# Rebuilding Acquia
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A clone of [Acquia](https://www.acquia.com)’s hosting dashboard, built with [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org) and [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com).
## Icons
The icons were downloaded from the live Acquia webite and re-used, but the HTML, CSS and JavaScript code was written from scratch using the above mentioned technologies.
## Screenshots
### Viewing all applications
![A screenshot of the applications page in the list view](docs/images/applications-grid.png)
### Viewing all environments for an application
![A screenshot of the applications page in the list view](docs/images/environments-with-help.png)
### Viewing a single environment
![A screenshot of the applications page in the list view](docs/images/environment-prod.png)
## How it works
TODO: Add blog post link
## Author
[Oliver Davies](https://www.oliverdavies.uk) - Full Stack Developer