title: Discussing Drush and Laravel Prompts with Jess Archer
date: 2024-11-09
permalink: daily/2024/11/09/discussing-drush-and-laravel-prompts-with-jess-archer
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - drush
  - php
  - laravel
  - podcast
cta: ~
snippet: |
  In this Beyond Blocks podcast episode, I speak with Jess Archer about Drush and Laravel Prompts.
drupal_planet: true

In this week's Beyond Blocks podcast episode, I spoke to [Jess Archer][1] - Engineering Team Lead at Laravel.

We discuss Laravel Prompts which was released at Laracon US last year and added to Drush 13, but also about PHP, Laravel, Neovim, working in the terminal and bullet journaling.

[Listen to the episode now][0].

[0]: {{site.url}}/podcast/25-jess-archer-drush-laravel-prompts
[1]: https://x.com/jessarchercodes