--- title: Speaker Information --- {% import 'macros' as macros %} ## Bio Oliver is a Software Developer and Drupal Expert with {{ macros.yearsExperience }} years of experience. As well as consulting on large Drupal projects, Oliver helps Drupal Developers learn automated testing and test-driven development via a free email course and paid coaching and workshops. He regularly contributes to open-source software projects, including Drupal core. ## Photos - <https://www.dropbox.com/s/say1muiqedik0l4/0188395_thumb.jpg> ## Some events that I've spoken at - BlueConf 2019 (Cardiff, UK) - DrupalCamp Brighton 2015 - DrupalCamp Bristol 2016 - DrupalCamp Dublin 2017 - DrupalCamp London (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020) - DrupalCamp North 2015 (Sunderland, UK) - DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019 - DrupalCon Europe 2020 (Online) - DrupalCon Lille 2023 - Nomad PHP - Norfolk Developers' Conference (nor(DEV):con) 2023 - PHP North West 2017 (Manchester, UK - 10 year anniversary) - PHP South Coast 2016 (Portsmouth, UK) - PHP UK Conference 2018 (London, UK) - WordCamp Bristol 2019 I also [gave a number of talks remotely](/blog/speaking-remotely-during-lockdown) for various user groups and conferences during COVID-19.