title: >
  Back after PHP Stoke
pubDate: 2023-01-16
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I took a bit of time off from these emails whilst I was preparing for the first PHP Stoke event which happened last week in Stoke-on-Trent.

It was a great event with around 35 attendees and two other speakers as well as myself.

The [latest version of my slides are online]({{site.url}}/presentations/things-you-should-know-about-php) as well [some updated resources]({{site.url}}/things-about-php).

My next talk will be at the Norfolk Developers conference next month where I'll be presenting an updated version of [Taking Flight with Tailwind CSS]({{site.url}}/presentations/taking-flight-with-tailwind-css).

If you have a topic idea for a talk or would like me to speak at your meetup or conference, please get in touch.