title: Discussing Drupal's ECA module
date: 2024-10-07
permalink: daily/2024/10/07/discussing-drupals-eca-module
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - podcast
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  I recently spoke with Jürgen Haas about Drupal's ECA module.
drupal_planet: true

In the most recent episode of the Beyond Blocks podcast, I spoke with Jürgen Haas about Drupal's ECA module.

ECA stands for Events, Conditions and Actions and is a module I was aware of, but haven't used before - so I was great to learn more about it.

I also got to meet Jürgen at DrupalCon in Barcelona, as well as several other podcast guests, which was fantastic.

[Listen to the episode now][0].

If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast or want to suggest a topic, reply and let me know!

[0]: {{site.url}}/podcast/23-jurgen-haas-eca