--- layout: default title: Experience nav: experience experiences: - name: Microserve website: https://microserve.io location: Bristol, England logo: /images/experience/microserve.png role: Senior Drupal Developer start: July 2015 description: >

Full-stack Drupal development, focussing on data migration.

Community and contribution advocate.

- name: Freelance location: Remote role: 'Drupal/PHP Developer & System Administrator' start: 2007 description: >

Working on Drupal and PHP projects in my spare time.

- name: Drupal Association website: https://assoc.drupal.org logo: /images/experience/drupal-association.png role: Drupal.org Developer location: Remote start: 2014 end: 2015 description: >

Maintaining and improving Drupal.org - the home of the Drupal community.

- name: Precedent website: http://precedent.com location: Cardiff, Wales logo: /images/experience/precedent.jpg role: Senior Drupal Developer start: 2013 end: 2014 description: >

Drupal 7 website development, including site building, theming, module development, data migration and server configuration.

- name: Nomensa website: http://www.nomensa.com location: Bristol, England logo: /images/experience/nomensa.png role: 'Freelance Drupal Developer / Application Developer & System Administrator' start: 2012 end: 2013 description: >

Drupal 7 website development and Linux server administration.

- name: 'Proctor & Stevenson' website: http://www.proctors.co.uk location: Bristol, England logo: /images/experience/proctors.jpg role: 'Drupal/PHP Developer' start: 2011 end: 2012 description: >

Website development, mainly with Drupal (6 and 7) and PHP.

- name: 'Horse & Country TV' website: http://www.horseandcountry.tv location: Cwmbran, Wales logo: /images/experience/horse-and-country.jpg role: Web Developer start: 2010 end: 2011 description: >

Maintaining and adding new features to the Horse & Country TV website (Drupal 6).



{% for experiences in page.experiences|batch(2) %}
{% for experience in experiences %}

{{ experience.name }}

{% if experience.logo %} {% endif %} {% if experience.website %}
{{ experience.website }}
{% endif %}
{% spaceless %} {{ experience.role ~ ' from ' ~ experience.start ~ ' to ' ~ experience.end|default('Present') }} {% if experience.location %} ({{ experience.location }}) {% endif %} {% endspaceless %}.
{{ experience.description|raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}