /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
+^ Failed.
+"Database" to "PHP configuration" missing if cannot connect or DB is empty.
+## [fit] Making Fabric
+## Conditional variables
+drupal_version = None
+if exists('composer.json') and exists('core'):
+ drupal_version = 8
+ drupal_version = 7
+## Conditional tasks
+if exists('composer.json'):
+ run('composer install')
+with cd('themes/custom/example'):
+ if exists('package.json') and not exists('node_modules'):
+ run('yarn --pure-lockfile')
+ if exists('gulpfile.js'):
+ run('node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')
+ elif exists('gruntfile.js'):
+ run('node_modules/.bin/grunt build')
+## Project settings file
+# app.yml
+ version: 8
+ root: web
+ config:
+ import: yes
+ name: sync
+ cmi_tools: no
+ tests:
+ simpletest: false
+ phpunit: true
+ theme:
+ path: 'themes/custom/drupalbristol'
+ build:
+ type: gulp
+ npm: no
+ yarn: yes
+ install: true
+## Project settings file
+```python, [.highlight 3]
+# fabfile.py
+from fabric.api import *
+import yaml
+config = []
+if exists('app.yml'):
+ with open('app.yml', 'r') as file:
+ config = yaml.load(file.read())
+## Project settings file
+# fabfile.py
+if config['composer']['install'] == True:
+ local('composer install')
+## Project settings file
+# fabfile.py
+if build_type == 'drupal':
+ drupal = config['drupal']
+## Project settings file
+```python, [.highlight: 6-9]
+# fabfile.py
+if build_type == 'drupal':
+ drupal = config['drupal']
+ with cd(drupal['root']):
+ if drupal['version'] == 8:
+ if drupal['version'] == 7:
+## Project settings file
+```python, [.highlight: 8-10]
+# fabfile.py
+if build_type == 'drupal':
+ drupal = config['drupal']
+ with cd(drupal['root']):
+ if drupal['version'] == 8:
+ if drupal['config']['import'] == True:
+ # Import the staged configuration.
+ run('drush cim -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])
+## Project settings file
+```python, [.highlight: 9-15]
+# fabfile.py
+if build_type == 'drupal':
+ drupal = config['drupal']
+ with cd(drupal['root']):
+ if drupal['version'] == 8:
+ if drupal['config']['import'] == True:
+ if drupal['config']['cmi_tools'] == True:
+ # Use Drush CMI Tools.
+ run('drush cimy -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])
+ else:
+ # Use core.
+ run('drush cim -y %s' % drupal['config']['name'])
+^ - Less hard-coded values
+- More flexible
+- No need to use different files for different versions or frameworks
+- No forked fabfiles per project or lots of conditionals based on the project
+## Project settings file
+# fabfile.py
+theme = config['theme']
+with cd(theme['path']):
+ if theme['build']['gulp'] == True:
+ if env == 'prod':
+ run('node_modules/.bin/gulp --production')
+ else:
+ run('node_modules/.bin/gulp')
+## Project settings file v2
+# app.yml
+ build: |
+ cd web/themes/custom/drupalbristol
+ yarn --pure-lockfile
+ node_modules/.bin/gulp --production
+ deploy: |
+ cd web
+ drush cache-rebuild -y
+## Project settings file v2
+# fabfile.py
+for hook in config['commands'].get('build', '').split("\n"):
+ run(hook)
+for hook in config['commands'].get('deploy', '').split("\n"):
+ run(hook)
+## Other things
+- Run Drush commands
+- Run automated tests
+- Verify file permissions
+- Restart services
+- Anything you can do on the command line...
+[.build-lists: false]
+## Fabric has...
+- Simplified my build process
+- Made my build process more flexible
+- Made my build process more robust
+[.build-lists: false]
+- https://www.oliverdavies.uk/talks/deploying-drupal-fabric
+- http://fabfile.org
+- https://github.com/opdavies/fabric-example-drupal
+- https://github.com/opdavies/fabric-example-sculpin
+- https://deploy.serversforhackers.com (~~$129~~ $79)
+## Thanks!
+# Questions?
+### @opdavies
+### oliverdavies.uk
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Binary files /dev/null and b/tdd-test-driven-drupal/2017-10-21-drupalcamp-dublin/images/toggle-optional-fields-1.png differ
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index 0000000..4112014
Binary files /dev/null and b/tdd-test-driven-drupal/2017-10-21-drupalcamp-dublin/images/toggle-optional-fields-2.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/tdd-test-driven-drupal/2017-10-21-drupalcamp-dublin/images/toggle-optional-fields-3.png differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+autoscale: true
+build-lists: true
+theme: next, 9
+# [fit] TDD - Test
Driven Drupal
+- PHP code
+- Mixture of D7 and D8
+- SimpleTest (D7)
+- PHPUnit (D8)
+[.build-lists: false]
+- Senior Developer at Microserve
+- Contrib module maintainer
+- Occasional core contributor
+- Sticker collector and elePHPant herder
+- @opdavies
+- oliverdavies.uk
+^ First experience of testing with a real module.
+Used on 11,046 sites (84 D5, 7,094 D6, 3,868 D7).
+Currently used on 28,398 (10 D5, 2,207 D6, 23,206 D7, 2,975 D8).
+Tests crucial to preventing regressions when adding new features or fixing bugs.
+## Why Test?
+- Catch bugs earlier
+- Piece of mind
+- Prevent regressions
+- Write less code
+- Documentation
+- Drupal core requirement -
+- More important with regular D8 releases
+^ Dave Liddament talk - better and cheaper to catch bugs earlier (e.g. whilst developing rather than after it's been released)
+Refer to tests when writing implementation code
+ONO merge conflict
+## Why Not Test?
+- Don't know how
+- No time/budget to write tests
+^ "I'd love to write tests, but I don't have the time to learn."
+## Core Testing Gate
+New features should be accompanied by automated tests.
+If the feature does not have an implementation, provide a test implementation.
+Bug fixes should be accompanied by changes to a test (either modifying an existing test case or adding a new one) that demonstrate the bug.
+[.footer: https://www.drupal.org/core/gates#testing]
+## Testing in Drupal - SimpleTest
+- Based on
+- In D7 core
+- `*.test` files
+- All test classes in one file
+## Testing in Drupal - PHPUnit
+- Used in other PHP projects (e.g. Symfony, Laravel)
+- In D8 core, but not default
+- `*.php` files
+- One test class per file
+## The PHPUnit Initiative
+- D8 core tests to change to PHPUnit
+- Deprecate SimpleTest, remove in D9
+- "A big chunk of old tests" converted on Feb 21st
+## The PHPUnit Initiative
+As part of the PHPUnit initiative __a considerable part of Simpletests will be converted to PHPUnit based browser tests on February 21st 2017__. A backwards compatibility layer has been implemented so that many Simpletests can be converted by just using the new BrowserTestBase base class and moving the test file. There is also a script to automatically convert test files in the conversion issue.
+__Developers are encouraged to use BrowserTestBase instead of Simpletest as of Drupal 8.3.0__, but both test systems are fully supported during the Drupal 8 release cycle.
+The timeline for the deprecation of Simpletest's WebTestBase is under discussion.
+[.footer: https://groups.drupal.org/node/516229]
+## Types of Tests
+### Unit Tests
+- `UnitTestCase`
+- Tests PHP logic
+- No database interaction
+- Fast to run
+## Types of Tests
+### Unit Tests
+- Verify individual parts
+- Quickly find problems in code
+- Fast execution
+- No system setup for the test run
+## Types of Tests
+### Unit Tests
+- Rewrite on every refactoring
+- Complicated mocking
+- No guarantee that the whole system actually works
+## Types of Tests
+### Kernel Tests
+- Kernel tests are integration tests that test on components. You can install modules.
+- `KernelTestBase`
+[.footer: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/testing/types-of-tests-in-drupal-8]
+## Types of Tests
+### Kernel Tests
+- Verify that components actually work together
+- Somewhat easy to locate bugs
+## Types of Tests
+### Kernel Tests
+- Slower execution
+- System setup required
+- No guarantee that end user features actually work
+## Types of Tests
+### Web/Functional/FunctionalJavascript Tests
+- `DrupalWebTestCase` (D7)
+- `WebTestBase`, `BrowserTestBase`, `JavascriptTestBase` (D8)
+- Tests functionality
+- Interacts with database
+- Slower to run
+- With/without JavaScript (D8)
+^ - Use JavascriptTestBase when you need to test how the system works for a user with Javascript enabled.
+## Test Driven Development (TDD)
+- Write a test, see it fail
+- Write code until test passes
+- Repeat
+- Refactor when tests are green
+[.footer: http://www.agilenutshell.com/assets/test-driven-development/tdd-circle-of-life.png]
+^ "Grab for green."
+Not the only way
+Write code beforehand and test afterwards
+Write code first, comment out/reset branch, then TDD
+## Porting Modules to Drupal 8
+- Make a new branch
+ `git checkout --orphan 8.x-1.x`
+- Add/update the tests
+- Write code to make the tests pass
+- Refactor
+- Repeat
+## Writing Tests (SimpleTest)
+# example.info
+name = Example
+core = 7.x
+files[] = example.test
+// example.test
+class ExampleTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
+ public static function getInfo() {
+ return array(
+ 'name' => 'Example tests',
+ 'description' => 'Web tests for the example module.',
+ 'group' => 'Example',
+ );
+ }
+class ExampleTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
+ ...
+ public function testSomething {
+ $this->assertTrue(TRUE);
+ }
+## Writing Tests (PHPUnit)
+- No need to load test classes expicitly.
+- Add classes into `tests/src` directory.
+- Extend `BrowserTestBase`.
+- No `getInfo` method.
+^ Classes get autoloaded PSR-4
+## Creating the World
+public function setUp() {
+ // Enable any other required modules.
+ parent::setUp(['foo', 'bar']);
+ // Anything else we need to do.
+## Creating the World
+## Assertions
+- `assertTrue`
+- `assertFalse`
+- `assertNull`
+- `assertNotNull`
+- `assertEqual`
+ `assertEquals`
+## Assertions
+- `assertRaw`
+- `assertResponse`
+ `assertSession()->statusCodeEquals()`
+- `assertField`
+- `assertFieldById`
+- `assertTitle`
+## [fit] Running Tests
+## SimpleTest UI
+## Running SimpleTest From The Command Line
+# Drupal 7
+$ php scripts/run-tests.sh
+# Drupal 8
+$ php core/scripts/run-tests.sh
+## Running SimpleTest From The Command Line
+## Running PHPUnit From The Command Line
+$ vendor/bin/phpunit
+$ vendor/bin/phpunit [directory]
+$ vendor/bin/phpunit --filter [method]
+## Example: Collection Class
+## Collection Class
+- Adds a `Collection` class, based on Laravel’s
+- Provides helper methods for array methods
+- Drupal 7, uses xautoload
+^ xautoload gives PSR-4 namespaces and autoloading similar to Drupal 8.
+$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+// Returns all items.
+// Counts the number of items.
+// Returns the array keys.
+namespace Drupal\collection_class;
+class Collection implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate {
+ private $items;
+ public function __construct($items = array()) {
+ $this->items = is_array($items) ? $items
+ : $this->getArrayableItems($items);
+ }
+ public function __toString() {
+ return $this->toJson();
+ }
+ ...
+public function all() {
+ return $this->items;
+public function count() {
+ return count($this->items);
+public function isEmpty() {
+ return empty($this->items);
+public function first() {
+ return array_shift($this->items);
+## Testing
+public function setUp() {
+ $this->firstCollection = collect(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
+ $this->secondCollection = collect([
+ array('title' => 'Foo', 'status' => 1),
+ array('title' => 'Bar', 'status' => 0),
+ array('title' => 'Baz', 'status' => 1)
+ ]);
+ parent::setUp();
+## Testing
+public function testCollectFunction() {
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ get_class($this->firstCollection),
+ 'Drupal\collection_class\Collection'
+ );
+## Testing
+public function testAll() {
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'),
+ $this->firstCollection->all()
+ );
+## Testing
+public function testCount() {
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ 3,
+ $this->firstCollection->count()
+ );
+## Testing
+public function testMerge() {
+ $first = collect(array('a', 'b', 'c'));
+ $second = collect(array('d', 'e', 'f'));
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'),
+ $first->merge($second)->all()
+ );
+## Example: Toggle Optional Fields
+## Toggle Optional Fields
+- Adds a button to toggle optional fields on node forms using form alters
+- Possible to override using an custom alter hook
+- Uses unit and web tests
+## Example
+// Looping through available form elements...
+// Only affect fields.
+if (!toggle_optional_fields_element_is_field($element_name)) {
+ return;
+$element = &$form[$element_name];
+if (isset($overridden_fields[$element_name])) {
+ return $element['#access'] = $overridden_fields[$element_name];
+// If the field is not required, disallow access to hide it.
+if (isset($element[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['#required'])) {
+ return $element['#access'] = !empty($element[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['#required']);
+## What to Test?
+- **Functional:** Are the correct fields shown and hidden?
+- **Unit:** Is the field name check returning correct results?
+## Unit Tests
+// Returns TRUE or FALSE to indicate if this is a field.
+function toggle_optional_fields_element_is_field($name) {
+ if (in_array($name, array('body', 'language'))) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return substr($name, 0, 6) == 'field_';
+## Unit Tests
+ toggle_optional_fields_element_is_field('field_tags')
+ toggle_optional_fields_element_is_field('body')
+ toggle_optional_fields_element_is_field('title')
+## Web Tests
+public function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->drupalLogin(
+ $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
+ 'create article content',
+ 'create page content'
+ ));
+ );
+ // Enable toggling on article node forms.
+ variable_set('toggle_optional_fields_node_types', array('article'));
+ $this->refreshVariables();
+## Custom Assertions
+private function assertTagsFieldNotHidden() {
+ $this->assertFieldByName(
+ 'field_tags[und]',
+ t('Tags field visible.')
+ );
+## Testing Hidden Fields
+public function testFieldsHiddenByDefault() {
+ variable_set('toggle_optional_fields_hide_by_default', TRUE);
+ $this->refreshVariables();
+ $this->drupalGet('node/add/article');
+ $this->assertShowOptionalFieldsButtonFound();
+ $this->assertHideOptionalFieldsButtonNotFound();
+ $this->assertTagsFieldHidden();
+ ...
+## Testing Hidden Fields
+ ...
+ $this->drupalPost(
+ 'node/add/article',
+ array(),
+ t('Show optional fields')
+ );
+ $this->assertHideOptionalFieldsButtonFound();
+ $this->assertShowOptionalFieldsButtonNotFound();
+ $this->assertTagsFieldNotHidden();
+## [fit] Building a new
D8 module
with TDD
+As a site visitor
+I want to see a list of all published pages at `/pages`
+Ordered alphabetically by title.
+# dublintest.yml
+name: DrupalCamp Dublin test
+core: 8.x
+type: module
+// tests/src/Functional/ListingPageTest.php
+class ListingPageTest extends BrowserTestBase {
+ protected static $modules = ['dublintest'];
+ public function testListingPageExists() {
+ $this->drupalGet('pages');
+ $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200);
+ }
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests/
+Time: 25.94 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+There was 1 error:
+1) PageListTest::testListingPage
+Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException: Current response status code is 404,
+but 200 expected.
+- Add the view.
+- Copy the config into `config/install`.
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests/
+Time: 19.07 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+There was 1 error:
+1) PageListTest::testListingPage
+Configuration objects provided by dublintest
+have unmet dependencies:
+node.type.page (node),
+views.view.pages (node, views)
+name: DrupalCamp Dublin tests
+core: 8.x
+type: module
+ - drupal:node
+ - drupal:views
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests/
+Time: 29.58 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
+public function testOnlyPublishedPagesAreShown() {
+ // Given I have a mixture of published and unpublished pages,
+ // as well as other types of content.
+ // When I view the pages list.
+ // I should only see the published pages.
+public function testOnlyPublishedPagesAreShown() {
+ $this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'article']);
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => TRUE]);
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article']);
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'status' => FALSE]);
+ // When I view the pages list.
+ // I should only see the published pages.
+public function testOnlyPublishedPagesAreShown() {
+ ...
+ $results = views_get_view_result('pages');
+ $nids = collect($results)->pluck('nid')->all();
+ // [1, 3]
+ // I should only see the published pages.
+public function testOnlyPublishedPagesAreShown() {
+ ...
+ $results = views_get_view_result('pages');
+ $nids = collect($results)->pluck('nid')->all();
+ // [1, 3]
+ $this->assertEquals([1], $nids);
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests
+Time: 26.4 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+There was 1 failure:
+1) PageListTest::testOnlyPublishedPagesAreShown
+Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
+--- Expected
++++ Actual
+@@ @@
+ Array (
+- 0 => 1
++ 0 => '1'
++ 1 => '3'
+ )
+Tests: 1, Assertions: 3, Failures: 1.
+[.build-lists: false]
+- Edit the view
+- Add the status filter
+- Update the module config
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests
+Time: 26.53 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+OK (1 test, 3 assertions)
+public function testPagesAreOrderedAlphabetically() {
+ // Given I have multiple pages with different titles.
+ // When I view the pages list.
+ // I see the pages in the correct order.
+public function testPagesAreOrderedAlphabetically() {
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['title' => 'Page A']);
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['title' => 'Page D']);
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['title' => 'Page B']);
+ $this->drupalCreateNode(['title' => 'Page C']);
+ $results = views_get_view_result('pages');
+ $nids = collect($results)->pluck('nid')->all();
+ $this->assertEquals([1, 3, 4, 2], $nids);
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests
+Time: 28.03 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+There was 1 failure:
+1) PageListTest::testPagesAreOrderedAlphabetically
+Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
+--- Expected
++++ Actual
+@@ @@
+ Array (
+- 0 => 1
+- 1 => 3
+- 2 => 4
+- 3 => 2
++ 0 => '1'
++ 1 => '2'
++ 2 => '3'
++ 3 => '4'
+ )
+- Edit the view
+- Remove the default sort criteria (created on)
+- Add new sort criteria
+- Update the module config
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests
+Time: 27.67 seconds, Memory: 6.00MB
+OK (1 test, 2 assertions)
+docker@cli:/var/www/core$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit ../modules/dublintest/tests
+PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
+Testing ../modules/dublintest/tests
+Time: 1.17 minutes, Memory: 6.00MB
+OK (3 tests, 6 assertions)
+## Takeaways
+- Testing has made me a better developer
+- Testing can produce better quality code
+- Writing tests is an investment
+- OK to start small, introduce tests gradually
+- Easier to refactor
+- Tests can pass, but things can still be broken. Tests only report on what they cover.
+^ Made me think about how I'm going to do something more starting to do it
+Less cruft, only write code that serves a purpose
+Spending time writing tests pays dividends later on
+Start by introducing tests for new features or regression tests when fixing bugs
+If you know things pass, then you can refactor code knowing if something is broken
+Manual testing is still important
+## Thanks!
+# Questions?
+### @opdavies
+### oliverdavies.uk
diff --git a/tdd-test-driven-drupal/2017-10-21-drupalcamp-dublin/slides.pdf b/tdd-test-driven-drupal/2017-10-21-drupalcamp-dublin/slides.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0f910a
Binary files /dev/null and b/tdd-test-driven-drupal/2017-10-21-drupalcamp-dublin/slides.pdf differ