--- title: 'Test-Driven Drupal: The Book' ---

I'm currently (in January 2022) working on this book again, and will update this page in due course.

For now, bookmark the book's page on LeanPub or take a look at the example application that I'm building on GitHub.

Having given talks and workshops, been a guest on podcasts and written articles about automated testing in Drupal, I’m currently in the planning phase of a book and potentially some accompanying screencasts about it, focussing on Drupal 8.

I’m still thinking about what use-cases to cover and examples to include, but here are some of the things I’m considering:

I’ll most likely be publishing it via Leanpub, and will be sending free chapters, early-bird discounts and links to screencasts and blog posts as I write the book to subscribers of the mailing list.

If you have questions or would like to suggest something for me to include in the book, please contact me.

{% include 'test-driven-drupal-subscribe-form.html.twig' %}