title: Talks and workshops
    - talks

<p>Starting with my first talk in September 2012, I have given {{ get_past_talk_count(data.talks) }} presentations and workshops at various conferences and meetups, in-person and remotely, on topics including PHP, Drupal, automated testing, Git, CSS, and systems administration.</p>

<div class="mt-10">
    <div class="space-y-8">
        {% for talk in data.talks|sort((a, b) => get_last_event_date_for_talk(a) < get_last_event_date_for_talk(b)) %}
                    <a class="text-blue-primary dark:text-blue-400" href="{{ talk.url }}">
                        {{ talk.title }}

                <p class="mt-1">{{ talk.description }}</p>
        {% endfor %}