title: >
  Continuous improvement
date: 2024-01-01
permalink: archive/2024/01/01/continuous-improvement
snippet: |
  1. Continuous delivery.
  2. Continuous deployment.
  3. Continuous improvement.
  - software-development
  - agile
  - continuous-improvement

I've written emails before about continuous delivery and continuous deployment, but there's another "continuous" I like to follow.

Continuous **improvement**.

Always focusing on improving, whether learning new things or getting better with things I already know.

If you haven't written automated tests or done test-driven development before, try it.

Try using static analysis tools if you haven't before.

If your tools or approaches are outdated, try something more modern.

Can you reduce the time your CI pipeline takes to run, or write better documentation?

You may not like everything you try, but what works will pay dividends over time.