layout: page
title: Products and Services
        title: Drupal development subscription
        description: |
            In less time than it takes to post on a job board, and for a fraction of the cost, get unlimited access to a certified Drupal development expert, core contributor and multiple-time DrupalCon speaker for a fixed monthly fee. No surprises. Cancel anytime.
        perMonth: true
        price: 5000
        isFrom: true
            text: Register now
            url: /subscription
        title: Drupal upgrade roadmap
        description: |
            Are you stuck on an already or soon-to-be unsupported version of Drupal? Get a personalised roadmap of your Drupal website, including details and actionable steps to upgrade it.
        price: 5000
            text: Book your roadmap now
            url: /drupal-upgrade
        title: Diagnosis
        description: |
            An in-depth investigation into a single issue where I'll provide a report with my findings and advice on the next steps. Once you've purchased, you can book a Zoom call with me to discuss what you want me to investigate.
        price: 2500
            text: Book now
            url: https://buy.stripe.com/00gbJs84G2jg8Vy9AJ
        title: Private talk or workshop
        description: |
            If you found one of my public speaking presentations or workshops useful, I'm available for private speaking engagements on a variety of topics to help your team succeed.
        price: 2000
        isFrom: true
            text: Schedule a talk
            url: https://buy.stripe.com/eVa4h0bgSaPM6NqcMU
        title: 1-on-1 consulting call
        description: |
            Book a 1-on-1 video call, and I can help you by answering questions about software development, architecture and automation, helping you write your first automated test, or reviewing some of your code and giving advice and suggestions.
        price: 350
            text: Book your call now
            url: /call
        title: Pair program with me
        description: |
            Would you like another pair of eyes on your code, providing real-time suggestions and feedback rather than waiting for a code review? Book a 2-hour pair programming call and we can work on your code together.
        price: 499
            text: Book your session now
            url: /pair
        title: Introduction to Automated Testing in Drupal - 10-day email course
        description: |
            Register for my free email course on automated testing in Drupal.
            text: Register now
            url: /atdc
        title: Drupal module template
        description: |
            If you're creating a new Drupal module, try starting with my free module template for Drupal 9 and 10.
            text: Download
            url: https://github.com/opdavies/drupal-module-template

{% block content %}

{% for product in page.products %}

      {{ product.title }} -
      {{ product.isFrom ? 'from' }}
      {% if product.price %}
        £{{ product.price|number_format() }}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      {{ product.perMonth ? 'per month' }}

        {{ product.description }}

        {% if product.remainingPlaces == 1 %}
          <strong>1 place remaining!</strong>
        {% elseif product.remainingPlaces > 1 %}
          <strong>{{ product.remainingPlaces }} places remaining!</strong>
        {% elseif product.isLimited %}
          <strong>Limited places available!</strong>
        {% endif %}

      <a href="{{ product.link.url }}">
        {{ product.link.text }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content_top %}
  {% include 'message.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}