<?php namespace App\Tests\Opdavies\TwigExtension; use App\Opdavies\TwigExtension\OpdaviesTwigExtension; use Dflydev\DotAccessConfiguration\Configuration; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Sculpin\Contrib\ProxySourceCollection\ProxySourceItem; class OpdaviesTwigExtensionTest extends TestCase { private OpdaviesTwigExtension $extension; public function setUp(): void { $this->extension = new OpdaviesTwigExtension(); } public function testNoPastEvents(): void { $talk = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('+1 days'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $this->assertTalkCount(expectedCount: 0, talks: [$talk]); } public function testSinglePastEvent(): void { $talkA = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('+1 days'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $talkB = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('-3 days'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $this->assertTalkCount(expectedCount: 1, talks: [$talkA, $talkB]); } public function testSingleTalkWithMultiplePastEvents(): void { $talk = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 days'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 week'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 year'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $this->assertTalkCount(expectedCount: 3, talks: [$talk]); } public function testSingleTalkWithMultiplePastAndFutureEvents(): void { $talk = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('+1 day'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 day'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 week'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('+1 year'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 year'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $this->assertTalkCount(expectedCount: 3, talks: [$talk]); } public function testMultiplePastEvents(): void { $talkA = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('-1 days'))->getTimestamp()], ['date' => (new \DateTime('+1 days'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $talkB = $this->createTalk( events: [ ['date' => (new \DateTime('-3 days'))->getTimestamp()], ], ); $this->assertTalkCount(expectedCount: 2, talks: [$talkA, $talkB]); } /** * Assert the extension uses the correct number of talks. */ private function assertTalkCount(int $expectedCount, array $talks): void { self::assertSame( actual: $this->extension->getPastTalkCount($talks), expected: $expectedCount, ); } /** * Create a mock talk with a list of events. */ private function createTalk(array $events): ProxySourceItem { $configuration = $this->createMock(Configuration::class); $configuration->method('get')->with($this->identicalTo('events'))->willReturn($events); $talk = $this->createMock(ProxySourceItem::class); $talk->method('data')->willReturn($configuration); return $talk; } }