title: "Drupal.org in 2015: What's Coming Next"
description: A retrospective of the Drupal Association’s work in 2014 and a look forward to what we’ll be working on in 2015.
  id: 0cf8d7b647c94ae289e9db2b46a9e8f2
  ratio: "1.77777777777778"
  url: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/drupal-dot-org-in-14
  - name: DrupalCamp Brighton
    location: Brighton, UK
    date: 2015-01-18
  - name: DrupalCamp London 2015
    location: London, UK
    date: 2015-02-28

A retrospective of the Drupal Association’s work in 2014 and a look forward to what we’ll be working on in 2015.