{ inputs, self }: let inherit (inputs.nixpkgs) legacyPackages; in rec { mkVimPlugin = { system }: let inherit (pkgs) vimUtils; inherit (vimUtils) buildVimPlugin; pkgs = legacyPackages.${system}; in buildVimPlugin { name = "opdavies"; postInstall = '' rm -rf $out/.envrc rm -rf $out/.gitignore rm -rf $out/.luacheckrc rm -rf $out/.markdownlint.yaml rm -rf $out/CHANGELOG.md rm -rf $out/flake.lock rm -rf $out/flake.nix rm -rf $out/lib rm -rf $out/overlays rm -rf $out/run rm -rf $out/stylua.toml rm -rf $out/todo ''; src = ../.; }; mkNeovimPlugins = { system }: let pkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs { inherit system; config.allowUnfree = true; overlays = [ (import "${self}/overlays/vim-plugins.nix") ]; }; opdavies-nvim = mkVimPlugin { inherit system; }; in with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ comment-nvim conf-vim dial-nvim edit-alternate-vim fidget-nvim gitsigns-nvim harpoon impatient-nvim mini-nvim neodev-nvim nvim-spectre nvim-web-devicons oil-nvim refactoring-nvim standard-vim tabline-vim treesj undotree vim-abolish vim-autoread vim-eunuch vim-highlightedyank vim-just vim-nix vim-obsession vim-pasta vim-repeat vim-sleuth vim-terraform vim-textobj-user vim-textobj-xmlattr vim-unimpaired vim-zoom # Testing vim-test # Git committia-vim diffview-nvim vim-fugitive # Debugging nvim-dap nvim-dap-ui nvim-dap-virtual-text # Treesitter (pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withPlugins ( plugins: with plugins; [ bash comment css csv dockerfile gitattributes gitignore go html javascript json kdl lua luadoc make markdown markdown_inline nix php phpdoc query rst scss sql terraform twig typescript vim vimdoc vue xml yaml ] )) nvim-treesitter-context nvim-treesitter-textobjects # LSP, linting and formatting conform-nvim lsp-status-nvim nvim-lint nvim-lspconfig # Completion cmp-buffer cmp-cmdline cmp-nvim-lsp cmp-path cmp-treesitter cmp_luasnip lspkind-nvim nvim-cmp # Snippets friendly-snippets luasnip # Telescope plenary-nvim popup-nvim telescope-frecency-nvim telescope-fzf-native-nvim telescope-live-grep-args-nvim telescope-nvim telescope-ui-select-nvim # Databases vim-dadbod vim-dadbod-ui vim-dadbod-completion # Themes catppuccin-nvim # Configuration. opdavies-nvim ]; mkExtraPackages = { system }: let inherit (pkgs) nodePackages lua54Packages php82Packages; pkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs { inherit system; config.allowUnfree = true; }; in with pkgs; [ # Languages nodePackages.typescript nodejs-slim php81 # Language servers gopls lua-language-server lua54Packages.luacheck marksman nil nodePackages."@tailwindcss/language-server" nodePackages.bash-language-server nodePackages.dockerfile-language-server-nodejs nodePackages.intelephense nodePackages.typescript-language-server nodePackages.vls nodePackages.volar nodePackages.vscode-langservers-extracted nodePackages.vue-language-server nodePackages.yaml-language-server phpactor terraform-ls # Formatters black eslint_d nixfmt-rfc-style nodePackages.prettier stylua yamlfmt # Tools hadolint html-tidy nodePackages.jsonlint nodePackages.markdownlint-cli php82Packages.php-codesniffer php82Packages.phpstan proselint shellcheck yamllint ]; mkExtraConfig = '' lua << EOF require 'opdavies' EOF ''; mkNeovim = { system }: let inherit (pkgs) lib neovim; extraPackages = mkExtraPackages { inherit system; }; pkgs = legacyPackages.${system}; start = mkNeovimPlugins { inherit system; }; in neovim.override { configure = { customRC = mkExtraConfig; packages.main = { inherit start; }; }; extraMakeWrapperArgs = ''--suffix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath extraPackages}"''; }; mkHomeManager = { system }: let extraConfig = mkExtraConfig; extraPackages = mkExtraPackages { inherit system; }; plugins = mkNeovimPlugins { inherit system; }; in { inherit extraConfig extraPackages plugins; enable = true; }; }