const cssMatcher = require('jest-matcher-css') const defaultConfig = require('tailwindcss/defaultConfig') const plugin = require('./index') const postcss = require('postcss') const tailwindcss = require('tailwindcss') function generatePluginCss(options = {}) { return postcss( tailwindcss({ corePlugins: false, plugins: [plugin(options)] }) ) .process('@tailwind utilities;', { from: undefined }) } expect.extend({ toMatchCss: cssMatcher }) test('it generates the correct classes with no variants', () => { const output = ` .test { display: block } ` generatePluginCss().then(result => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) }) }) test('it generates the correct classes with variants', () => { const output = ` .test { display: block } .hover\\:test:hover { display: block } .focus\\:test:focus { display: block } ` generatePluginCss({ variants: ['hover', 'focus'] }).then(result => { expect(result.css).toMatchCss(output) }) })