title: Using Illuminate Collections... Outside Laravel
description: How to include and use Laravel’s Illuminate Collections in your non-Laravel PHP projects.
  id: 76f1718a75a74940b0b028aac8b9f78b
  ratio: "1.77777777777778"
  url: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/using-laravel-collections-dot-dot-dot-outside-laravel-php-south-wales-august-2018
  type: youtube
  id: 1l0kO-iaN_o
type: Lightning talk
  - name: Nomad PHP
    url: https://nomadphp.com
    online: true
    date: 2017-12-21
    time: 19:00 CET
  - name: PHP South Wales
    location: Cardiff, UK
    url: https://www.phpsouthwales.uk
    date: 2018-08-28

Laravel's Illuminate Collections are a powerful object-orientated way of interacting with PHP arrays, but did you know that they can be used outside of Laravel, in any PHP project?

This short talk shows how we can use Composer to include Illuminate Collections within a non-Laravel project and put them to use within your own code.