title: Review of the Image Caption Module
date: 2010-08-20
excerpt: My review of Drupal’s Image Caption module.
    - drupal
    - drupal-6
    - drupal-planet
    - image-caption
    - imagefield

Up until as recent as last week, whenever I added an image into one of my Blog
posts, I was manually adding the caption below each image and styling it
accordingly. That was until I installed the
[Image Caption](http://drupal.org/project/image_caption) module.

The Image Caption module uses jQuery to dynamically add captions to images. Here
is a walkthrough of the process that I followed to install and configure the
module. As always, I used Drush to download and enable the module, then visited
the Image Caption Settings page (admin/settings/image_caption). Here, I select
which node types should be included in image captioning. In my case, I only
wanted this to apply to Blog posts.

As I use the [FileField](http://drupal.org/project/filefield),
[ImageField](http://drupal.org/project/imagefield) and
[Insert](http://drupal.org/project/insert) modules to add images to my posts, as
opposed to via a WYSIWYG editor, I'm able to add the CSS class of 'caption' to
my images.

Now, all images inserted this way will have the CSS class of 'caption'.

As the Image Caption module uses the image's title tag to create the displayed
caption, I enabled the custom title text for my Image field so that when I
upload an image, I'm prompted to enter text for the caption.

This results in a span called `image-caption-container` around the inserted
image, and a caption below it called `image-caption` containing the text.

All that's left is to style these classes within your CSS stylesheet.