- Allow loading testimonials by tag instead of name. - Remove the code to load testimonials by name. - Add a `limit` and `offset` to create different lists on the same page - e.g. on the team coaching page where I have two testimonial sections.
53 lines
2.2 KiB
53 lines
2.2 KiB
{% set limit = limit ?? 10 %}
{% set offset = offset ?? 0 %}
{% set testimonials = site.testimonials %}
{% if tag is not null %}
{% set testimonials = testimonials|filter(testimonial => tag in testimonial.tags) %}
{% endif %}
{% set testimonials = testimonials|slice(offset, limit) %}
<h2 class="text-xl font-bold">{{ title|default('Testimonials') }}</h2>
<div class="mt-4 space-y-12">
{% for testimonial in testimonials %}
<div class="italic prose prose-p:text-black prose-a:font-light prose-a:text-blue-primary prose-p:text-lg prose-blockquote:border-blue-primary dark:marker:text-white prose-li:my-1 prose-li:text-lg prose-figcaption:text-white prose-li:text-black marker:text-black dark:prose-p:text-white dark:prose-invert dark:prose-a:text-blue-400 dark:prose-blockquote:border-blue-400 dark:prose-li:text-white hover:prose-a:no-underline prose-h2:text-xl prose-code:font-normal prose-h2:mb-4 prose-ul:my-3 dark:prose-hr:border-grey-400 prose-code:before:content-[''] prose-code:after:content-['']">
{{ testimonial.text|markdown }}
<div class="not-prose">
<footer class="mt-8 flex items-center space-x-4 space-x-reverse">
<span class="text-base">
{% if testimonial.url %}
<a href="{{ testimonial.url }}">
{{ testimonial.name }}
{% if testimonial.title %}
- {{ testimonial.title }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ testimonial.name }}
{% if testimonial.title %}
- {{ testimonial.title }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if testimonial.image %}
<span class="order-first flex-shrink-0">
<img class="size-16 rounded-full ring-2 ring-grey-500 dark:ring-white" alt="Photo of {{ testimonial.name }}" src="{{ testimonial.image.url }}" />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}