title: Running NixOS in the Cloud
date: 2024-11-28
permalink: daily/2024/11/28/running-nixos-in-the-cloud
  - software-development
  - linux
  - nixos
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  I recently set up a new NixOS-based VPS for managing my personal server and websites, so now I'm running NixOS everywhere!

Yesterday I explained that Nix, or specifically NixOS, [can be used to manage your entire operating system][2] in a declarative and reproducible way.

My initial experience was running it on my laptop as a replacement for another Linux distribution, which I use to configure everything about my laptop and development environment, including my i3 window manager, Neovim and tmux configurations.

I recently also started to use it on a new VPS to host several static websites, including this one and [various examples I've created as demos][0] or for presentations.

Similarly to my laptop, I was able to declaratively install any required utilities, enable the Nginx web server, open firewall ports, add my virtual hosts and create and apply the required SSL certificates.

And I can do this locally using [the same NixOS configuration files][1] and applying it to the remote server.

Now I'm running NixOS everywhere!

[0]: {{site.url}}/blog/uis-ive-rebuilt-tailwind-css
[1]: https://github.com/opdavies/dotfiles/tree/ec2767adfb6667184f884080a4f9b5d2a388a03d/nix/hosts/hetznix
[2]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/11/27/nix-as-an-operating-system