title: "My first six months at Transport for Wales"
    It's been a busy six months since I started working as a Lead Software
    Developer at Transport for Wales.
date: 2021-12-03
tags: ["personal"]

It's been a busy six months since I started working as a Lead Software
Developer at Transport for Wales back in  June.

My main focus has been being part on the development team for the new
[tfw.wales] and [trc.cymru] websites, which replaced the previous tfwrail.wales
and trctrenau.cymru websites.

Some of my personal highlights have been:

- Completion of the initial phase 1 project that went live in September, based
    on Drupal 8.9.
- Upgrading the phase 1 project from Drupal 8.9 to 9.2 over several iterations
    alongside new development and other BAU tasks.
- Creating containerised versions of each of our applications using Docker,
    creating consistent local environments for us to use.
- The introduction of automated testing and other code quality tools, such as
    PHPStan for static analysis, for any new code, and automating this using
    Bitbucket Pipelines and the new Docker images.
- Continuing to work with a range of technologies - Drupal, Symfony and API
    Platform, Vue.js, TypeScript, Acquia Cloud, and Amazon AWS and S3.

We've already been working on the second phase of the TfW websites, integrating
some of our other websites, and adding new features whilst continuing to
maintain and improve the existing codebase.

I'm currently supporting another project team at the moment too - their project
is going live next week - and will look into writing more week- or month-notes
going forward.

I've continued [working with Neovim](/blog/going-full-vim) as my daily
IDE/text-editor tool, have continued working on my [freelance development and
consulting projects](/drupal-php-developer), and started to squeeze in [some
more live streams](https://oliverdavies.live) too!

[tfw.wales]: https://tfw.wales
[trc.cymru]: https://trc.cymru